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< earlier kibitzing | Sep-15+ | later kibitzing >
Sep-16-08 Magnus Carlsen
Rolfo: I will miss vanWely if he is being kicked out, I like this man
Sep-16-08 Leko vs Radjabov, 2006
Once: <zb2cr: Chess is such a beautiful game! There are so many ways to win in this particular example after the key move 45. Nf6!> Wholly agree - that's the fascination of the game for me. And let's not forget the alternative solution to ...
Sep-16-08 Women's World Championship (2008)
firefly3: Why hasn't chessgames uploaded the Kosteniuk - Yifan games?
Sep-16-08 Conquest vs M Yeo, 2008
beenthere240: Resignation a little early perhaps, but the impending march of the c pawn is tough to stop.
Sep-16-08 A Nickel vs The World, 2008
kwid: << We need help at the 9..h6 forum - User: mckmck.>> How about prove reading our lines with Rybka3 on a fast computer? This would really help the team to make the proper decision between Bd7 or h6. Where is Guenter and Ceri? ...
Sep-16-08 Kibitzer's Café
Udit Narayan: Are you OK?
Sep-16-08 Vladimir Kramnik
you vs yourself: With <WWP> talking about Kramnik's fritz and <pawnsgambit> saying how Anand would beat the crap out of Kramnik right after a -2 score, I'm convinced these guys don't believe a thing they're saying.
Sep-16-08 Wesley So
makunat: Guys, let us not be distracted by poor performances. the tournament isn't over yet, It is unrealistic to expect that Wesley can play consistently well since he is only 14 and playing in his fifth international tournament since last ...
Sep-16-08 M Deutschmann
whiteshark: Alles Gute zum Fünfzigsten!! <Es gibt Zeiten des Steinewerfens und Zeiten des Steinesammelns> Interview mit Matthias Deutschmann --> "Satire gibt oft zu Missverständnissen Anlass..." ...
Sep-16-08 J Werle vs D Fridman, 2008
DarthStapler: Nice game
Sep-16-08 Ossip Bernstein
Oliveira: <syracrophy> Great puzzle of a great player! 1.c5!!, b5; 2.a3!, b4; 3.a4! - zugz!
Sep-16-08 Tal vs Conquest, 1988
RookFile: I guess he had a bad day.
Sep-16-08 Matthias Robotka
DarthStapler: Robots!
Sep-16-08 European Union Championships (2008)
PhilFeeley: Short beat Conquest today to come within 1/2 a point of the lead. Werle, Adams and Laznick are still on top with 6.5. The last rounds should be interesting.
Sep-16-08 P Cramling vs Kosteniuk, 2008
Astardis: I'm a little disappointed with this game since I really would have wished for Pia to fight harder. Maybe even go all the way and play 1. e4 to whatever result. Her opening choice seems to be so unambitious.
Sep-16-08 S Gordon vs Bacrot, 2008
drmariogodrob: Just thought I'd try to call attention to this destructive final combination by Bacrot which never made it to the board. On 29. Rd2 Qd4+ 30. Rxd4 Bxd4+...and when you have to play a move like 31. Qe3 to avoid mate, well...probably ...
Sep-16-08 Botvinnik vs Capablanca, 1938
Miachonzinho: On this game Bottivinik gives to his opponent the chance to win a [Tower] Pawn and, with this, put the Knight out of the fight theather.
Sep-16-08 Ehrhardt Post
sneaky pete: Wilhelm Müller: Die Post Von der Straße her ein Posthorn klingt. Was hat es, daß es so hoch aufspringt, Mein Herz? Die Post bringt keinen Brief für dich. Was drängst du denn so wunderlich, Mein Herz? Nun ja, die Post kommt ...
Sep-16-08 Odd Lie
ravel5184: "I get it!"
Sep-16-08 King's Indian (E73)
ravel5184: <E73> What's up with your ECO page? Only 1 kibitz? (well 2 now). P.S. Chessmaster always plays this against me!
Sep-16-08 J Rukavina vs Karpov, 1973
Poisonpawns: Bad opening by white
Sep-16-08 Kmoch vs Nimzowitsch, 1930
Domdaniel: While Nimzowitsch rarely played the KID or other ...g6/Bg7 defences as Black - apart from some experiments with a double fianchetto defence, as in this game - his games as White offer some analogous examples of g3/Bg2/c4. Not the King's
Sep-16-08 Robert James Fischer
Riverbeast: <Except for Corus, the strongest tournaments of 2008 have been dominated by the 1990s generation> And they're all being dominated by players that Kasparov used to dominate!
Sep-16-08 Barak
Whitehat1963: More ridiculous lies about Obama:
Sep-16-08 Josip Rukavina
Poisonpawns: Yugoslavian/Croatian IM Defeated Tal and Korchnoi in 1973 Interzonal tournament.Chessmetrics has him at 2591 in 1973 and he was #82 on 1973 ratings list.
Sep-16-08 E Post vs Tartakower, 1914
whiteshark: <A photograph of Carl Carls watching a game in Mannheim in 1914 between Ehrhardt Post and Savielly Tartakower>: , which is of course 'posed' as Post had White in their game.
Sep-16-08 Carl Johan Margot Carls
whiteshark: Player of the Day Obligatory bio link: "A photograph of Carl Carls watching a game in Mannheim in 1914 between Ehrhardt Post and Savielly Tartakower": , ...
Sep-16-08 F Delay vs O Renet, 1988
kevin86: At one time,white has two queen,but is behind in material as black has queen,rook,knight,and bishop.
Sep-16-08 Kenneth Rogoff
Strongest Force: <GC: it was Clinton> Contrary to popular beliefs, the Clinton and Bush clans are like kissing cousins. For those who enslave mankind, it is necessary to control all sides of a arguement. For this the Illuminati relied on ...
Sep-16-08 Jose Raul Capablanca
Petrosianic: I think we can give him the benefit of the doubt on that one, at least. Alekhine went back to France and joined the French Army as an interpreter, I believe. I don't think he needed any great excuses to avoid a world championship ...
Sep-16-08 Viswanathan Anand
timhortons: pic of vishy riding in a train, India.
Sep-16-08 Tarrasch vs Carls, 1914
Jack Kerouac: Brilliant game by Black!!
Sep-16-08 Raymond Keene
medstu56: lol the pirc, sure sign of a moron
Sep-16-08 James E Tarjan
medstu56: raymond keene dissed this guy in his profile
Sep-16-08 Paris vs Budapest, 1843
Harvestman: The mistakes usually are easy. It's finding the good moves that is the hard bit.
Sep-16-08 Morphy vs S Boden, 1858
kevin86: It seems that fewer people resigned in the past that now. It is almost an unforgivable faux pas to be mated today. Morphy score with three pawns on the seventh,just one move before the mate.
Sep-16-08 V Aveskulov vs K Miton, 2008
whiteshark: <33...Rb5> (idea is to activate the rook via Rb4 on 4th line) ...
Sep-16-08 Kosteniuk vs P Cramling, 2008
beenthere240: Peculiar french -- usually c5 is thematic freeing move. It looked like a position from a Nimzo defense 1. e4 Nc6. And then when c5 was played on move 18, it accelerated white's attack. White was smart not to castle.
Sep-16-08 R Schnelli vs R Flugrat, 1989
KokeFischer: This games does not make sense... Bc4 loses the knight of h3. Then 0-0-0 and White resigned? What?!
Sep-16-08 Ashley vs V Kosyrev, 2001
The Bycote: I've been looking through some old Chess Life magazines and I saw this game published in the August 2001 issue. I'll be darned if both of these powerful GMs didn't overlook 27. Rxg7+! What a pity, this would have made a good puzzle if ...
Sep-16-08 E Spaete vs M Robotka, 2006
whiteshark: Well, you know what they say ... "Long analysis, wrong analysis."
Sep-16-08 Veselin Topalov
parisattack: <PS: Chessbase have "Full report to follow" for their last Bilbao report since Saturday. I know it's unpleasant for them Topa to win but still one final report for this tournament is needed.> I am glad I am not the only person ...
Sep-16-08 Anatoli Karpov
you vs yourself: <Another problem is that it's not written specifically for chess-players, so at times he has no choice but to be over-simplistic. Having said that, the pages where he reveals the secrets of his own thinking are priceless.> ...
Sep-16-08 Bilbao Grand Slam Chess Final (2008)
Phoenix: Haha, I just had a weird dream that the tournament was still going on, and Anand lost another game. This kind of tournament doesn't happen too often, and when it does, I guess it leaves quite a big impression :)
Sep-16-08 Karjakin vs Ivanchuk, 2008
patzer2: <computer chess guy> is right. After 36. Rf7! dxe2 37. gxh7+ Kxf7 38. h8Q White Queens a pawn with decisive material advantage. Also, instead of 38. dxe4? White can gain a ...
Sep-16-08 Olland vs Teichmann, 1907
JG27Pyth: So, anybody? Why was this game drawn? White seems to have a win here.
Sep-16-08 Marshall vs Capablanca, 1927
The Rocket: instead of resigning marshall can play nc6 or ne6 and its draw by threefold according to chessmaster
Sep-16-08 Erwin Spaete
OlafR: One-openning-guy.
Sep-16-08 S Ravot vs J C Olivier, 2007
arnakor: After 27.Qe3? (27.f4 with a very small plus for black but it must be draw), black is just winning. So what happened ? Around move 36, black lost on time despite the fact that ...
Sep-16-08 M Parligras vs S Ravot, 2005
arnakor: Ok, my 2nd win against a GM, I guess I have to kibitz some words. 1) Great pleasure to get a result with this "home opening". 2) White could have simply won a pawn with 45.Nd4 . 3) 3
Sep-16-08 Plachetka vs S Ravot, 2005
arnakor: Well, it's not pointless, it's just a King's Indian without light squares bishops, which is simply awful ! I did know it, but 1)I was not very aware that it could happen in this opening, and 2)It was nevertheless an honnor to take this ...
Sep-16-08 V Laznicka vs D Howell, 2008
aragorn69: On the 25th move???
Sep-16-08 Bacrot vs S Ravot, 2004
arnakor: 36.c5 1-0 was the actual game.
Sep-16-08 Tal vs Yusupov, 1988
pom nasayao: Yeah, black lost time, were it not, how could one with superior material lose, especially when there is no evident attack yet?
Sep-16-08 G Welling vs Eingorn, 2006
whiteshark: Your will find many more <<shining examples <<>>>> for the danger of this special pawn structure in pawn endgames in <Tim Krabbe's <open chess diary>> under <# 322. 17 August 2006: A move rarely ...
Sep-16-08 V Spassov vs Tal, 1990
pom nasayao: There is no fight left for Tal. He is not meant to be a defender.
Sep-16-08 Short vs Tal, 1989
pom nasayao: Black is lost after 35. Bc8
Sep-16-08 Tal vs J M De La Villa Garcia, 1989
pom nasayao: Nice maneuvering. Tal was just patiently waiting his opponent to commit a mistake.
Sep-16-08 Carlsen vs Radjabov, 2008
addiction to chess: <InspiredByMorphy> Thank you for the annotations but isn't it that in your analysis, after 36.Nexc3 Qxc3 and Blackis winnning?(note: both the knight and the rook are pinned)
Sep-16-08 F Kellermann vs R Goldt, 1982
areknames: This opening is absolute rubbish. Gives away a pawn for no compensation.
Sep-16-08 V Malakhov vs D Kryakvin, 2008
Xeroxx: 29.h4 is complete blackout. 29.Qxg5 wins
Sep-16-08 T Hillarp Persson vs Tiviakov, 2008
Xeroxx: 21.Be3 is not very good
Sep-16-08 Karpov vs Korchnoi, 1994
JuliusCaesar: Korchnoi annotated this game in-depth for New in Chess. Fascinating stuff, as I recall, not just the move-by-move analysis but also his interesting and entertaining reflections on the game and his formidable opponent. Korchnoi, who's
Sep-16-08 E Spaete vs G Vogel, 2004
Xeroxx: what a game (of chess)
Sep-16-08 Tal vs I Rogers, 1991
pom nasayao: Neither Black's 20. __ Rc7 could work because of 21. Nxe7+ Rxe7+ 22. Kd2 Bg6 23. b5!
Sep-16-08 Adams vs A David, 2008
luzhin: 55...Qc6+ 56.Be4! is the killer.
Sep-16-08 I Krasenkova vs Tal, 1991
pom nasayao: White is forced to play 31. Kg2 because of the threat Ng8+
Sep-16-08 Ziatdinov vs D Gurevich, 1995
Woody Wood Pusher: <once> thanks for looking at that for me, I thought the Nf2 line was at least playable and this proves it. Cheers. <JFQ> Its the thought that counts so thank you as well!
Sep-16-08 Hans Bouwmeester
ILikeFruits: who is... this... cat...
Sep-16-08 McDonnell vs La Bourdonnais, 1834
onesax: <mindmaster: why not 15. ... Qxb2?> 15. ... Qxb2??? 16. Bxh7+ and black's queen is gone 1-0
Sep-16-08 A Winster vs S Eira, 1953
jovack: White is foolish. I had an opponent (who was much higher in "rating" than myself at the time) try an early bishop sac before to draw my king out and I crushed him. The extra minor piece makes all the difference. Then again, (not to ...
Sep-16-08 Vasja Pirc
brankat: <just a kid> Don't worry, You're getting there, slowly, but surely :-)
Sep-16-08 Borislav Kostic
brankat: <myschkin> Thank You for this, and also for the posts on Dr.M.Vidmar page. Now, if I only understood German :-) <GrahamClayton> B.Kostic was already very ill, mostly due to pneumonia he got in 1962.
Sep-16-08 Borislav Ivkov
brankat: Good work <timhortons>!
Sep-16-08 Verica Nedeljkovic
brankat: Happy Birthday Verica!
Sep-16-08 Gata Kamsky
AnalyzeThis: If Kamsky's openings are there, then why wouldn't he have a chance against Topalov. Kamsky has always been a strong endgame player. It will be a battle of wills between Topalov's wish to complicate and Kamsky's wish to grind his ...
Sep-16-08 Kasparov vs Ivanchuk, 1998
jovack: feel the burn kasparov pwns ivanchuk here
Sep-16-08 Fischer vs Panno, 1970
AnalyzeThis: This game is a wonderful example of how an immobile setup of black's gets destoyed by white's rapid buildup on the kingside.
Sep-16-08 Aronian vs Radjabov, 2008
ahmadov: <It wasn't really a good game by Radjabov at all.> <It wasn't really a good game by Radjabov at all. 43 g8-h7! was winning for White, as was the obvious 45 b1-e1. Aronian's 45 e2-b2?? is just inexplicable.> Your own post on ...
Sep-16-08 E Najer vs Ehlvest, 2005
whiteshark: <56.Rc5??> is a terrible slip of attention. It was of course natural to exchange the last black pawn and win with the pair of own marching peasants, e.g. <56.cxd3+ Kxd3> (or 56...Kd4 57.Rb5 Kc3 58.Kb1 Rb2+ 59.Ka1 Rg2 60.a5
Sep-16-08 Anand vs Shirov, 2004
whiteshark: Position after 38.Rxa7+ is a tablebase draw. [DIAGRAM]
Sep-16-08 A Hauchard vs Shirov, 1990
zatara: <Shirov’s note at move 16 reads: ‘It is surprising that, when making this move, I had already seen the possibility of a queen sacrifice on move 28.’>where is exactly the queen sac??
Sep-15-08 Pillsbury vs Showalter, 1897
whiteshark: Position after <43.Re3>: [DIAGRAM] This should end as draw, shouldn't it?
Sep-15-08 R Schulder vs S Boden, 1853
AnalyzeThis: It boggles the mind to try to imagine what in the world was going through Schulder's brain when he played 9. f4. "Hmm.... let's see. I'm behind in development, and my king is exposed. What should I do? Why - I'll move a meaningless ...
Sep-15-08 K Arakhamia-Grant vs S Khukhashvili, 2007
whiteshark: Position after <68.Rxe5+> is a tablebase draw. [DIAGRAM]
Sep-15-08 A Gara vs Korbut, 2007
whiteshark: Position after <62.Nxb8> is a tablebase draw. [DIAGRAM]
Sep-15-08 A Moussa vs A Fulton, 2004
Jason Frost: 25. exf5 Qxf4 26. Rxf4 Rxb2 27. fxg6 hxg6 28. Kg1 Nd7 29. Bxg6 Ne5 30. Be4 c4 31. Nc7 Ra2 32. Ne6 and it looks like whites forces become coordinated in time to stops blacks pawns, nevertheless I would say that black resigned ...
Sep-15-08 Tartakower vs Von Scheve, 1905
Yuri Y: PP What if after 28... Ba5+ 29 Ke3 Then 29...Qxd1 doesn't come with check.
Sep-15-08 K Rogoff vs DeFirmian, 1985
AnalyzeThis: There must have been a miscalculation or hallucination involved here.
Sep-15-08 Christian Braun
jaydes: Braun is on the playchess server these days, he's got quite an active style of play.
Sep-15-08 Fischer vs K Darga, 1960
AnalyzeThis: The Bishop to c1 to f4 was an excellent sequence in this game.
Sep-15-08 Kasparov vs Topalov, 1999
jaydes: I don't usually respond to trolls, but I'll make an exception. Sure, anyone can move pieces around, but there's a difference between Woody Wood pushing / "faggoty shuffling" (in the words of your favourite player Short) and testosterone ...
Sep-15-08 Larsen vs Spassky, 1970
PinnedPiece: . <===> Guess the move Score = 29 Par = 30 <===> <notyetagm: 14...h8-h1> I agree is the most off-the-wall, out of nowhere, amazing, beautiful move. I especially enjoyed it while playing guess the move, ...
Sep-15-08 Rybka vs Junior, 2007
Sep-15-08 Reti Opening (A06)
norcist: grrr ok ok the move is 2.b3?!....still nimzo...still not discussed. Of course it is a bit passive, but ther is certainly nothing wrong with it.
Sep-15-08 Vasily Smyslov
norcist: <littlefermat> hmmm I can see where confusion would arise...what, in chess terms, does "maneuvering" mean?? Your definition basically hits it on the head for me, although I might rather say "a combination whose aim is not immediate
Sep-15-08 Deep Fritz vs Deep Junior, 2001
whiteshark: :D
Sep-15-08 Anand vs C Batchuluun, 2006
SetNoEscapeOn: In its article on this Olympiad Chess Life that the Indian team "used a thermonuclear device where a pea-shooter would have sufficed" by using Ananad against this team. Unfortunately, Anand himself played more like a .22 than a ...
Sep-15-08 A Timofeev vs I Smikovski, 2008
whiteshark: Better was <19...Qxe2+ 20.Qxe2 Rxe2+ 21.Kd1 bxc6> when White is only an exchange up for a pawn. [DIAGRAM]
Sep-15-08 Shirov vs Judit Polgar, 1994
whiteshark: A QRR endgame with <39.Rf3 Nc5 40.Be6 Nxe6 ...
Sep-15-08 Nigel Short
HannibalSchlecter: "A little nonsense now and then is cherished by the wisest men."- Willy Wonka
Sep-15-08 Capablanca vs Alekhine, 1927
capin: can humans win against the newest computer engines running in the current powerful computers? Maybe some game, but in general computer engines wins.... therefore, computers play better chess than today humans. That's a fact! And in this ...
Sep-15-08 Igor Novikov
Jason Frost: He has been at least 2733(2002) USCF according to members service area of His highest Fide since 2000 was 2611, but it is quite likley that he was somewhat higher before then as the peak was in July 2000 and I recall ...
Sep-15-08 Denker vs Botvinnik, 1945
dwavechess: Most rybkalike playing for black by Botvinnik from thousands of games I put Rybka to analysis
Sep-15-08 E Tate vs G Orlov, 1995
ILikeFruits: do you... know of the... emory university... in the us... of a...
Sep-15-08 Gligoric vs L Jongsma, 1970
Lutwidge: Exciting endgame...
Sep-15-08 Uncommon Opening (A00)
Cactus: M Basman vs D Gurevich, 1994 Possibly the coolest name for an opening.
Sep-15-08 Deep Fritz vs Kramnik, 2006
Woody Wood Pusher: Just shows the risks any player runs without regular bathroom breaks.
Sep-15-08 Shirov vs Judit Polgar, 1996
whiteshark: <Shirov recommends 11...h6 as an improvement.> ... and whiteshark recommends 11...exf5 as another improvement. :D
Sep-15-08 Rybka (Computer)
yalie: I'd like to see Anand, Ivanchuk or Carlsen play Rybka in a nice long match.
Sep-15-08 Albin vs Winawer, 1896
dwavechess: 17/22, little less using R3 at minutes per move for Winawer.
Sep-15-08 Anderssen vs Bird, 1878
sneaky pete: Does it? After 22.Re4 Qc2 I don't see how. Schallopp gives the drawing line 22.Re3 .. (if .. Nxe3 23.Qxf6+ Kg8 24.Qg5+ ..). Position after 18... Bg4 [DIAGRAM] Schallopp mentions 19.Nxg4 Kh8 20.Nh6 Qd2 21.Re3 Nd5 22.Qh4 .. with 23.Rh3
Sep-15-08 Bu Xiangzhi
memento mori: Bu Xiangzhi will lead the Chinese team in the 5th China vs Russia Chess Match The 5th China vs Russia Chess Match takes place 18th-27th September 2008, in Ningpo, China. 18th-23rd September standard (90+30), 24th-26th September rapid
Sep-15-08 Adams vs Z Kozul, 1999
Whitehat1963: Excellent Wednesdayish puzzle after 34...Rgf8.
Sep-15-08 C Bauer vs V Malakhov, 2003
whiteshark: <55.Kf1 <??>> This is certainly a mistake in the scoresheet, since out of white's five legal replies the move 55.Kf1 is the only one, that loses due to <55...d2!
Sep-15-08 61st Russian Championship Higher League (2008)
Chesscomedian: Best Game so far: A Timofeev vs I Smikovski, 2008
Sep-15-08 Wallace
Jim Bartle: Amen.
Sep-15-08 Hanna Marie Klek
alexmagnus: Game from the first round: [Event "European Youth Championship"] [Site "?"] [Date "2008.09.15"] [Round "1"] [White "Klek, Hanna Marie"] [Black "Biciuc, Valentina"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "1964"] [PlyCount ...
Sep-15-08 DeFirmian vs G Forintos, 1982
whiteshark: The exchange-sacrifice <15...Rxc3 16.bxc3 Nxa2> looks playable here, e.g. <17.Ra1 Nxc3 18.Qd2 Qc7> [DIAGRAM] =/unclear
Sep-15-08 Adler vs Maroczy, 1896
notyetagm: One of the original games played in the <BUDAPEST DEFENSE>.
Sep-15-08 Kramnik vs Mamedyarov, 2008
notyetagm: The <BUDAPEST DEFENSE> seems to be a perfect opening for blitz/rapid games if you are a tactical genius at <PIECE PLAY> like Mamedyarov. In the database Mamedyarov has essayed it 8 times with no(!) losses.
Sep-15-08 H Herraiz Hidalgo vs Mamedyarov, 2008
notyetagm: Mamedyaorv kicking more ...
Sep-15-08 Karpov vs M Piescikowski, 1997
Brown: Not too bad of a blunder if he's already lost, as black is here. The rook must move, leaving the a-pawn or d-pawn to be taken.
Sep-15-08 Bradford vs I Novikov, 2006
Lutwidge: Quite a tussle.
Sep-15-08 Judit Polgar vs L Gutman, 1987
Cactus: A better pun would be simply "Gutted". :)
Sep-15-08 J H Donner vs H Bouwmeester, 1948
Sem: Dear Papablanca, Donner deeply resented being called 'Jan Hein'. He was either 'Hein' or 'J.H. Donner'.
Sep-15-08 Reti vs Tartakower, 1926
norcist: wow ur right <Knight13> there must have been some serious time trouble during this game
Sep-15-08 O Reeh vs Tal, 1989
ToTheDeath: Very nice breakthrough by White- but's what the winning plan in this position? Can Black set up a fortress?
Sep-15-08 M-Chess vs Yermolinsky, 1994
Whitehat1963: I'm CERTAIN that GM Nickel will play worse than white did in this game.
Sep-15-08 S Maus vs Tal, 1991
whiteshark: Different data from megabse and database: [Event "Bundesliga 9091"] [Site "Germany"] [Date "1990.10.06"] [Round "0"] [Eco "E61"]
Sep-15-08 Marshall vs Duras, 1913
fm avari viraf: A beautiful move 14...Ng4! played by Duras leaving Marshall in a mating net. If White grabs the Bishop 15.Rxc5 then 15...Rhf8+ 16.Kg1 & Re1# If 15.h3 then 15...Nh2# The text move wins a piece.
Sep-15-08 Carlsen vs Topalov, 2008
InspiredByMorphy: Was 26.e5 N(moves) followed by 27.Nb3 better as it guards the d pawn?
Sep-15-08 Smirin vs Gambit Tiger, 2002
Katu: Huh, i like that the comments were from a chatroom...
Sep-15-08 Tal vs Taimanov, 1958
gambitfan: This endgame Q + P // Q is a real nightmare ! ...
Sep-15-08 Budapest vs Paris, 1842
Katu: This game is very similar to this: Budapest vs Paris Chess Club, 1843
Sep-15-08 City of Budapest
Katu: The city was only theoretically split before 1873. Before that it was called "Pest-Buda". In culture, economy, politics etc. it was one city long ago. Only the administration of the Monarchy would say "it's two cities". So "The city of ...
Sep-15-08 Svetozar Gligoric
brankat: <ughaibu> Yes, the English translation is something else. At least I was able to enjoy the original text :-)
Sep-15-08 Deep Thought vs Bronstein, 1992
fm avari viraf: I'm very much surprised to see that Deep Thought missed mate in 2 moves. After, my friend Bronstein played 11...Nf6 12.Nxf6+ gxf6 13.Qxh7# Instead, Deep Thought played 12.Nxf7 Rxf7 13.Ng5 Bf5 14.Qxf5 g6? but I feel Black could have
Sep-15-08 D Lintchevski vs N Vitiugov, 2008
MagnumDefender: but 31...Nxc3 instead of f5 would lead to the win of a pawn, as in 31...Nxc3 32. Bxc3 Kxh6.
Sep-15-08 Bogoljubov vs Samisch, 1938
Resignation Trap: <gambitfan> Let's go a little earlier, after 65.h6: [DIAGRAM] Black to move According to Shredder Tablebase, , Black's 65...Qg2? was a mistake that allows white to win in 60 with ...
Sep-15-08 Botvinnik vs Minev, 1954
tsvanerp: If I was been black, I would go for a last trick: 91 .., Qc2+ 92 Qc4+ and now ... black reaches for his queen but "accidentally" touches the king, with a face expression "well, it doesn´t matter anyway, he moves 92 ..Ka3. White happy it ...
Sep-15-08 Topalov vs Kasparov, 2005
Sem: I don't agree with Whitehat1963. IMO the game changed again in the seventies, when people such as Karpov, Jan Timman and Ulf Andersson started playing an opaque sort of chess. They hid their intentions better than their predecessors, which ...
Sep-15-08 Alekhine vs Ratnovsky / Rosenberg, 1928
Calli: Yes 56...Kb2 draws because White can't advance the pawn 57.a4 Qf4+ or 57.Qd5 Qf4+ and Qa4
Sep-15-08 P Negi vs Hebden, 2005
zb2cr: Hi <GEWKS>, You wrote: "What was Blacks 29.....h5 all about?" See the post from <hitman84> on the first page.
Sep-15-08 Kramnik vs P Tregubov, 2002
notyetagm: There are four ways to <REMOVE THE GUARD>: <1) CAPTURE/ DESTRUCTION /ILLUSORY PROTECTION> … Ng5xf3! Hou Yifan-Kosteniuk Women's WCh (1) 2008 destroys White ...
Sep-15-08 Flohr vs Stahlberg, 1937
Chessdreamer: Colours were reversed = <Gideon Stahlberg vs. Salomon Flohr>.
Sep-15-08 Ivanchuk vs Aronian, 2008
Resignation Trap: Chucky did not leave the board until well after the game ended. Even after the two Kings were moved to the center by the arbiters, Ivanchuk was still seated there. See: , ...
Sep-15-08 Vassily Ivanchuk
Resignation Trap: <Geronimo> According to an interview on , Chuky plans to play in a rapid event near Rome, then on to the European Club Cup in Halkidiki, Greece on October 16-24. He is scheduled to ...
Sep-15-08 O Funk
Udit Narayan: He doesn't know when to resign.
Sep-15-08 Kramnik vs Topalov, 2003
southeuro: what's wrong with 23. Nc6 ? The line I can see is 23.. Rc6 24. Ba7 Qb7 25. Kc2 but now it seems 25..a5 is the only try but not enough compensation... any ideas?
Sep-15-08 Alexandra Kosteniuk
xky: She will win and she's got good home crowd support in her own country.
Sep-15-08 Topalov vs Ivanchuk, 2008
kevin86: The interlocking feature of black and white pieces reminds me of a brick wall. Are the white pieces the bricks and the black the mortar or is it the other way around?
Sep-15-08 F Caruana vs C Lupulescu, 2008
Whitehat1963: Fortunately, I've been spared that particular horror!
Sep-15-08 Alekhine vs Stoltz, 1942
gambitfan: Again a very interesting but very difficult endgame Q + P //
Sep-15-08 Kamsky vs Svidler, 2007
michaelkrink: Gata must take 48 KxBe2,then he must win.
Sep-15-08 Yifan Hou
kwi: She managed to save herself under time pressure(!) after playing too aggressively in the second game against Kosteniuk. She's still growing and gaining more experience playing in the big stage. I hope she'll grow much much further.
Sep-15-08 Tal vs Lautier, 1992
wanabe2000: If 59...Kf8 60.Kd7! taking control of the queening square.
Sep-15-08 M Sebenik vs Adams, 2008
Xeroxx: Probably 9.Ne5 is better than 9.Qe2
Sep-15-08 Milukas vs Stutkus, 1966
myschkin: . . . "Erst muß man kombinieren lernen, ehe man positionell spielen kann" Game Collection: The Goering Gambit
Sep-15-08 Mikhail Botvinnik
Richard Taylor: Botters was pretty dour old Russian party hack I think - a bit down in the mouth about Fischer and so on - certainly a great player but I get feeling that Smyslov was more interesting player and even possibly better and also more ...
Sep-15-08 Isaak Birbrager
myschkin: . . . <Isaak Schulimowitsch Birbrager > "Chess: Serious, for fun" [DIAGRAM] White to play ;)
Sep-15-08 Kiril Georgiev vs Van Wely, 1997
plang: Game 2 of their fourth round match from the World Championship tournament. The draw clinched the match for Van Wely who was then defeated by Adams in the fifth round. At the time & Re1 was relatively unexplored. Kramnik had won a nice game ...
Sep-15-08 D Hamburg
myschkin: . . . "Schnupperschach"
Sep-15-08 Fred A Foulds
Benzol: Happy Birthday Fred.
Sep-15-08 M Garakov vs D Chuprikov, 2008
ALwoodpusher: Wow! Lots of fireworks in this one! Something about 12...h6?! it does not seem to help black much. I wonder what engines think of this game... 15.Nxd5!? and 17.Bh3!!?
Sep-15-08 Cecil John Seddon Purdy
whiteshark: Olimpbase:
Sep-15-08 M Mudelsee vs C Lupulescu, 2008
Whitehat1963: Monday/Tuesday puzzle after 46. Kf6.
Sep-15-08 E Narodizky vs Tal, 1991
pom nasayao: Black's 31. Ke8 is subtly executed! It keeps the BKing away from the line of fire and in order to give way to Black's final devious plan.
Sep-15-08 M Gomez vs Tal, 1992
pom nasayao: The obvious move for Black after White 38th is Nd2+, then captures the p at c4. Although equal in material after that, W will be having a hard time protecting the a-pawn or exert counter-chances.
Sep-15-08 J Klovans vs Tal, 1951
0817: Besides the fact that 9...Qxe7 is a mistake in view of 10.Qa4+
Sep-15-08 J L Arnason vs Pribyl, 1990
DoubleCheck: 6...Ke8 7. Qf3 Nh6 8. Ne6!(wins trapped queen) Rf8 ?counter?>
Sep-15-08 Kusin vs Warfalamejew, 1973
DoubleCheck: Another example of the Qf3-type openings being to weak - if blacks plays a closed game as this one.. queen is trapped
Sep-15-08 K Grigorian vs Savon, 1973
DoubleCheck: h4 is too passive for my liking although it does steer away from the 'standard' e4 / d4 games
Sep-15-08 S Lazare
whiteshark: Is he identical to <Lazar Suchowolski> who is mentionend under the second last photo ( )?
Sep-15-08 Tal vs Darzniek Artur, 1953
pom nasayao: 25. Rxa5 makes black a pawn down, and the allows the unimpeded pawn roll in the b-file.
Sep-15-08 Tal vs Lutikov, 1964
dwavechess: Still 81% using Rybka 3 at 3 minutes per move.
Sep-15-08 Bogoljubov vs Rubinstein, 1920
whiteshark: <DoubleCheck> What about <12.Bxe4 dxe4 13.Nd2> for White?
Sep-15-08 Fischer vs Spassky, 1972
0o0o0o0o0: Good Monday puzzle.
Sep-15-08 Angel Arribas Lopez vs Negi, 2005
2ndNature: Isn't 32...Rc6 a blunder?
Sep-15-08 Tal vs Keres, 1954
zev22407: Kres wrote in his book that Tal played Q-h2 to allow 29)N-g3 and now if Rxf3 30)Rxf3 Qxf3 31)R-e1and white has consolidate his position.
Sep-15-08 S Fowler vs Short, 2008
Xeroxx: No it isnt "theory". But what says that a theory move has to be a good move? If you think about it all legal moves in a position could be seen as theory in a way just because they are possible.
Sep-15-08 A Riazantsev vs E Inarkiev, 2008
Xeroxx: Dont mess with the KID.
Sep-15-08 Topalov vs Anand, 2008
martinshortsays: <honza> I'm interested in this 22. Nd4 you speak of. Has anyone anything to say about that?
Sep-15-08 Antoaneta Stefanova
chessya11: To quote from Whitman: <What I don't understand is why players insist on playing 1...Nf6 when Stefanova has White. Stefanova has one answer to that, the Tromp. And invariably she knows the opening better than her opponent and wins.
Sep-15-08 Kasparov vs E Arlandi, 1988
areknames: Monday puzzle after 25..Nc6
Sep-15-08 E Arlandi vs Nunn, 1987
areknames: <Jim Bartle>, perhaps Nunn was referring to white's extra pawn and superior pawn structure? On the other hand black has the bishop pair, and there certainly appears to be a lot of play left in the position after 28.Qc1 (rather ...
Sep-15-08 Epishin vs P Smirnov, 2001
whiteshark: btw <10.Qc2> is Vladimir Epishin 's favourite line ( Games Like Epishin vs P Smirnov, 2001 ). Thus it's time to alter <Bayonet Attack <Yepishin's Line>>, no?
Sep-15-08 B Kharchenko vs Efthimios Kiratzopoulos, 2005
Lutwidge: Perhaps his cell phone went off.
Sep-15-08 D Gormally vs Beliavsky, 2008
Manic: <johnnyb> It loses to 35.Qxe6 fxe6 36.Nf6, threatening an Arabian mate. The only way to stop this is Rd7, when white forces the exchange leaving him a knight up with an easy win.
Sep-15-08 Yuri Averbakh
whiteshark: Quote of the Day <I have seen two geniuses in my time. One was Tal. The other was Fischer.> -- Averbakh Define genius.
Sep-15-08 Albert Becker
brankat: <FHBradley> Yes, You're right. Thanks for the correction.
Sep-15-08 Eugenio Torre
pinoymaster77: We will continue to lookout for the GMA Cup results to be included in the FIDE Oct projected ratings. Keen to see by how much will Eugene's ELO will rise.
Sep-15-08 Shirov vs Bareev, 1994
whiteshark: He's hopeless.
Sep-15-08 R Ris vs Kotronias, 2008
An Englishman: Good Evening: Well played Rook ending by Kotronias that should not go unnoticed.
Sep-15-08 Fedorov vs Kasparov, 2001
you vs yourself: <"[Fedorov] quickly made it clear that he did not intend to show too much respect for the august surroundings, or for his opponent....I admit I didn't have to do anything special to score this easy victory. My opponent had ...

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