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al wazir
Member since Feb-20-05 · Last seen Sep-12-08
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   al wazir has kibitzed 2675 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Sep-12-08 O Bernstein vs Metger, 1907 (replies)
al wazir: This is the first one I've gotten completely right since Tuesday. Have I become smarter?
   Sep-11-08 Team White vs Team Black, 2008
   Sep-11-08 Nimzowitsch vs P F Johner, 1907 (replies)
al wazir: <AgentRgent>: OK, I guess white does have a won game, but I would have played on a few more moves. As Nabokov put it in _Laughter in the Dark_, the details are interesting.
   Sep-11-08 K Grigorian vs Tal, 1973 (replies)
al wazir: Why not 23. Rxb6 ? If 23...Rxb6, then 24. Bxb6 Why not 27. Rxe7 ? Why not 30...Nxb6 ? Why not 37...Rb6, and if 38. Ra8 then 38...Nb5, heading for d4 ? Why not 48...Bd4 ? Why not 54...Bc1 ? Why not 60...Rc1, and if 61. a5 then 61...Rf1+ 62. Ke2 Re1+ 63. Kf2 Rc1 64. Kg2 Bd2 65. ...
   Sep-11-08 Znosko-Borovsky vs M Lewitt, 1906 (replies)
al wazir: I didn't get this. After 25. Nf6+ gxf6 26. gxf6+ Kh8, I couldn't find a continuation that wins. If 27. Rg7, then 27...Bg6. Now what? I spent an equal amount of time on 25. g6 and 25. Nh6+. No joy.
   Sep-10-08 Petrosian vs A Matanovic, 1959
al wazir: After 22. Nb6 axb6 23. cxb6 Qb7 24. bxc7 d5 25. Qc2 Rc8 26. Qc6 Rxc7 27. Qxe6+ Rff7 28. Rxd5 Rxc1+ 29. Bxc1, I rejected 29...h6 because of 30. Rd8+ Kh7 31. f5, threatening 32. Qg6#. (If 31...Rf6, then 32. Qg8#.) I didn't consider 29...Qc7, which looks more promising. After 30. Be3 ...
   Sep-09-08 Bilbao Grand Slam Chess Final (2008) (replies)
al wazir: One way to eliminate grandmaster draws is to give players a meaningful financial incentive for trying to win (or a disincentive for not trying to win). See my post on p. 6 of this forum: Bilbao Grand Slam Chess Final (2008)
   Sep-08-08 Topalov vs Radjabov, 2008 (replies)
al wazir: I though Topalov would have done better with 37. Qxc5!? Rxa4 38. e7. After 38...Nxe7 (38...Qa8? 39. exf8=Q Bxf8 40. Qc7+ wins) 39. Rxe7 Rxe7 40. Rxe7, white controls the seventh rank.
   Sep-08-08 Jansa vs Smejkal, 1969 (replies)
al wazir: White must win after 33. gxh6. If 33...Ra1, then 34. h7+.
   Sep-07-08 Onischuk vs Shabalov, 2007 (replies)
al wazir: <Manic>: Yes, it's garbled. I don't recall which line I was thinking of. (This wasn't supposed to be exhaustive analysis, only illustrative.) I may have meant 21...Rd5 22. Nxd4 Rhd8 23. Bxe5 Rxe5 24. Bf3 Bxf3 25. Nxf3 Red5 26. Ne1 Rd1 27. Qe4. But I don't understand your ...
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