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FAQ -- Article Moderation and Reading


What is the edit queue? (Top)

When an article is initially submitted, it is usually put into the edit queue(MAP #7B/14). This is an area where only members of Kuro5hin.org can review articles and suggest improvements before the article is voted on. Feel free to make editorial suggestions for the author by posting a comment and selecting the "Editorial" type - if an article is in the edit queue, the author is asking for your help.

If you feel that an article is abusing the edit queue, press the "Move To Vote" button. Abuse of the queue includes advertisments, crap floods (nonsense posted to disrupt normal activity) and using the queue as publication medium i.e. an article that exists to sit in the edit queue. If enough users press the "Move To Vote" button, the article will be moved to the voting queue.

You must have an account to view the edit queue. If you have an account, you can see the voting and edit queues by clicking the "Moderate Submissions" link.

What is the voting queue? (Top)

Once an article has been written and edited, it is put into the voting queue (MAP #7B/14). Members of Kuro5hin.org vote on articles in this queue to determine what happens to each. You are allowed to vote once on an article in the queue (MAP #14).

You have four options when it comes to voting on the moderation queue (MAP #19):

  • Post it to the Front Page! (+1)

    Choose this if you like the story, or feel it is really worthy of being on the front page of Kuro5hin.org.

  • Post it to the Section Page Only (+1)

    Choose this if you like the story, but think it should be on the section page (not on the front page).

  • I Don't Care (0)

    Choose this if you do not really care either way about the article.

  • Dump It! (-1)

    Choose this if you dislike the article and feel it is not worthy of everyone's time.

Once you have voted, this part of the page will change to reflect how you voted: MAP #19A. Likewise, a list of who voted and how they voted will appear on the right side of the screen (MAP #18A).

It is important to remember that, just because an article might not be about a topic you are interested in, it is not a reason to vote -1. Vote 0 if you are not sure. Likewise, if this article has "been seen before", or "I saw it on the other site", or any such similar thing, that is not a reason in and of itself to vote a story -1. Vote it 0 if you do not really care.

Once you have voted, you can see the current score of the story (MAP #15/18A). There is a "post threshold" and "dump threshold" (MAP #13) which are both defined by a mathematical formula based on the percentage of total registered users on Kuro5hin.org. Once the voting score reaches either of these two thresholds, the story either posts or dumps. If a story posts, and if it got at least 50% of its votes "+1 Front Page", it will appear on the front page (MAP #5). Otherwise it will go to the section page (MAP #4). Do not get upset if your story does not make it to the front page; it is very hard to get a story there.

Please only vote once on each article. Some people maintain more than one account, often for humorous purposes, or to say things they don't feel comfortable saying with their "public" account. We tolerate this, as long as you're using all of your accounts within the overall site guidelines. But we do ask that you do not vote on the same article with more than one account. If you're caught doing this, you will lose both your dupes and your main account.

How do I respond to a poll? (Top)

If an article has a poll, it will appear on the right hand side (MAP #16). Click on which option you want, and then press the vote button. To see the results of the poll, you can click just below on the view results button.

When a story is submitted, all the links in the story are collected and listed on the right side (MAP #17). This is just an easy way to quickly follow the links of a story to get more information on it.

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