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Go, an addictive game Copyright © 1994-2008 Jan van der Steen
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JP Sekiyama Riichi
General information
kanji 3458 3b33 4d78 306c Progression
nationality JP Japan
born 1909-01-01
died 1970-01-31
teachers Suzuki Tamejiro (from 1924)
rank 9
pro status Professional
pid 7971
games 48 Scoring
wins 21
losses 27
draws 0
unknown 0
no result 0
score 43.75% (details)
biography Sekiyama Riichi, Born in Dec. 23, 1909 in Hyogo, Japan. Died Jan. 1970. First major title: 1st Honinbo Title, 1941. Won Honinbo Tournament, then drew play-off match with Kato Shin, 3 wins to 3 losses. Awarded title because of better tournament record. During Game 2 of the 2nd Honinbo Title match against Hashimoto Utaro, who was challenging for the title, he fell ill and was forced to default. Was unable to resume his career. Had many pupils, including Kajiwara Takeo 9 dan and Shiraishi Yutaka 9 dan. Among his pupils, his reputation was that of "his go is without a trace of anything suspicious about it; both Kitani and Shimamura have suspicious aspects to their games. But Sekiyama's health is suspect." Lived in Osaka, Japan.
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