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Member since Oct-12-05 · Last seen Aug-19-08
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   thewolf has kibitzed 57 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Jun-11-08 G Sargissian vs Adams, 2008 (replies)
thewolf: PinkPanther i agree with you on one point, the only way this tournament can carry on being fair to all players, especialy Adams is to discount the results of the first day.
   May-05-08 Michael Adams (replies)
thewolf: I thought it was a solid performance by Adams at Baku but he does seem to run out energy towards the end of big tournaments nowadays or is it just playing Carlsen.Anyway does anyone know when Adams next plays?
   Jan-26-08 Corus (2008) (replies)
thewolf: It is good to see Adams doing well as at the start of the tournment some people felt he shouldn`t of been invited to Corus at all.I can`t see Adams winning both his final games to win i`m afraid,he`s too defensive in his approach and more likely look at two draws to consolidate his ...
   Dec-31-07 L Day vs Adams, 2006 (replies)
thewolf: I was actually at the game and believe i was the only member of the public there to witness the game other than those involved in the tourney. It was a weird game as Mr Day seem to leave the playing area after nearly every move while Adams just waited patiently for him to return. I ...
   Dec-04-07 World Chess Cup (2007) (replies)
thewolf: cotdt i can`t believe Mickey never does any prep before a game.
   Jun-03-07 Candidates Match: Shirov-Adams (2007) (replies)
thewolf: The truth is that Shirov deserved to win.Perhaps Adams playing the Mtel was a bad idea after all as he didn`t play up to his usual standard. Have to feel sorry for Adams though he`s had a horrible 2007.
   May-28-07 Adams vs Shirov, 2007 (replies)
thewolf: PinkPanther you make some good points i am starting to wonder about Adams as well.He seems to lack the killer instinct recently to really push on and perhaps has settled for a level below needed to be a World Champion.
   Aug-25-06 Howard Staunton Memorial (2006) (replies)
thewolf: I would just like to pass my thanks to the organisers of this tournament i spent a really enjoyable three days(Tuesday-Thursday) watching some great games at Wellington college. Unfortunately,couldn`t make the final day had to go back to work.Pity Adams didn`t win but fair play to ...
   Aug-02-06 Dortmund Sparkassen (2006) (replies)
thewolf: Wow what a game!Adams deserved that but Gelfand..what a fighter
   Feb-20-06 Svidler vs Leko, 2006 (replies)
thewolf: Draw!
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