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Tagged News: book 13

Wednesday, April 2nd

In the second half of our interview, we focused on Book 13. Yesterday, it was all about The Mines of Moria expansion pack. Today, we look at the next patch, in this transcription of Jeffrey Steefel's conversation with our own Jordan Deam.


WarCry: Going back to "biomes" for a bit, I understand in Book 13 you will be debuting a new zone [Forochel] which will be the first to feature open water. Will that be significant to the gameplay in this zone?

Jeffrey Steefel: It's extremely cold water; when you go into it, it's going to have a very bad effect on you very quickly. And so in terms of ... if your question is "are we going to be embarking on missions on ships in Forochel," the answer is "no." It's the first exposure of players to the edges of the continent and seeing that there are oceans out there, that there are opportunities in the future to venture out into them. But in the case of Forochel, it's really meant to be ... more aesthetic than anything. And obviously some of the creatures that reside there and some of the atmospheric effects happen to result from it being near ocean. But being in the water is not a major part of the gameplay in Forochel. Other than dying.

Read more after the jump.

Tuesday, March 25th

MadeOfLions stopped by the official forums, and delivered this bit of news today:

Hi everybody!

When the Great Angmar Revamp came out in Book 12, a number of armour sets were added to quests in the region. As sometimes happens, though, we were a little overzealous with the plan for new armour sets, and they ended up on many quests that were already in-game in some form prior to Book 12.

This meant that it was possible to complete these quests before Book 12 came out, and if you did, you would never be able to finish some of these new armour sets. Few things can frustrate so well as uncompleteable armour sets, judging from my PM inbox (love ya, everybody!), so we started looking for a solution.

The one we've settled on, and which will be coming in Book 13, are a number of vendors who will carry each of the pieces of these armour sets. You'll be able to purchase individual pieces of these sets, and if you've completed the quest that rewarded them, you'll be able to equip them as usual. These won't be cheap, as in many cases these would be a double-dip on quest rewards, but if you've been carrying two pieces out of a three piece set, this should let you complete your collection with a minimum of hassle.

Vendors for these armour sets will be in the Búth Sánkhas and Búth Luikh in Aughaire, and in Gabilshathur.


You can visit the thread here.