Gioachino Greco
Number of games in database: 78
Years covered: 1590 to 1625
Overall record: +78 -0 =0 (100.0%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games
      Based on games in the database; may be incomplete.

With the White pieces:
 King's Gambit Accepted (19) 
    C33 C34 C37 C38 C39
 Giuoco Piano (11) 
    C53 C54
 Bishop's Opening (6) 
 King's Pawn Game (5) 
 Philidor's Defense (4) 
With the Black pieces:
 King's Pawn Game (5) 
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NOTABLE GAMES: [what is this?]
   Greco vs NN, 1619 1-0
   NN vs Greco, 1625 0-1
   NN vs Greco, 1620 0-1
   Greco vs NN, 1620 1-0
   Greco vs NN, 1620 1-0
   Greco vs NN, 1620 1-0
   Greco vs NN, 1620 1-0
   Greco vs NN, 1620 1-0
   Greco vs NN, 1620 1-0
   Greco vs NN, 1620 1-0

GAME COLLECTIONS: [what is this?]
   Яяoи caяa by CharlieLuciano
   Il Greco by Runemaster
   SuperGMCheckIIIau's favorite games by SuperGMCheckIIIau
   Traps by MorphyMatt
   Games with less than 10 moves by Thecheckmater
   Greco's best! by chesswonders
   Chess man1's game folder by Chess man1
   equanimus' favorite games by equanimus
   kelly ivor's favorite games by kelly ivor
   Traps by JerseyDevil

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(born 1600, died 1634) Italy

[what is this?]
Gioachino Greco, also known as Il Calabrese, was born around 1600 in Celico, Italy near Cosenza in Calabria. In 1619, Greco started keeping a notebook of tactics and games, and he took up the custom of giving copies of his manuscripts to his wealthy patrons. In 1621 Greco took off to test himself against the rest of Europe, visiting Paris and later, London. He spent the last years of his life at King Philipp IV's court and died in the West Indies, seemingly from a disease that he contracted there around 1634. He bequeathed his earnings from chess to the Jesuits. After his early death, a game collection was published containing 150 games with his own annotations.

 page 1 of 4; games 1-25 of 78  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. Greco vs NN 1-011 1590 RomeC40 King's Knight Opening
2. NN vs Greco 0-116 1590 RomeC40 King's Knight Opening
3. Greco vs NN 1-08 1619 RomeB00 Uncommon King's Pawn Opening
4. NN vs Greco 0-136 1620 Miscellaneous GameB21 Sicilian, 2.f4 and 2.d4
5. Greco vs NN 1-032 1620 Miscellaneous GameD06 Queen's Gambit Declined
6. Greco vs NN 1-012 1620 UnknownC30 King's Gambit Declined
7. Greco vs NN 1-023 1620 Miscellaneous GameC23 Bishop's Opening
8. Greco vs NN 1-017 1620 Miscellaneous GameC53 Giuoco Piano
9. Greco vs NN 1-024 1620 Miscellaneous GameC34 King's Gambit Accepted
10. Greco vs NN 1-011 1620 Miscellaneous GameC41 Philidor Defense
11. Greco vs NN 1-018 1620 Miscellaneous GameC02 French, Advance
12. NN vs Greco 0-112 1620 Miscellaneous GameC40 King's Knight Opening
13. Greco vs NN 1-010 1620 UnknownC34 King's Gambit Accepted
14. NN vs Greco 0-19 1620 Miscellaneous GameC26 Vienna
15. Greco vs NN 1-08 1620 EuropeB00 Uncommon King's Pawn Opening
16. Greco vs NN 1-018 1620 Miscellaneous GameC54 Giuoco Piano
17. Greco vs NN 1-016 1620 Miscellaneous GameC37 King's Gambit Accepted
18. NN vs Greco 0-113 1620 Miscellaneous GameC50 Giuoco Piano
19. Greco vs NN 1-013 1620 Miscellaneous GameC33 King's Gambit Accepted
20. Greco vs NN 1-07 1620 Miscellaneous GameC40 King's Knight Opening
21. Greco vs NN 1-020 1620 Miscellaneous GameB20 Sicilian
22. Greco vs NN 1-023 1620 Miscellaneous GameD20 Queen's Gambit Accepted
23. Greco vs NN 1-010 1620 UnknownC31 King's Gambit Declined, Falkbeer Counter Gambit
24. Greco vs NN 1-024 1620 Miscellaneous GameC23 Bishop's Opening
25. Greco vs NN 1-014 1620 Miscellaneous GameC53 Giuoco Piano
 page 1 of 4; games 1-25 of 78  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Greco wins | Greco loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
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Dec-03-06   Bobak Zahmat: Didn't Greco ever played with the Black pieces?
Premium Chessgames Member
  Karpova: Well, he played with the black pieces (though all the games could have been made up for studies):
Jan-01-07   Dr.Lecter: I would actually like to see some of his games where he doesn't sacrifice any materials. Where he plays an ingenious positional game.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Open Defence: did they play positional games in the 1600s ?
Premium Chessgames Member
  Karpova: NN vs Greco, 1620 Greco vs NN, 1620


Jan-02-07   Dr.Lecter: <Karpova> very smooth play by Greco. Thank you.
Jan-31-07   Dr.Lecter: This guy seems a bit conceited. He didn't keep a record of his losses!
Jan-31-07   laskereshevsky: GioaCChino.....
Premium Chessgames Member
  ianD: Surely these are merely composed games.
Most are attractive miniatures.
Are there any recoers of his games in Paris or London??
Feb-20-07   AlexandraThess: <<AlexandraThess:Greco ,as shows his name, was a greek.There are still thousands of greeks living in Sicily and South Italy. The language which they use is called "greko"..> <Karpova:Yes, and George Walker Bush is a plant, as shows his name.> >

Quite an ignorant post, Karpova. I would advice you to read the following book: "From Byzantium to Italy: Greek Studies in the Italian Renaissance" by N.G. Wilson

Feb-24-07   SirBruce: I've been studying Greco recently. According to his book, his value for chess pieces are P=1 K=3.5 B=3.5 R=5 Q=11.

I noted the following line in his Wikipedia bio:
"Greco loved to use the Sicilian Defence, which was invented by an Italian bishop."

Well, Polerio may have named it, but he probably didn't invent it, and in any case, he wasn't a bishop. But what is the foundation for the association of Greco with the Sicilian? The vast majority of his games, he's white. I do have a few games (not listed here) where he plays black, and none of those are the Sicilian. Does anyone have a good source that says Greco played the Sicilian Defense?

Premium Chessgames Member
  whatthefat: <SirBruce: I've been studying Greco recently. According to his book, his value for chess pieces are P=1 K=3.5 B=3.5 R=5 Q=11.>

That's fascinatingly close to the contemporary values. Here's a comparison between Greco's and Philidor's evaluations, each normalized by R=5,

Piece ----- Greco ----- Philidor
-- P --------- 1.0 --------- 0.7
-- N --------- 3.5 --------- 3.1
-- B --------- 3.5 --------- 3.3
-- R --------- 5.0 --------- 5.0
-- Q -------- 11.0 -------- 7.9

Rather amusing that Philidor undervalued the pawn.

May-19-07   wolfmaster: Easy but cute puzzle,refutor.
1. Ra1+ Rf1
2. Rxf1+ Kxf1
3. Bh3! gxh3

and wrong color bishop ensures a draw.

Jun-10-07   IMDONE4: greco never lost a game? hmmm... methinks he should get a 3000 rating
Aug-22-07   lau7aro: Whats with Greco opponents?? They seem to play in favour of him!
Sep-23-07   NitrousPeak: More amusing that Philidor treated the Queen like it was barely much better compared to a rook, <whatthefat>
Premium Chessgames Member
  Knight13: Won all games, not even single draw. This guy's performance is well over 3200.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Knight13: I don't know if anybody else mentioned this, but Greco was the first guy to experiment with the "Bxh7+" sacrifice and actually beat somebody with it.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Gypsy: <Knight13> Greek gift sacrifice.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Karpova: According to Prof. Alessandro Sanvito, Greco died in 1630 (not 1634). Greco didn't travel to Rome before 1619. In 1621 he travelled to Nancy where he wrote a manuscript and then went to Paris where he beat the best players. With the money he earned through playing chess he travelled to London and also beat the strongest players there. During 1624/25 he stayed in France and then travelled to Spain where he beat Don Mariano Morano (he was from Naples). Greco returned to Naples but went to Spain again at the end of his life. He joined a journey of the Jesuits to proselytize in the Westindies where he seems to have died in 1630 already.

Does anyone have Sanvito's book < I codici scacchistici di Giulio Cesare Polerio e Gioacchino Greco> to confirm this?

Premium Chessgames Member
  firefly3: How do we know these games in the database were actually played by Greco, and not invented by him? It seems to me he got handed the games on a silver platter... and it also seems unlikely that so many miniatures would arise;
Jul-21-08   apple pi: <How do we know these games in the database were actually played by Greco, and not invented by him?> We don't
Premium Chessgames Member
  Tomlinsky: <firefly3> They are generally accepted to be studies by Greco at the time, not games that were actually played.
Premium Chessgames Member
  keypusher: <firefly3: How do we know these games in the database were actually played by Greco, and not invented by him? It seems to me he got handed the games on a silver platter... and it also seems unlikely that so many miniatures would arise;>

What Tomlinsky and apple pi said. I think some of these "games" were just openings analysis, and others may have been real games that he prettied up a little bit. But the fact that so many were minatures doesn't prove that they weren't real; they could represent a small sample of Greco's total games. I am sure not all of Bill Wall's games are minatures...

Premium Chessgames Member
  awalters869: no doubt greco was a great player, but all of his "NN" games smack of being pre-arranged games...that is to say that these NN games never took place and they have the appearance of just being games where greco worked out both sides making the game look as impressive (and beautiful) as possible for white.
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