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Member since Jul-14-04
I'm going to be taking a break from chess for a while, which also means a break from, as my interest is waning.

   aw1988 has kibitzed 9096 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Nov-13-06 Tal Memorial (2006) (replies)
aw1988: Kramnik up against Topalov and Anand in 2006. Very interesting...
   Nov-13-06 Kramnik vs Deep Fritz (2006) (replies)
aw1988: You follow the Kasparov-Fritz mold.
   Nov-13-06 Paul Morphy (replies)
aw1988: Pro. Because while every amateur loves to look at Morphy's games and nobody else's, sigh, they were based on a more sound foundation than Anderssen.
   Nov-13-06 Eric Schiller (replies)
aw1988: As enticing as it may be, I'd be sorry if I wasn't a casual dipper.
   Nov-12-06 Svidler vs Grischuk, 2006 (replies)
aw1988: Probably his stamina, I think he admitted this himself once. But that isn't usually health related.
   Nov-12-06 Korchnoi vs Y Sakharov, 1965
aw1988: ...and Korchnoi still wins. He should have tried Bxa3. Informant gives a '?!' but I think I could make it work. Any opinions?
   Nov-12-06 Yuri Averbakh (replies)
aw1988: I don't see why Averbakh's quote on Tal is taken so badly by talisman. Tal was always a playful person, it is not meant to say that he is less of a human being... it is endering, not spiteful.
   Nov-12-06 Kramnik-Topalov World Championship Match (2006) (replies)
aw1988: <OK, let's set aside Kramnik's previous behavior> Except that his previous behavior has mostly been stellar. Of course he has to play challengers but that doesn't mean we should set aside his earlier behavior - to put it that way sounds like we're giving him a second chance.
   Nov-11-06 Leko vs Gelfand, 2006 (replies)
aw1988: <acirce> Rd7 Rxd7 Nxd7 Bh3
   Nov-11-06 Rybka (Computer) (replies)
aw1988: That's due to Rybka's superior play in general... I doubt Rybka played 2...e5 and thought okay, gotta get into a position with a mate in 18. Full congratulations to the developers and such and the usual praise that comes out of this situation but this mate argument is flawed.
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