User Profile Chessforum
Member since Jul-02-03
Hi, I'm Paul Morten and I live in Auckland, New Zealand. I've been playing Chess for over thirty years. My Father taught me the moves when I was aged about ten. (He still plays regularly even at 79 years)

I didn't really get the "Chess Bug" until the Fischer-Spassky match in Iceland in 1972. My first chess heroes were Spassky, Fischer, Marshall, Alyekhin and Capablanca but with more maturity I'm much more appreciative of Lasker, Chigorin, Niemzowitsch, Botvinnik, Smyslov, Tal, Keres, Nezhmetdinov, Petrosian, Kasparov and many others. Collecting chess books since 1972 I now possess a Chess Library I'm sure any club would be proud of. Many game submissions to the Database have been made from these books.

I'm fascinated by Chess History and the players who make it so below I've put together a list of some of the important tournaments played in the 19th and 20th Centuries. These collections have been compiled by a number of members of and I thank them for their efforts.

1.Game Collection: WCC Index [London 1851]

2.Game Collection: Baden-Baden 1870

3.Game Collection: Paris 1878

4.Game Collection: Berlin 1881

5.Game Collection: Vienna 1882

6.Game Collection: London 1883

7.Game Collection: Hastings 1895

8.Game Collection: St. Petersburg 1895-96

9.Game Collection: Nürnberg/Nuernberg/Nuremberg 1896

10.Game Collection: Budapest 1896

11.Game Collection: Berlin 1897

12.Game Collection: Vienna 1898

13.Game Collection: London 1899

14.Game Collection: Paris 1900

15.Game Collection: Monte Carlo 1901

16.Game Collection: Monte Carlo 1903

17.Game Collection: Monte Carlo 1904

18.Game Collection: Cambridge Springs 1904

19.Game Collection: Tournament: Karlsbad 1907

20.Game Collection: St Petersburg 1909

21.Game Collection: San Sebastian 1911

22.Game Collection: Karlsbad 1911

23.Game Collection: San Sebastian 1912

24.Game Collection: Bad Pistyan 1912

25.Game Collection: St Petersburg 1914

26.Game Collection: Berlin 1918

27.Game Collection: Teplitz-Schönau 1922

28.Game Collection: Bad Pistyan 1922

29.Game Collection: London 1922

30.Game Collection: Hastings 1922

31.Game Collection: Vienna 1922

32.Game Collection: Karlsbad 1923

33.Game Collection: Mährisch-Ostrau 1923

34.Game Collection: New York 1924

35.Game Collection: Baden Baden 1925

36.Game Collection: Marienbad 1925

37.Game Collection: Moscow 1925

38.Game Collection: Semmering 1926

39.Game Collection: Dresden 1926

40.Game Collection: New York 1927

41.Game Collection: London 1927

42.Game Collection: Berlin 1928

43.Game Collection: Karlsbad 1929

44.Game Collection: San Remo 1930

45.Game Collection: Liege 1930

46.Game Collection: Bled 1931

47.Game Collection: Zurich 1934

48.Game Collection: Moscow 1935

49.Game Collection: Moscow 1936

50.Game Collection: Nottingham 1936

51.Game Collection: Semmering/Baden 1937

52.Game Collection: Margate 1937

53.Game Collection: AVRO 1938

54.Game Collection: USSR Absolute Championship 1941

55.Game Collection: Salzburg 1942

56.Game Collection: Groningen 1946

57.Game Collection: USSR Championship 1947

58.Game Collection: USSR Championship 1948

59.Game Collection: USSR Championship 1952

60.Game Collection: WCC Index [Zurich 1953]

61.Game Collection: USSR Championship 1957

62.Game Collection: USSR Championship 1958

63.Game Collection: USSR Championship 1959

64.Game Collection: USSR Championship 1960

65.Game Collection: Mar del Plata 1960

66.Game Collection: USSR Championship 1961 b

67.Game Collection: First Piatigorsky Cup 1963

67A.Game Collection: USSR Championship 1963

68.Game Collection: USSR Championship 1966/67

69.Game Collection: Moscow 1967

70.Game Collection: USSR Championship 1968/69

71.Game Collection: USSR Championship 1970

72.Game Collection: Moscow 1971

73.Game Collection: USSR Championship 1973

74.Game Collection: USSR Championship 1974

75.Game Collection: Amsterdam IBM 1976

76.Game Collection: USSR Championship 1976

77.Game Collection: Tournament: USSR First League, Ashkhabad, 1978

78.Game Collection: USSR Championship 1978

79.Game Collection: London Phillips & Drew 1980

80.Game Collection: Moscow 1981

81.Game Collection: USSR Championship 1981

82.Game Collection: 50th USSR Championship 1983

83.Game Collection: Bugojno 1984

84.Game Collection: Bugojno 1986

85.Game Collection: Tilburg Interpolis 1989

86.Game Collection: USSR Championship 1991

87.Game Collection: Linares 1994

A very large number of important tournaments can also be found in <RonB52734>'s Game Collection: 170 Major Chess Tournaments 1882-2007

>> Click here to see benzol's game collections. Full Member

   Benzol has kibitzed 6915 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Mar-11-09 A Davis vs F Tears, 1944 (replies)
Benzol: <D4n: Wasn't Tears for Fears a band or maybe a song?> They were/are a band. "These days it's all in your mind, it's elemental".
   Mar-09-09 Fischer vs O Celle, 1964 (replies)
Benzol: <sneaky pete> <There wouldn't be any sense in using clocks if it were otherwise.> If I'd thought about it, it should have been obvious. Thanks mate. :)
   Mar-09-09 Robert James Fischer (replies)
Benzol: <alexmagnus> If I'm not mistaken the two Altusky games and the Mayers game are in the Russell Collection.
   Mar-09-09 Bronstein vs C Chaude de Silans, 1969 (replies)
Benzol: For a friendly game this was a rather brutal encounter.
   Mar-09-09 Richard Taylor chessforum
Benzol: <Richard> chessgames has within the last few days caught up with a number of game submissions. You can now find the whole of the 3rd George Trundle Tt.
   Mar-08-09 chessforum (replies)
Benzol: <chessgames> <...let me give you a thumbnail view of the behind-the-scenes process.> My Word! I hadn't realized the process was so involved. How do you find the time to carry it all out. Perhaps the process takes longer to explain than it does to actually do. I hope so. ...
   Mar-07-09 Fedor Parfenovich Bohatirchuk
Benzol: Anything yet on those games from Prague 1944 that <Gypsy> mentioned on page 1 of this thread or have the wheels stopped on the project?
   Mar-07-09 M Dreyer vs Miles, 1992
Benzol: Well white could claim a moral victory. His opponent was a GM and was forced to accept a draw.
   Mar-06-09 Gligoric vs Bukic, 1979
Benzol: <jaikaiden> Your collection of "I Play Against Pieces" should be able to be completed now. :)
   Mar-06-09 Miles vs T Georgadze, 1981 (replies)
Benzol: <whiteshark> Great research. Thanks. I didn't know that Porz was a suburb of Cologne. :)
(replies) indicates a reply to the comment.

Eternal Vigil

Kibitzer's Corner
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Premium Chessgames Member
  suenteus po 147: <Benzol> A big one: Game Collection: USSR Championship 1991
Premium Chessgames Member
  suenteus po 147: <Benzol> Another important historical tournament to add to the list: Game Collection: Moscow 1967

I'm sure the history there could also use some touching up too.

Feb-16-09   nescio: <Benzol> <suenteus po 147> I think Groningen 1946 deserves a place in the list of important tournaments above and User: number 23 NBer has made a good effort in collecting the games (Game Collection: Groningen 1946) but I think there are two missing and he or she could use some help organizing the collection. I looked at the (premium) features but there doesn't seem to be a way to contact a member directly and in my opinion the Kibitzer's Café is too busy and cluttered to be of any use.
Premium Chessgames Member
  suenteus po 147: <nescio> I had always planned on getting around to building that collection, but it's pretty big (190 games is a solid 3-4 days work for me) and so left it by the wayside. I don't see that we could help him out at all without a direct forum to post info, so it's simply a matter of one of us making the collection himself. I try not to duplicate or overlap other kibitzers' work if I can help it, but occasionally a collection is left incomplete or sloppily done, and then I will horn in with my own collection. This may be what I end up doing here, no offense to User: number 23 NBer :)
Feb-16-09   nescio: <suenteus po 147> Peter, I undestand what you are saying, but when we show <number 23 Nber> now how it should be done (in our opnion) he may get the hang of it and like it enough to assemble more tournaments which would mean less work for you. Let's hope he is still around and responds. If he doesn't want to open his forum I can open mine temporarily so yours or <Benzol>'s won't be snowed under.
Premium Chessgames Member
  suenteus po 147: <nescio> If <number 23 Nber> is interested in putting the finishing touches on the tournament, that would be great. I wonder if one of our forums is the best way to reach him? Anyway, if we contact him, I've got pages with crosstables, PGN, and historical information, if he's interested to include those things.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Benzol: <nescio> & <suenteus po 147> Thanks for pointing out Game Collection: Groningen 1946. <number 23 NBer> expresses a wish to hear from others to help improve the collection so I don't think you'll have to do the collection over again. From what you've said only two games are missing. The hardest thing at the moment is to contact <number 23 NBer>. I've left a message where he/she last posted so perhaps there will be some feedback soon.
Feb-17-09   number 23 NBer: Hello. I could really use help with round numbers, as I have no real knowledge of those. Any help with those would be greatly appreciated. I'm not sure which games are missing, although I believe one of them was played by Bernstein and Christoffel(unsure). The only problem is that since my trial premium membership expired before I noticed I had put it in the wrong collection, I couldn't add it as I am now technically limited to 101 games a collection. I have compiled a crosstable, although I have not yet found the time to place it in the collection. I'll try to get that done soon.
Feb-17-09   nescio: <number 23 NBer> We'll easily find out which are the missing games and you can put the links in the introduction for a while till you are ready for a premium membership again. I hope you can still edit your whole collection and renumber the games, for that is essential to have the separate rounds together. Don't worry about the rounds, <suenteus po 147> seems to have a lot of information and I have the tournament book somewhere. In order not to bother <Benzol> anymore than necessary I have opened my forum for this collection. You can leave your reply at User: jww and we'll figure everything out.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: <Benzol> How are things going? I am back at ACC now - I had a struggle to get a draw with Andrew Michael (Maori fellow from the Papatoetoe Club) the other night in the B Grade Spring Cup. Did you know he survived a horrific a car accident happened last year? I played him at the start of 2008 Congress and nearly lost then also but drew.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Benzol: Hi <Richard>. No I didn't know that Andrew had had an horrific car accident last year. I'm glad he survived. Did he manage to come out unscathed?

Dad seems to be handling most of his current problems reasonbly well. HPCC had Hans-Joachim Hecht as a guest lecturer recently. He seems a pleasant fellow just playing chess mainly for fun these days. Dad is intending to step down as president this year and I think that's a wise decision. I may play in the Latvian but I'm still undecided as yet.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: <Benzol> He was good enough to nearly beat me! Someone crossed the road and he was terribly smashed about - he was in hospital for months I think he has problems still but will probably come right he is relatively young. He was very unlucky.

Good to hear about your father. I go elsewhere on Tuesdays now...not to chess. I am at ACC. The Latvian I won last year - I mean the B Grade... but it was badly organised. Took ages for the prizes... Not sure if I will play in the Latvian.

Yee is trying to ban me from everything but he is the one who should banned - bad news he is.

Premium Chessgames Member
  suenteus po 147: <Benzol> Thanks for looking into Moscow 1967 for me, Paul. Don't worry that nothing turned up. Some day some kibitzer will come along with just the right book and the collection can be updated then :)
Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: <Benzol> I've been playing through various books - lately we are going through Lasker's games -in Rueben Fine and Reinfeld's book of his games - some great games by him - an sometimes Fischer. Also Rubinstein (and even Sarapu - I have never played through all his games)...seems strange to think Ortvin is not around anymore...

He was a pretty likeable fellow. And he had a good sense of humour - he once said or me:

" You play brilliantly when you are losing" !!

Premium Chessgames Member
  suenteus po 147: <Benzol> I've got another one for you here, Paul: Game Collection: USSR Championship 1963
Premium Chessgames Member
  Open Defence: <Benzol> yes its 1975, however I did not want to put my full DOB on the internet :)
Premium Chessgames Member
  suenteus po 147: <Benzol> Update time! I currently have the following tournaments "in the works," which means that I am in the process of building (or waiting to upload remaining games for) the following collections: Frankfurt 1887, New York 1889, Monte Carlo 1902, Bad Nauheim 1936, New York 1948/49, USSR Championship 1939, USSR Championship 1951, USSR Championship 1971, USSR Championship 1979, USSR Championship 1985, and USSR Championship 1989.

That means since the last update I have built and completed around 30 or so tournament collections. My current all-time total for game collections is 263 (counting everything, not just tournaments).

But there's still more to build! Here is the list of remaining historical tournaments to build: New York 1857, London 1862, Vienna 1873, Breslau 1889, Dresden 1892, Leipzig 1894, Cologne 1898, Scheveningen 1905, Ostend 1905 and 1907 B, Breslau 1912, Havana 1913, New York 1915, Goteborg 1920, Hannover 1926, New York 1931, Bad Silac 1932, Leningrad 1934, Amsterdam 1936, Podebrady 1936, Ostend 1937, Margate 1939, Moscow 1947, Parnu 1947, Bucharest 1953, Moscow 1959, Zurich 1959, Bled 1961, Moscow 1964, Havana 1965, Yerevan 1965, Palma de Mallorca 1966-1969, Monte Carlo 1967-1969, Skopje 1967, Netanya 1968, Ljubljana 1969, Rovinj/Zagreb 1970, Buenos Aires 1970, and Moscow 1975. Also, the remaining USSR Championships (whenever I get round numbers for games + additional info) for the years 1931 (7th), 1933 (8th), 1933/34 (9th), 1937 (10th), 1940 (12th), 1944 (13th), 1945 (14th), 1949 (17th), 1950 (18th), 1954 (21st), 1955 (22nd), 1956 (23rd), 1961 a (28th), 1962 (30th), 1964/65 (32nd), 1965 (33rd), 1967 (35th), 1969 (37th), 1972 (40th), 1975 (43rd), 1977 (45th), 1980/81 (48th), 1984 (51st), 1986 (53rd), 1987 (54th), and 1990 (57th). That's only 26 championships, plus 44 historic tournaments makes 70 total, which is not too bad.

Last, friends and colleagues deserve mention for the tournaments they have built. <number 23 NBer> and <nescio> deserve recognition for putting together Groningen 1946. <Phony Benoni> has built or is already building Karlsbad 1907, Vienna 1908, Prague 1908, Vilnius 1912, Lake Hopatcong 1923, and Syracuse 1934. <Resignation Trap> has built Bad Kissingen 1928, London 1932, Kemeri 1937, Moscow 1956, Dallas 1957, and the interzonal at Sousse 1967. <whiteshark> has put together Ostend 1907 A. <protean> is responsible for assembling Sverdlovsk 1943. <capybara> has built most of the interzonals, including Stockholm 1952, Gothenburg 1955, Portoroz 1958, and Stockholm 1962. <sneaky pete> is currently building Mannheim 1914, Berlin 1920, Margate 1938, and the interzonal played at Amsterdam 1964; while he has completed collections for Hastings 1937/38 and 1938/39 and for Noordwijk 1938. <Archives>, of course, put together St. Petersberg 1909, Bad Pistyan 1912, San Sebastian 1912, and Vienna 1922. Not to mention all the incredibly significant tournaments you've collected, Paul, including Hastings 1895, Nuremberg 1896, St. Petersberg 1914, London 1922, New York 1924, Baden Baden 1925, New York 1927, Bled 1931, Moscow 1935, AVRO 1938, the Absolute Soviet championship of 1941, and the first Piatigorsky Cup of 1963. All in a day's work, wouldn't you say? :)

Premium Chessgames Member
  Benzol: See you all when I get back from my stay in Auckland Hospital. Cheers.


Premium Chessgames Member
  chancho: Take care, and get better soon <Benzol>.
Premium Chessgames Member
  suenteus po 147: <Benzol> I hope everything is all right! Please get better soon before we all miss you.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Benzol: Back again.


<suenteus po 147> <chancho> Thank you both for your concern but I was only in hospital for overnight observation. During Christmas I fell asleep at the wheel and crashed the car. So I was assigned for a sleep study to determine if I suffer from sleep apnea. I get the results in about six weeks.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: <Benzol> Hope all is going well with you and Peter. I'm playing at ACC but not HP for several reasons - one main one is I am back into reading live poetry etc on Tuesday nights.

At ACC I have been playing quite bad chess - but still managing to win or draw! (last year I won the Spring Cup with only one loss) - I'm in the B but it's quite difficult - I'll tell you about those games when you are free maybe to come over one day. Give me a call. Cheers...

Premium Chessgames Member
  suenteus po 147: <Benzol> Glad to know it was nothing serious, and also that you were not seriously hurt in the car accident! I have a cousin and a good friend who both suffer from sleep apnea, and both had to go to sleep clinics after similar incidents to your own before they learned they had it. The good news is that once they can diagnose it, it is emminently treatable.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Open Defence: whooaa good to hear you are ok
Premium Chessgames Member
  suenteus po 147: I'm always forgetting somebody important. An addendum to my update above (or for some of you it's below?) is that <keypusher> put together the tournament collection for St. Petersburg 1895/96. If i'm still missing people, please give a shout out!
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