Ulf Andersson 
Ulf Andersson
Number of games in database: 2,109
Years covered: 1967 to 2008
Current FIDE rating: 2562
Highest rating achieved in database: 2625
Overall record: +505 -226 =1351 (56.7%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games
      Based on games in the database; may be incomplete.
      27 exhibition games, odds games, etc. are excluded from this statistic.

With the White pieces:
 English (214) 
    A15 A13 A14 A10 A16
 Reti System (120) 
    A04 A06 A05
 English, 1 c4 c5 (97) 
    A30 A33 A34 A35 A37
 Queen's Pawn Game (75) 
    D02 A46 A41 E00 E10
 Queen's Indian (67) 
    E17 E19 E12 E15 E18
 Slav (58) 
    D13 D14 D11 D12 D15
With the Black pieces:
 Sicilian (287) 
    B46 B81 B83 B22 B44
 French Defense (119) 
    C11 C07 C16 C09 C10
 Bogo Indian (107) 
 Nimzo Indian (91) 
    E41 E42 E32 E39 E55
 Sicilian Scheveningen (82) 
    B81 B83 B82 B80 B84
 Sicilian Taimanov (79) 
    B46 B45 B47 B49 B48
Repertoire Explorer

NOTABLE GAMES: [what is this?]
   Karpov vs Ulf Andersson, 1975 0-1
   Ulf Andersson vs Leko, 1996 1-0
   Ulf Andersson vs Karpov, 1995 1-0
   Kasparov vs Ulf Andersson, 1981 1/2-1/2
   Ulf Andersson vs Tal, 1983 1-0
   K Wockenfuss vs Ulf Andersson, 1977 1/2-1/2
   Ulf Andersson vs B E Horberg, 1969 1-0
   Ulf Andersson vs E Jelling, 1994 1-0
   Ulf Andersson vs Seirawan, 1983 1-0
   E Paoli vs Ulf Andersson, 1973 0-1

GAME COLLECTIONS: [what is this?]
   Ulf Andersson by Avalon Landing
   Madrid 1973 by suenteus po 147
   Wijk aan Zee Hoogovens 1973 by suenteus po 147
   Wijk aan Zee Hoogovens 1971 by suenteus po 147
   Wijk aan Zee Hoogovens 1987 by suenteus po 147
   Wijk aan Zee Hoogovens 1984 by suenteus po 147
   Wijk aan Zee Hoogovens 1988 by suenteus po 147
   Bugojno 1984 by suenteus po 147
   Wijk aan Zee 1983 by EmperorAtahualpa
   London Phillips & Drew 1980 by suenteus po 147
   Bugojno 1982 by suenteus po 147

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(born Jun-27-1951) Sweden

[what is this?]
Ulf Andersson was born on the 27th of June 1951 in Vasteras, Sweden.

Awarded the IM title in 1970 and the GM title in 1972 he was Swedish Champion in 1969. During the 1972-82 period he was in the World's top ten and had first prizes at Belgrade 1977, Buenos Aires 1978, Hastings 1978-79, Phillips & Drew 1980, Phillips & Drew 1982, Turin 1982, Wijk aan Zee 1983, Reggio Emilia 1985 and Rome 1985 and 1986. He drew a six-game match with Mikhail Tal in 1983 and played top board in the Second USSR versus The Rest of The World Match in 1984. He led the Swedish Olympiad Team during the 1970's and 80's and is a very tenacious player. He can be regarded as the all-time drawing master among the top GMs.

Recently he has devoted himself to correspondence chess.

 page 1 of 85; games 1-25 of 2,109  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. Ulf Andersson vs Andersen  1-027 1967 HangoB12 Caro-Kann Defense
2. Vaganian vs Ulf Andersson 1-048 1968 GroningenA97 Dutch, Ilyin-Genevsky
3. Ulf Andersson vs L Goran-Ljungquist  ½-½37 1969 SverigeB09 Pirc, Austrian Attack
4. Ulf Andersson vs M Johansson  1-057 1969 SverigeC54 Giuoco Piano
5. Ulf Andersson vs B Jansson  ½-½31 1969 SverigeB07 Pirc
6. O Kinnmark vs Ulf Andersson  ½-½15 1969 SverigeC84 Ruy Lopez, Closed
7. Ghizdavu vs Ulf Andersson  1-027 1969 NetherlandsC77 Ruy Lopez
8. K Skold vs Ulf Andersson 0-132 1969 SverigeB50 Sicilian
9. A Olsson vs Ulf Andersson  ½-½10 1969 SverigeB63 Sicilian, Richter-Rauzer Attack
10. Ulf Andersson vs A Olsson 1-018 1969 SverigeC64 Ruy Lopez, Classical
11. Ulf Andersson vs B E Horberg 1-028 1969 SverigeB15 Caro-Kann
12. Ulf Andersson vs K Langeweg 1-033 1969 Linkoping (Sweden)C73 Ruy Lopez, Modern Steinitz Defense
13. Ulf Andersson vs Alfredsson Ove 1-020 1969 SverigeB77 Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack
14. Smejkal vs Ulf Andersson 0-145 1969 Raach ztB53 Sicilian
15. Ulf Andersson vs Z Nilsson 1-050 1969 SverigeC85 Ruy Lopez, Exchange Variation Doubly Deferred (DERLD)
16. Ulf Andersson vs H Akvist  1-034 1969 SverigeC81 Ruy Lopez, Open, Howell Attack
17. Ulf Andersson vs R End  ½-½13 1969 SverigeC63 Ruy Lopez, Schliemann Defense
18. Ekenberg vs Ulf Andersson  1-063 1969 SverigeA02 Bird's Opening
19. H Ek vs Ulf Andersson  ½-½50 1969 SverigeA48 King's Indian
20. Ulf Andersson vs R Meulders  1-026 1969 Stockholm Wch-jrB99 Sicilian, Najdorf, 7...Be7 Main line
21. S Platzack vs Ulf Andersson 0-133 1969 SverigeA01 Nimzovich-Larsen Attack
22. Ulf Andersson vs Ribli  0-142 1969 GroningenA04 Reti Opening
23. B Jansson vs Ulf Andersson  ½-½12 1969 SverigeE91 King's Indian
24. Ulf Andersson vs Ahman Ernst  ½-½39 1969 SverigeC81 Ruy Lopez, Open, Howell Attack
25. Ulf Andersson vs Portisch  ½-½35 1969 RaachB42 Sicilian, Kan
 page 1 of 85; games 1-25 of 2,109  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Ulf Andersson wins | Ulf Andersson loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
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Premium Chessgames Member
  Mateo: <Chess Carnival: Here is a great positional game won by Andersson: Ulf Andersson vs Y Gruenfeld, 1982 In the final position he's a pawn down but with a winning position...> This one should be selected in a collection called Andersson best games. It is a true positional masterpiece. Andersson sees the board as a box, and his opponent is trapped into the little box. A boa snake constrictor or a spider strategy.
Feb-07-08   whiteshark: <What about 50.Nh4?> Good find, <Mateo>!
It looks to me as the drawing line. <But is that enough for a win?>: no!
Feb-09-08   Tomlinsky: Andersson's record with the white pieces against Karpov and Kasparov is pretty darn impressive. 29 starts and not a single loss!

Premium Chessgames Member
  KingG: <Tomlinsky> Considering Andersson's style I don't find it that surprising, especially against Karpov. As for his games against Kasparov, they seem to be mainly from the time before Kasparov became world champion, and even then there aren't that many.
Mar-09-08   whiteshark: According to <Fighter rating list 2000-2007>

Andersson's overall draw percentage 2000-2007 was impressively <82%>.

This makes him the undisputed <Draw-Champion <<<!!!>>>>

Premium Chessgames Member
  norcist: are then any books of andersson's best games??
Premium Chessgames Member
  norcist: never you mind....sheesh i should really read the other posts before i kibitz
Apr-20-08   shakkiseepra: Anyone from Sweden here?
Apr-27-08   Nikita Smirnov: I once met him at my school when our former headmaster Lars Karlsson invited him to our school and the gymnasium.I've even got his autograph at home.Truly a nice guy he is.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Strongest Force: I met UA online... long before he registered for any ICC accounts. We both had mutual Swedish friends, they were all at a function and online... and so i was introduced. I forget what side of a sicilian i was on, i only know that i was completely shut-off from any air supplies... another patented squeeze!
Jun-01-08   Akuni: he only lost twice in this database with 1.e4 as white...
Premium Chessgames Member
  Gypsy: < Akuni: he only lost twice in this database with 1.e4 as white... >

Let's call it 8 loses -- 2 loses in Spanish (Smejkal and Portish), and 6 loses in Sicilians (Ribli, Damjanovic, Hort, Najdorf, Larsen, and Braga). Very impressive!

Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: I once played a rapid game with Andersson on WCC - I joined a tournament and he did also as he was waiting to watch an International Chess match - of course I lost. But it was an illustrious loss!
Sep-23-08   Tripler: I remember one booklet about Andersson's games by an Indian IM - the English was appalling. It's strange there isn't a collection of his best games - certainly it'd be a masterclass in positional chess, and more valuable to amateurs. I'd quite like to write it myself - after all, I've played him once, my rating isn't totally laughable (2200) and I've got a degree in English. Any offers? ;-)
Premium Chessgames Member
  suenteus po 147: <Tripler> A great idea, somebody putting together a collection of Andersson's best games, but wouldn't a degree in translation and linguistics be more suited to the task?
Sep-30-08   GBKnight: <Tripler> Well, if you write a book of Anderssons best games I would buy it. Can't help on the publishing side though. Have you tried floating the idea to Mr Keene? He has a page here and fequently contributes.
Nov-03-08   zoren: Ulf plays a ton of bullet at the ICC.
Premium Chessgames Member
  valiant: 12. Offene Internationale Bayerische Schach Meisterschaft

"Und auch die Schachlegende Ulf Andersson glänzte mit feinen Leistungen... Mit seinen 6,5 aus 7 hat er aber eine Performance von ca. 2700 gespielt."

Dec-20-08   M.D. Wilson: Karpov really smacked Andersson around for decades. That's not to say Andersson wasn't a good player, though.
Premium Chessgames Member
  blacksburg: karpov smacked around pretty much everyone except kasparov for a couple decades. so let's not hold that against andersson.
Dec-26-08   M.D. Wilson: Exactly. A look at some of Andersson's endgames show he certainly had world-class ability. It's a shame he wasn't as ambitious as some of his contemporaries.
Premium Chessgames Member
  jackpawn: I admire Andersson positional abilities, obviously he is very talented. But what is with all the short draws, often in less than 20 moves? If you're not going to play a serious game, why bother?
Premium Chessgames Member
  blacksburg: "Known for being safe and careful, Ulf doesn’t lose very often, courtesy of his opening choices." - Seirawan

for a player that is described as such, it is surprising to see so many Sicilian Defenses, isn't it? i would think that seirawan's description would better fit, say, karpov with his caro-kann.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Ziggurat: The thing is that Ulf often used the Sicilian as a way to transpose into a hedgehog setup - and he knew those like the back of his hand. So he played a lot of Taimanov/Kan type Sicilians, not the wilder stuff like Najdorf etc.
Premium Chessgames Member
  refutor: any games collections on Ulf in english?
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