FREE Chess for Kid's
October 18th, 25th & November 1st, 2003
1121 East 10th Ave, Anchorage


Chess Master Bryan Smith, Alaska's highest rated player and current State Champion, has graciously offered Alaska's Chess Playing Youth 3 Free Chess Lessons!
The lessons will be approximately 1 hour in length starting at 1:00 p.m. on October 18th, October 25th and November 1st. These lessons will be part of the Fairview Recreation Center Scholastic Chess Club that meets every Saturday afternoon between 1:00 and 5:00.

Lesson 1 on October 18th will cover Middle Game Combinations and the importance of developing your pieces in order to spring a winning chess combination on your opponent!

Lesson 2 on October 25th will cover King and Pawn Endgames. This lesson will give you an idea of what to do when your opponent has played well and you didn't get the chance to play a combination in the middle game.

Lesson 3 on November 1st will be a review of some Paul Morphy games. Paul Morphy was the 1st Great American Chess Player, this lesson will show you how Mr. Morphy was able to win against the strongest players of his day!

After each lesson you'll have plenty of time to try out your new Chess knowledge against your friends and several adult players that will be helping with these events. So Kid's gather up your Chess sets and boards and join us at Fairview for some Chess Fun and Instruction!!