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FIDE Grand Prix Tournament

Levon Aronian8.5/13(+5 -1 =7)[games]
Teimour Radjabov8/13(+5 -2 =6)[games]
Gata Kamsky7.5/13(+3 -1 =9)[games]
Yue Wang7.5/13(+2 -0 =11)[games]
Peter Svidler7/13(+4 -3 =6)[games]
Sergey Karjakin7/13(+3 -2 =8)[games]
Ivan Cheparinov7/14(+4 -4 =6)[games]
Dmitry Jakovenko7/13(+2 -1 =10)[games]
Vasyl Ivanchuk6.5/13(+2 -2 =9)[games]
Vugar Gashimov6.5/13(+2 -2 =9)[games]
Alexander Grischuk6/13(+1 -2 =10)[games]
Boris Gelfand5.5/13(+1 -3 =9)[games]
David Navara4/13(+0 -5 =8)[games]
Mohamad Al-Modiahki4/13(+1 -6 =6)[games]
Ernesto Inarkiev0.5/1(+0 -0 =1)[games]
Vladimir Akopian0.5/1(+0 -0 =1)[games]
Evgeny Alekseev0/1(+0 -1 =0)[games]

 page 1 of 4; games 1-25 of 93  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves YearEvent/LocaleOpening
1. Y Wang vs Aronian ½-½322008FIDE Grand PrixD12 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
2. Svidler vs Kamsky ½-½352008FIDE Grand PrixB12 Caro-Kann Defense
3. I Cheparinov vs V Gashimov ½-½452008FIDE Grand PrixC42 Petrov Defense
4. Radjabov vs M Al-Modiahki 1-0482008FIDE Grand PrixA06 Reti Opening
5. Grischuk vs Karjakin 1-0412008FIDE Grand PrixD44 Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav
6. Gelfand vs Jakovenko ½-½422008FIDE Grand PrixE32 Nimzo-Indian, Classical
7. Navara vs Ivanchuk ½-½392008FIDE Grand PrixE15 Queen's Indian
8. Jakovenko vs Radjabov ½-½572008FIDE Grand PrixE97 King's Indian
9. Kamsky vs Ivanchuk 1-0472008FIDE Grand PrixB33 Sicilian
10. M Al-Modiahki vs Grischuk ½-½342008FIDE Grand PrixC18 French, Winawer
11. V Gashimov vs Gelfand ½-½392008FIDE Grand PrixC43 Petrov, Modern Attack
12. Svidler vs I Cheparinov 0-1392008FIDE Grand PrixC67 Ruy Lopez
13. Karjakin vs Y Wang ½-½412008FIDE Grand PrixC67 Ruy Lopez
14. Aronian vs Navara 1-0462008FIDE Grand PrixD45 Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav
15. Grischuk vs Jakovenko ½-½872008FIDE Grand PrixE06 Catalan, Closed, 5.Nf3
16. Y Wang vs M Al-Modiahki ½-½432008FIDE Grand PrixD11 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
17. Navara vs Karjakin ½-½442008FIDE Grand PrixA29 English, Four Knights, Kingside Fianchetto
18. Ivanchuk vs Aronian 1-0442008FIDE Grand PrixD12 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
19. Gelfand vs Svidler  ½-½532008FIDE Grand PrixA15 English
20. Radjabov vs V Gashimov ½-½242008FIDE Grand PrixC42 Petrov Defense
21. I Cheparinov vs Kamsky 1-0412008FIDE Grand PrixD86 Grunfeld, Exchange
22. M Al-Modiahki vs Navara 1-0482008FIDE Grand PrixB40 Sicilian
23. Karjakin vs Ivanchuk ½-½252008FIDE Grand PrixC42 Petrov Defense
24. Jakovenko vs Y Wang ½-½742008FIDE Grand PrixD17 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
25. Kamsky vs Aronian ½-½372008FIDE Grand PrixD43 Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav
 page 1 of 4; games 1-25 of 93  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2)  

Kibitzer's Corner
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Aug-12-08  visayanbraindoctor: <acirce: So Aronian-Gelfand followed W Hase vs A Brenke, 1999 for 24 moves.

Then Aronian deviates by playing 25.Nd7, Gelfand immediately blunders, and after Aronian's 26th he resigns.


Amazing! Ouch indeed! Thanks for the info.

Aug-12-08  cannibal: <acirce>
Hehe, that's gotta hurt, so Gelfand basically lost in two moves (i.e., if he had known that game, which he certainly didn't judging by his time management).
Aug-12-08  whiteshark: Navara vs Grischuk is a drawish rook endgame.
Aug-12-08  Jim Bartle: Among other possibilities, can't Jakovenko just push his b-pawn until it's captured and then pick off the black pawns with his king?
Aug-12-08  madlydeeply: Thats great info, Acirce. I thought I was so smart for seeing 25. Qb7. I guess I'm no Aronian! However, I'm as good as a Hase!
Aug-12-08  Strafe: Great save by Wang!
Aug-12-08  boz: Gashimov is trying to lure Jakovenko's King to c6 and then Quen on h1 with check.
Aug-12-08  whiteshark: <boz: Gashimov must be desperately searching for a problem-like save.> If he'd find one he'll be a real chess wizard overruling the laws of gravitation.
Aug-12-08  Jim Bartle: Didn't find it. 1-0.
Aug-12-08  boz: <whiteshark:> Yeah, gravity kills. But Jakovenko's pawn still needs the King's help.
Aug-12-08  whiteshark: No he isn't: Jakovenko vs Gashimov: 1:0

Remaining two games should end as draw.

Aug-12-08  boz: Bartle was right, the King just doubles back and wins it text-book style.
Aug-12-08  cannibal: Gashimov resigns, and that makes Wang Yue the only remaining unbeaten player among those who played both events.
Aug-12-08  randzo: Maybe Radja can teach Vugar Kins Indian:D
Aug-12-08  Jim Bartle: Another first at chessgames*: "Bartle was right," (!)

*My own posts excluded.

Aug-12-08  visayanbraindoctor: Well, Gashimov had to resign. The way Jakovenko steered the game into a winning Kings and pawns ending commencing from 31.f5! was impressive, seemingly conjuring a win out of nothing. 32. Rf1, 36. Qe2, 37. Rxf3, 38. f6, 39. Re3, followed by the liquidation of the major pieces were vigorously played. Perhaps extensive computer analysis would show errors by Gashimov.
Aug-12-08  dumbgai: Jakovenko tried to get another draw but Gashimov was determined to stop him at all costs!
Premium Chessgames Member
  keypusher: <dumbgai: Jakovenko tried to get another draw but Gashimov was determined to stop him at all costs!>

LOL. Too bad for Gashimov, but he's still had a fine tournament and Grand Prix.

So, Aronian is in sole first now? Who does he play tomorrow?

Premium Chessgames Member
  plang: <dumbgai: Jakovenko tried to get another draw but Gashimov was determined to stop him at all costs!>

Jakovenko played very well.

Aug-12-08  visayanbraindoctor: Only Karjakin vs Cheparinov left. A rather complicated ending. It looks kinda drawish though.
Aug-12-08  Koenigsgambit: Karjakin will win
Aug-12-08  micartouse: Gelfand is a tough opponent for Aronian, so it must be satisfying to take him out on his way to clear first.
Aug-12-08  acirce: Karjakin seems to be winning, and thereby reaching +2 and shared 2nd. He easily stops the d-pawn with his king. Great!
Aug-12-08  micartouse: <So, Aronian is in sole first now? Who does he play tomorrow?>

Looks like the black pieces against Teimour Radjabov! So 2 rounds to go, and still a very unclear situation.

Aug-12-08  Assassinater: Assuming that Karjakin wins this (he should, and rather easily), he'll have wins in rouds 7, 10 and 11, giving him a 4.0/5 for his last 5 games. Rather nice surge that he's put on in the last half.

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