Chinese Imperial cuisine

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This article is part of the series:

Chinese cuisine

Eight Great Traditions
Overseas Chinese

Chinese imperial cuisine (Chinese: 御膳 or 宫廷菜) is derived from a variety of cooking styles of the regions in China, mainly Shandong cuisine and Jiangsu cuisine. The style originated from the Emperor's Kitchen and the Empress Dowager's Kitchen, and it is similar to Beijing cuisine which it heavily influenced. The characteristics of the Chinese imperial cuisine is the elaborate cooking methods and the strict selection of material, which are often extremely expensive and rare. Visual presentation is also very important, so the color and the shape of the dish must be carefully arranged. The most famous Chinese imperial cuisine restaurants are both located in Beijing: Fang Shan is in Beihai Park while Ting Li Ting is in the Summer Palace.

The Imperial cuisine is popular among tourists.

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