Latest Downloads

Research by Janet of

There are lots of quality Email chess games to download from
(See Whats going on...Opening stats.. Then use Export PGN) featured club: Barnet chess club member games (8)
New! Dec 1999
Learning section (10)
New! May 2000
British Tournament Games (20)
New! August 1999
Chess culture games  (5)
New! July 2000
Special Reports (23) Chess playing software (15)
Chess databases (2) PGN readers (1)
Teaching software (2) Tournament management (3)
Email Chess (6) Chess Diagram Utilities (4)
Screen Savers (3) Desktop Themes (3)
Miscellaneous (4) Chess fonts (2)

Games will be either be in PGN format or ChessBase format. ChessBase provide ChessBase Light for free which can read both these formats.

Files will generally be zipped  to minimise download time (and phone bill!).  It is convenient if you have a copy of Winzip on your machine, because then you can simply double click on the saved zip file, and it will give you the opportunity to extract the zipped file(s).

The exception to zipped files will be when game files can be downloaded quickly, and the extra overhead in unzipping is therefore not justified.

* A stub is a game record (players and result) which has no game score. Hopefully the game score will be obtained. The intention is to be able to use the more powerful features of chess databases. E.g. in ChessBase to produce cross tables.  This is only possible if all game records are entered.

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