GameKnot online chess
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Rated games for nemesis1010: (updated nightly) Registered: Dec-2004
Chess rating (?) Chess games won Chess games lost Chess games drawn Total games
67th percentile
442, 49%412, 46%41, 5%895
Vacation flag is set for:7 days
Total games in progress:21
...nemesis1010 is hiding their online status...
Mini-tournament points:26.5
Chess league division:D2 [stats]
Team:Team Finland & Int. Friends
Team rating:1255
Referrals: (?)2
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Profile / Personal info:
Real name:Mike
Country:United Kingdom
Time zone:GMT
Additional info:An opponent that cannot be beaten or overcome. Something that causes misery or death. Personification of the gods' retribution for violation of sacred law; the avenger. One's nemesis is that which will bring on one's destruction or downfall. -------------------------------------------------------------- "Do you know what Nemesis means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by a 'orrible c***", Bricktop, Snatch -------------------------------------------------------------- "They hate this. I like to torture them", Peter Venkman, Ghostbusters -------------------------------------------------------------- ********************* Ready?? ********************

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