Wednesday 15 October 2008


The latest culture as recommended by our staff

Michael Henderson

Michael Henderson suggests

Through a glass darkly

Monday, 13th October 2008

Fortunately, some newspapers are making valiant efforts to excavate the truth about Obama and resist the intellectual intimidation being used to suppress it. The Cleveland Leader, which as I reported here confirmed Obama’s close association with ACORN in documents which it discovered had been removed from the web, has now discovered that the denials of that involvement on Obama's website have been altered in order to make it look like he has been telling the truth about his ACORN associations all along.

And as John Kass reports in the Chicago Tribune Obama PR Marilyn Katz, who has been busily spinning the link between Obama and William Ayers as of little consequence, is herself part of the very radical network she is busily downplaying.
What that story and many other pro-Obama articles gloss over is that during the violent protests of the 1968 Democratic National Convention here, Katz was the security chief for the radical Students for a Democratic Society. She once advocated throwing studded nails in front of police cars, back in the SDS days when the group was alleged to have thrown cellophane bags full of human excrement at cops and cans of urine and golf balls impaled with nails.
Meanwhile, the voter fraud being instigated by the thugs of ACORN has got so bad that the American Spectator reports a retired Pennsylvania judge saying she is not confident that a fair election is possible in that state:
Justice Sandra Newman, accompanied by Dauphin County District Attorney Edward Marsico and Pennsylvania Republican State Chairman Robert Gleason, expressed her concerns at a Harrisburg press conference this morning. A thick document replete with photo copies of phony registrations and aerial shots of vacant lots used as ‘addresses’ for ‘voters’ was handed out to journalists. Gleason was even more explicit. ‘Between March 23rd and October 1st, various groups, including ACORN, submitted over 252,595 registrations to the Philadelphia County Election Board" with 57, 435 rejected for faulty information. Most of these registrations were submitted by ACORN, and rejected due to fake social security numbers, incorrect dates of birth, clearly fraudulent signatures, addresses that do not exist, and duplicate registrations. In one case, a man was registered to vote more than 15 times since the Primary election.’
But now just look at this video to see Obama actually promising ACORN activists that if he is elected they will be invited into the White House to help shape policy.

Intimidation, deception, lies about the deception, and institutionalised thuggery promised for the White House. That’s progressive politics for you.

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Pot Head

October 13th, 2008 2:10pm

Yawn Change the ringtone

Mark Tomlinson

October 13th, 2008 2:20pm

Re voters fraud in PA, I had applied for an absentee ballot about a month ago and after receiving no reply, have just discovered that absentee ballots will be mailed after October 21st. How they will reach us in time to send them back by Nov. 4th is not clear. Keep in mind that all returned ballots must arrive by Nov. 4th and that those postmarked before the 4th but received after will be discarded. While this may be small beer compared to the mischief perpetrated by ACORN and their ilk, it is another nail in our coffin.

jose garcia

October 13th, 2008 2:32pm

why ? POT HEAD!

I think ballot fraud at a massive scale is a little bit bigger to investigate than any "troopergates"

Bill M

October 13th, 2008 2:52pm

This is an absolute disgrace. It's no wonder people are seething. They see the lies and illegalities that this criminal campaign is getting away with. Others are too smitten with The One. Sandra Newman is a Democrat (though not mentioned in the article quoted) and even she is saying that this election, at least in Pennsylvania, is beyond repair at this point. I hope ACORN, rather than our tax dollars, will be paying for the time spent examining the voter registrations. I also hope they will be brought to trial under RICO laws and thrown into jail for denying Americans the sacred right to fair elections. People around the world sacrifice their own lives for the right and privilege to vote and these pigs trample it underfoot. They should be thrown in jail for this. This is nothing short of organized crime encouraged and supported by Barak Obama, a slime ball two-bit municipal politician who successfully used these same tactics in his rise to power in Chicago. He has not said one word about this issue. He is complicit in this crime.


October 13th, 2008 3:00pm

"Intimidation, deception, lies about the deception, and institutionalised thuggery"

That pretty much sums up the Republican party through the Bush years, yes.

Oh and -
Last post: Big media has now decided that Obama’s radical links cannot be mentioned at all

This post: some newspapers are making valiant efforts to excavate the truth about Obama and resist the intellectual intimidation being used to suppress it.

At least try and be consistent about your conspiracies.


October 13th, 2008 3:04pm

So there's been a long march through American institutions as well - albeit better camouflaged than that through Britain - but now they've reached the White House. Forty years. 1968 to 2008.

Dr. Tony Yannakopoulos

October 13th, 2008 3:11pm

And over the weekend the Marxist BBC decided to make the non-event of Palin’s alleged 'abuse of power' news headlines whilst keeping conveniently quite about Obama's not so rosy past involvements with ACORN etc. It seems the BBC have joined into promoting left wing Obama to becoming leader of the most powerful nation.

It seems that such elite media and individuals are abusing they’re overwhelming advantage. They’re using their ‘democratic might’ to destroy democracy. This is no less than the politics of fascists such as Stalin, Hitler and co.


October 13th, 2008 3:37pm

I can't find any paper out of Cleveland, Ohio operating under the name "Cleveland Leader." Can you please provide contact information for that paper so I can follow-up on your referenced article? (Since the link provided also does not work.)



October 13th, 2008 3:38pm

Dr. Tony - you don't exist right? That post of yours is a wind-up.

I mean you're not really saying that BBC coverage is akin to the politics of Hitler, are you now.

Great satire though - for a moment, I thought you were being genuine.

Familiar Clown

October 13th, 2008 3:41pm

What a demonic character this Obama really is - you can see it in his eyes. If he gets elected to the White House he will make one big holy mess of things. Who cares if he's a Muslim, or has a grandmother that practises voodoo for that matter. The man's a creep and should be sitting in an office somewhere out of sight. What a weird election!


October 13th, 2008 4:45pm

So let us sum this up with a nice equation:

AYERS + REZKO + REV. WRIGHT + RAINES + (FANNIE MAE & FREDDIE MAC) + ACORN + Refusal to show full length vault copy of birth certificate + refusal to show that he is no longer an Indonesian Citizen + refusal to show college transcripts + refusal to show is thesis (apparently it is not something America will appreciate) + The first time in his wifes adult life she is happy with America (really???) =

Lies/Corruption/Decitful/Criminal Conduct..etc..etc.

Sounds like the Repubs need to pull out all the stops and get him on technicalities like he has done to those in Illinois....Oh the irony of it all

Dead Cat Bounce

October 13th, 2008 4:57pm

Oh how it must wing you wingnuts up. You throw the slime and the filth and still he goes up in the polls +10 today on an ABC/WaPo poll.

Now McCain is "rebooting" I think his motherboard has gone, he's old 386 in an iMac world.


October 13th, 2008 5:27pm

Unpolitically Correct - You forgot to mention two minor players ... William Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn, in whose living room Obama's campaign was launched. Dorhn and Michelle Shrieky worked in the same law firm 20 years ago.


October 13th, 2008 5:36pm

Dead Cat,

Obama has to be the most inept Democratic candidate imaginable. Consider the facts objectively.

Despite the fact that he has Big Media all on his side, and despite the fact that his many skeletons have been covered up by the same compliant media, and despite the fact of the financial meltdown wrongly blamed on the Republicans, and despite the illegal voter registrations by ACORN...and on and on....he is still a mere 6 points ahead of McCain, according to Real Clear Politics' latest poll.

If Bush was such a disaster, and if McCain is so incompetent and Obama so wonderful, then why is Obama not ahead by at least 20%? Surely at this time - his Perfect Storm moment - he should be way ahead over the horizon. He will never be better placed in the polls than he is today.

All this suggests that this election is a long way from over, so I would save your crowing.


October 13th, 2008 6:46pm

An article on the Republican Party website is reporting how RP premises are being attacked by thugs who steal equipment and vandalise what they leave behind.

Funds are having to be diverted from normal campaigning into providing additional security.

Roll on Armageddon.


October 13th, 2008 7:20pm


Why?!?!? Why would he do something like that? Read it for yourself:

"The difference in character and temperament has become plainer by the day, and there is no decent way of avoiding the fact. Last week's so-called town-hall event showed Sen. John McCain to be someone suffering from an increasingly obvious and embarrassing deficit, both cognitive and physical. And the only public events that have so far featured his absurd choice of running mate have shown her to be a deceiving and unscrupulous woman utterly unversed in any of the needful political discourses but easily trained to utter preposterous lies and to appeal to the basest element of her audience."

Hitchens actually "goes there" by adding that even when McCain remembers to stress honor and disown innuendo, it "only makes him look both more senile and more cynical, since it cannot (can it?) be other than his wish and design that he has engaged a deputy who does the innuendoes and slanders for him."

He also says:

"I haven't felt such pity for anyone since the late Adm. James Stockdale humiliated himself as Ross Perot's running mate. And I am sorry to have to say it, but Stockdale had also distinguished himself in America's most disastrous and shameful war, and it didn't qualify him then and it doesn't qualify McCain now."

Sarah Palin is at the heart of Hitchens' complaint; McCain's choice is Hitch's metaphor:

"It turns out that none of her early claims to political courage was founded in fact, and it further turns out that some of the untested rumors about her—her vindictiveness in local quarrels, her bizarre religious and political affiliations—were very well-founded, indeed. Moreover, given the nasty and lowly task of stirring up the whack-job fringe of the party's right wing and of recycling patent falsehoods about Obama's position on Afghanistan, she has drawn upon the only talent that she apparently possesses."

With a flourish, his closing words:


Hell, even HITCHENS sees it. Nothing else to say about that!!


October 13th, 2008 8:12pm

Here's an excellent article in the Washington Times detailing Obama's extensive campaign efforts on behalf of Raila Odinga, whose loss precipitated genocidal riots against Kenyan Christians (He was later given a premiership by the legitimate president in order to quell the violence):

"Obama's Kenya Ghosts"


October 13th, 2008 8:17pm

Bill M, I'm sure you were just as outraged 8 years ago when George W Bush stole that election. I bet you were just seething with anger at the injustice of all those people being denied their constitutional right to vote in a fair election. I bet...

I remember all you wing nuts out there with placards, 'No George, don't take it! Insist on another election.'

Yeah, right.


October 13th, 2008 8:55pm


When are you and your fellow left wingers ever going to get over 2000?

The truth of the 2000 US election dispute in Florida is always ignored by the left - Gore never led. Not on election night, not after any state-wide recount, not after adding the votes from hand recounts, and not even in the exhaustive state-wide post—election recounts conducted by the major state and national newspapers (in almost all of which Bush wound up ahead when any consistent method of counting was used.) So, you can pick your method of counting chads, or look at it any way you want - it doesn't matter. Bush won. Get over it.

Another myth endlessly played by the left is that Gore simply wanted all the votes counted. This is also false. Gore lawyers and their supporters attempted to disqualify votes of some military voters overseas, and of absentee voters in several Florida counties. Both groups, not surprisingly, strongly supported Bush.

As I said - get over it.


October 13th, 2008 9:18pm

Omar - Thank you. That link is incredible! And he was over there helping in the election of the man who has promised to elevate Islam above all other religions, come up with a dress code for women and install shariah law. Raila Odinga. Obama's first cousin. And Obama went over there to help him get elected. (By the way, he claimed that Kenyans wanted "Change". Little Johnny One-Note.)

I highly recommend going the link that Omar put up.


October 13th, 2008 9:23pm

JohnW you obviously know a lot more about 2000 than I do. My question is, how long will it take you wingnuts to get over 2008.

Will you just let it go?

I wonder how your frustrations will be exercised if you don't have the Congressional horses to appoint your usual posse of special prosecutors and launch impeachment proceedings?


October 13th, 2008 9:44pm

The Cleveland Leader will be bombarded with emails and phone calls to try to shut them down. Most will claim the paper is racist and demand that they quit inciting violence...


October 13th, 2008 11:09pm

Omar's wildly inaccurate post on Kenya draws forth a hysterically funny response from Verity (surely she is a spoof figure? - every day it looks more likely she must be some kind of elaborate joke). If not, then Verity, get educated! Kibaki is not the legitimate president; the Kenyan election was stolen as every fool knows. Raila Odinga did indeed make promises of Sharia law - to the Muslim, coastal region; indeed a terrible idea, and potentially divisive to Kenya's fragile unity, but he wasn't proposing it across the whole country. But then, deranged paranoia has become the sole raison d'etre of this blog.

Bill M

October 13th, 2008 11:57pm


You again? Haven't we been through this before?

I am equally seething no matter who steals the votes. In your biased ignorance you missed the point of my comment. Read Armed Madhouse by Greg Palast. I was seething about what I read about the Republican Party's success at undercounting votes. Listen, what I said was I believe voting to be a sacred right and am therefore furious and full of indignation at ANY party that would violate that right. Apparently, you read my comment from your narrow-minded perch and clearly only consider one side of an argument as you made a drastically wrong assumption of my intent. In case you missed it, the subject of the article was Obama, not Bush. Therefore, I stayed on topic. Do you disagree that Obama and his campaign are encouraging illegal acts of voter fraud? I don't know on which side of the Atlantic you reside, but I do not want my hard earned tax dollars invested in correcting the results of illegal acts of organized crime perpetuated by Obama's ACORN and I certainly DO want all legal votes to count.

Bill M

October 13th, 2008 11:58pm

Pot Head,

It's time to change your bong water, dude.

John Birch

October 14th, 2008 12:27am

JohnW: You're right. Obama is a completely inept candidate who will collapse on election day. Turn your political insights to your advantage and head to your local bookie where you can get at least 3-1 odds on McCain to win. I'd encourage you to bet your house because Obama is a complete flop.

Ian G

October 14th, 2008 12:48am

kris, the link works. If you can't make it work try this:

The paper exists. Who are you trying to fool? More Obamaniac lies...?


October 14th, 2008 12:52am

As usual, Ms. Phillips is way ahead of the curve. I see she wrote a lengthy post on the situation in Kenya several months ago.

The link in my earlier (8:12 p.m.) post should be read in conjunction with that article from January, 2008:

(Plase excuse me if this turns up as multiple posts - but the screen goes blank and appears to stay that way every time I try to submit it . . . )


October 14th, 2008 12:56am

Roland: "the Kenyan election was stolen as every fool knows. Raila Odinga did indeed make promises of Sharia law - to the Muslim, coastal region; indeed a terrible idea, and potentially divisive to Kenya's fragile unity."

Quite. What the hell was this cousin of Obama doing promising to impose Muslim law on an entire region of Kenya? And what was Obama doing going to a foreign country (if Kenya is a foreign country to him, given that we don't know where he was born) and supporting such a Dark Ages issue?

One country; one law. I wonder whether Obama - given his fragile background - understands this. Perhaps it would have been a good idea for him not to go over to Kenya and start interfering in internal elections, which affect the life of real people, including those who live or work in "coastal Muslim regions" but aren't necessarily Muslims.

One country. One law for all.

Will Obama be proposing separate laws for Dearborne?

Just as a point of reference for shariah, the oh-so-liberal and tolerant lefties in the Ontario legislation were planning to bring in binding shariah courts "for Muslims".

They fought oh-so-hard for their noble, race-free (Islam's not a race, I know, I know, but they don't) cause and they were defeated in a KO.

By the Muslim women living in Ontario.

The proposal's history.

Obama, it seems, was supporting a dictatorial Islamic fruitcake - his cousin - who wanted to impose shariah on one section of a legitimate country that already has a legitimate constitution.

Perhaps Obama should bugger out of interfering in foreign countries. Kenya or the United States. One of them is a foreign country.


October 14th, 2008 2:35am

Roland, who is above all this, writes, "But then, deranged paranoia has become the sole raison d'etre of this blog."

Does it come with the limon coulis?


October 14th, 2008 2:45am

melanie -

I think you are in danger of committing the same error that the Guardian readers did in 2004 when they wrote to US voters setting out why they should vote for John Kerry.

This ain't your election - it's the Americans. Yes, Obama has a lot of questions to ask. But McCain has failed to inspire and the domestic crisis facing America is not of the Left's making, however much people try and make out Obama personally intimidated bankers into lending all that dodgy money.

Please get real.

Hayward Maberley

October 14th, 2008 2:56am

Melanie et al.
Lok at Clive Davis, bringing some sanity to The Spectator.
He keeps bloggers busy, his latest small contribution has link to the NYT piece on
"Man Behind the Whispers About Obama"
Go see.


October 14th, 2008 3:45am

Thanks for the tip, John Birch - but I can get better odds than that. No doubt, you have done the same. Still betting on Obama to win?


October 14th, 2008 3:57am

Melanie, you have become completely unhinged. Just look at your article 'America's first far-left radical President'. The very essence of wingnutism. It doesn't matter how many lies Palin tells or how often McCain allows his most extreme redneck supporters to scream 'Kill him' or deliver racial slurs, you just can't get past the culture wars. If the Christianists aren't in control, the Mussies will get the lot of us. You are never going to convince people of the real threat of jihadism with this sort of hyteria. Christopher Hitchens is the sanest voice in all of this.


October 14th, 2008 4:09am

I think all that hate towards republican ticket is because of their Christian faith (well, at least of S.Palin, I'm not sure about McCain).
Hitchens is making a big mistake here. Even though he is very anti-christian he chose to move to the country which Europeans call 'one big church'. Probably, because of his hate of God he doesn't see that Christianity is what made USA so great and if you separate country from its traditions there will be nothing (good) left.


October 14th, 2008 5:30am

Mr. Obama's judgment is seriously called into question when he backs and helps to direct the campaign (from his United States Senate office) of his Marxist cousin, Odinga who has troubling ties to Muslim extremists and whose supporters practice ethnic cleansing and genocide. It was Islamic extremists in Kenya who bombed the U.S. Embassy in 1998, killing more than 200 and injuring thousands. None of this has dissuaded Mr. Obama from maintaining this disturbing loyalty.

Mr. Odinga and Mr. Obama were nearly inseparable throughout Mr. Obama's six-day stay in August of 2007. The two traveled together throughout Kenya and Mr. Obama spoke on behalf of Mr. Odinga at numerous rallies. In contrast, Mr. Obama had only criticism for Kibaki (the democratically elected President). He lashed out against the Kenyan government shortly after meeting with the President on Aug. 25. "The [Kenyan] people have to suffer over corruption perpetrated by government officials," Mr. Obama announced.

"Kenyans are now yearning for change," Obama declared.

I read (with horror) about Obama's campaigning for this Marxist and bloodthirsty cousin who attempted to overthrow a democracy by inciting his followers to run amuck murdering Christian women and children and thousands of others when he lost his Presidential bid.


October 14th, 2008 5:35am

AMEN! Thank you for covering this issue!

I am in Pennsylvania and very disturbed at ACORN and Obama tactics of "in your face" intimidation. The McCain signs in our neighborhood were torn out this weekend. Never happened to me before.

Guess that's mild but as it gets closer to election day, for the first time I feel nervous about what the thugs might do

Hussein Hater

October 14th, 2008 5:39am

But he denies he hung with Ayers.
Obammy worked for ACORN, but now he denies it and even changes his website to take the ACORN stuff off.
Obammy wants to be commander in chief, but he says our troops are just air raiding villages and killing civilians.
Obammy sat in a hate filled church for 20 years, but says he didn't hear anything hateful.
Let's see, he denies Wright, Ayers, Rezko, ACORN....who's next?
The chicago thug sure likes throwing people under the bus just to save his campaign.


October 14th, 2008 6:25am

Bill M, I read your original post again and I think you should to. I don't think I missed your point as it is hardly an objective essay on the evils of vote-rigging in general.

It was a hysterical rant the first time I read it and its still a hysterical rant. How are we supposed to know what you are thinking if you cannot write cogently?

Oh, and you should read 'The Unbearable Lightness of Being'.


October 14th, 2008 8:05am

see this


October 14th, 2008 8:54am

Tony Yannakopoulis wrote (and another poster questioned his existence for so doing): "And over the weekend the Marxist BBC decided to make the non-event of Palin’s alleged 'abuse of power' news headlines whilst keeping conveniently quite about Obama's not so rosy past involvements with ACORN etc. It seems the BBC have joined into promoting left wing Obama to becoming leader of the most powerful nation. It seems that such elite media and individuals are abusing they’re overwhelming advantage. They’re using their ‘democratic might’ to destroy democracy. This is no less than the politics of fascists such as Stalin, Hitler and co."
Tony is correct, I'm afraid. The BBC's endorsement of Obama can be seen in the news stories they present and those they fail to present, in their slanted commentary, in the tone and expression of their comentators' voices, and in the gleam and glint in their eyes. They did headline the Palin story, triumphalist fashion,just as they highlight any perceived misdeed by Israel (however slight or inconsequential) and totally ignore genuine abuses of human rights in most countries where those occur. This egregious bias by the BBC (bound to objectivity by the terms of its Charter!) is the outcome of 40 years of leftwing recruitment at the BBC, and all funded by the compulsory licence fee that every owner of a television set has to pay!


October 14th, 2008 8:58am

"the Kenyan election was stolen as every fool knows"

Yes, deranged paranoia doesn't even begin to describe this.

Susan Hill

October 14th, 2008 9:07am

I`m afraid none of this, true as it may be, is going to make a scrap of difference. They all dredge into each other`s pasts and find unpleasant things, none of them is squeaky clean. When was a Presidential candidate ever ? The fact is, and it does not make me happy to say so, he is going to win by a landslide and there`s nothing anybody can nmow do or say to change that. McCain had his moment but he didn`t capitalise on them.


October 14th, 2008 9:26am

Hi Mel!
Did you know McCain was the keynote speaker at an ACORN event in 2006?
Palin' around with terrorists eh? Say it aint so, John.

Jack Anderson

October 14th, 2008 9:41am

Here’s another story the mainstream liberal media won’t cover. Obama has been palling around with a convicted criminal who in the 1990s advocated shooting U.S. federal agents in the head if they were coming into your house. Obama has called him an “old friend” and even gone on his radio show during which he praised this convicted criminal’s "adherence to the principles and philosophies that keep our nation great." You can watch this appearance here:;=164931293
Obama also said he was "proud" of this criminal and has received campaign donations from him.

Whoops, the above actually describes John McCain’s relationship with G. Gordon Liddy. Never mind. It doesn’t fit the narrative of Melanie’s witch hunt.

John Birch

October 14th, 2008 9:44am

JohnW: I'm not betting on Obama right now because the odds are so low that there's no return on my investment. Luckily, I got in as early as two years ago when the odds were 12-1 on him.

Auntie Ant

October 14th, 2008 10:25am

Oh come on. ACORN may have been patronised by Obama, but their actions are independant of him. Which is more than can be said for the republicans desperation to steal the last two elections. Proven, but for some reason never prosecuted:

Bush's stooge in Florida "accidentally" deleting tens of thousands of African-American voters (read: traditional Democrats) from the electoral role;
Bush's stooges intalling plenty of machines in swing states, then "reallocating" many of them on voting day, reducing the number of machines in poor areas (read: traditional Democrats) causing long queues that put many off voting. The machines did not go to other voting areas, they were put in storage;

These are just two examples that show that Republicans are not interested in democracy. They only want to hold on to power at all costs. This is why they blow things like ACORN, Ayres, and the mad preacher out of proportion. Hmm, Obama went to a church where a madman ranted; Palin got her knickers in a twist about a domestic issue and misused her powers to ruin a man's career over it (should someone this unstable be in ANY position of power?)... Obama had an association with a man who USED to be a wanted terrorist during Obama's childhood; Palin is insane, and McCain thinks it's jolly to sing about the wholesale slaughter of men women and children (bomb-bomb-Iran anyone?)...

While the Right seek to assassinate Obama's character through his past associations, the Republican ticket's own ACTUAL character is of far more relevance to electing the most powerful person on the planet.


October 14th, 2008 10:45am

Louise - your rant against the BBC failed to address my point of perspective - to say, as Dr Tony did, that BBC news coverage is akin to the politics of Hitler is eye-wateringly insane. And that is why I thought (hoped!) it was a wind-up.

ps Palin is a buffoon, who seems to be auditioning for an episode of the X-Factor rather than a candidate for Vice-President. (She winked during the VP debate, for God's sake!) This is also a point that has been made by thoughtful conservatives like David Brooks. For the BBC to have ignored the ramifications of this moron being a heartbeat from the Presidency would have been a dereliction of duty.

Conservative Cabbie

October 14th, 2008 11:01am

Part 1 of finding very small scraps of silver lining in a very big dark cloud:

The highly accurate IBD/TIPP poll has started today with its daily tracking of likely voters. Just off the press: Obama 45; McCain 43; and 13 percent unsure. The poll of 825 likely voters has an error margin of 3.5 percentage points. Also, McCain has a 48-41 lead among investors with 10 percent not sure. All this is good news for McCain

fellow traveller

October 14th, 2008 11:04am

MP: during the violent protests of the 1968 Democratic National Convention here, Katz was the security chief for the radical Students for a Democratic Society

Verity: Dorhn and Michelle Shrieky worked in the same law firm 20 years ago

If you want to go there, we could point out that Melanie's views in the early 1980s were quite a long way to the left of where they are today.

It might, by the logic of this blog, mean that she's a socialist sleeper undermining the very fabric of The Blogosphere from within. Or it might just mean that she got older and changed her mind. I bet she hung out with lots of communists at the time and agreed with some of the nice ones on one or two things.

Conservative Cabbie

October 14th, 2008 11:17am

Part II of finding small scraps of silver lining in a very big dark cloud:

The major tracking polls show Obama leading McCain by a margin of 4-6 points---- less than the 8 point lead which Jimmy Carter held over Ronald Reagan a mere nine days before the election of 1980-- and Reagan ended up winning in an historic landslide.


October 14th, 2008 11:54am

fellow traveller,

The difference is that Melanie and all the rest of us are quite open about our silly juvenile flirtations with parlour pink leftism in our student days and our early twenties. 2nd difference, we quickly outgrew these stupid inclinations. The Obamassiah will neither come clean about His deep involvements with uttely depraved extremists versions of the same leftism and evidently has never outgrown them either.

Conservative Cabbie

October 14th, 2008 12:22pm

Don't you just love liberals. They find a conservative who agrees with them and suddenly they become "thoughtful". Someone they don't like is called "insane" or a buffoon". Liberal tolerance - lies you can believe in!

Pot Head

October 14th, 2008 1:10pm

Conservative Cabbie

Back to reality.

Obama goes +8 in the bellwether state Missouri. FYI Missouri has picked every Presidential winner since the beginning of time. Who would bet against them getting right again this year.


October 14th, 2008 1:24pm

:-) Well Conservative Cabbie, I haven't got round to calling any of you cretinous hypocrites 'utterly depraved extremists' yet. Unike Robbit there.

I love it when the name-callers ('scum, hate-filled Marxists, Islamo-fascist rats...') complain about being called names.

Wing nuts - devoid of self-awareness.


October 14th, 2008 2:12pm

Fellow Traveller writes in response to my noting that Michelle Shrieky and Bernadine Dohrn worked in the same law firm 20 years ago, "If you want to go there" if I want to go where? It was a statement of fact with the subliminal suggestion that Dorhn's radical hatred of her country rang a bell with Ms Shrieky and thence began a 20 year friendship between the two couples, "we could point out that Melanie's views in the early 1980s were quite a long way to the left of where they are today." And? So were a lot of people's, many of whom grew up. What does this have to do with the forming of a close bond between four toxic people?

"It might, by the logic of this blog, mean that she's a socialist sleeper." No, it might not because there is no consonance. The Obamas and William Ayers and Dohrn (both of whom still believe that "we didn't do enough") are still destructive after all these years. Your post had no point.

You Cannot Be Serious - So. Attractive, clever and competent women who connect with the voters frighten you, do they? The bile you spewed out smells like fear to me. You feel threatened and helpless in the face of intelligent achieving women. Diddums!

"For the BBC to have ignored the ramifications of this moron being a heartbeat from the Presidency would have been a dereliction of duty." You forgot the word "grave", to underpin how serious and impartial your comments were. "A grave dereliction of duty" is what people like you normally write. Do stick to the script.

Auntie Ant: "Bush's stooges intalling plenty of machines in swing states, then "reallocating" many of them ..." You think a political party is in charge of running the election, do you?

Hussein Hater writes: "Let's see, he denies Wright, Ayers, Rezko, ACORN....who's next?" You forget that around six months ago, he threw his own mother under the bus, claiming that she complained about black men looking at her on the street. Given that she "married" a black man and that she was a raving Marxist, this has the flat clang of falsity, as does so much that Obama says.

Conservative Cabbie

October 14th, 2008 2:34pm


The difference between us "wing-nuts" and lovey-dovey liberals is that we don't purport to hanker after some sort of illusory utopia. We don't think that locking the poor into welfare slavery is a route to equality, that the politics of victimhood creates anything other than resentment, that we should be tolerant only of people that agree with us, that black people who go over to the dark side should be labelled "Uncle Toms", that we should "teach the world to sing", etc.

BTW Is there are a left wing equivalent of "wing-nut", you know just in case I ever want to sink to your level. Smilin' right back at ya! (and winking in that Sarah Palin way that annoys liberals so much).:-)

Conservative Cabbie

October 14th, 2008 2:57pm

Pot Head

Like I said, very small scraps of silver lining, very large cloud.

If however McCain does win, it will be interesting to see how many of those currently crowing about an Obama win will be visiting this site on Nov 5th. (I'm taking names).


October 14th, 2008 2:58pm

“Sarah Palin is a buffoon.”

Why didn’t she launch her political career in the living room of a radical terrorist?

Why hasn’t she got people out cooking up names for the voter register?

Why doesn’t she have a convicted felon as her mortgage broker?

Because she’s a buffoon.

Conservative Cabbie

October 14th, 2008 3:04pm


Great point about throwing his mother under the bus. A slight correction though. I believe it was his grandmother who was raising him at the time that he was referring to. Still point very well made.

This is Obama's M.O.
1. Controversy erupts about his past.
2. Obama dismisses it as unimportant.
3. scandal doesn't go away - Obama lies about it.
4. Scandal still going - Obama tries to take the moral highground and justify himself.
5. If all else fails, throws someone under the bus to protect himself.


October 14th, 2008 3:16pm

If Governor Palin was clever and competent we wouldn't be afraid.

Is there no-one else...?

Nigerian Minicab Driver

October 14th, 2008 3:21pm

Conservative Cabbie - the term You're lookin' for is "moonbat"

From that nest of liberals at wikipedia

"Moonbat is a term often used currently in U.S. politics as a political epithet referring to anyone that is believed to be liberal or on the left"

Pot Head

October 14th, 2008 3:31pm

Conservative "I'm taking names Cabbie" - I suppose as cabbie you know where we all live too !!

Patrick Neid

October 14th, 2008 3:33pm

What all the stories and defenders gloss over by their "it was forty years ago and I was eight" routines is the fact that as Obama sat in Ayers living room in 1995 it was a short fourteen years prior that Ayers's Weathermen friends pulled the infamous Brinks robbery of 1981 in which four, count them, four people were murdered. A simple google search of "Brinks robbery 1981" will give you all the grim details.

Who may have been in that living room that day, who now works for Chavez in Venezuela? None but the son of the convicted robbers who Ayers raised when said parents got life in prison.

If, as Obama claims, he did not know this info he was the only person in Chicago who did not. Ayers and his wife Dohrn, more vicious than Ayers, were one of Chicago's famous families.

He made a Faustian bargain that day.


October 14th, 2008 3:36pm

Conservative Cabbie - You missed out a step between 4 and 5 in your admirable list. It should actually read:

1. Controversy erupts about his past.

2. Obama dismisses it as unimportant.

3. scandal doesn't go away - Obama lies about it.

4. Scandal still going - Obama tries to take the moral highground and justify himself.

5. The story develops legs. Obama looks grave and says, "This isn't the Tony Retzko (Reverend Wright, Louis Farrakhan and probably, if this doesn't die down, Raila Odinga, etc) I knew."

6. If all else fails, he throws that person under the bus.

Sarah Palin's Wink

October 14th, 2008 3:56pm

Nigerian Minicab Driver - I haven't seen the Wickipedia entry, but the word 'moonbat' was actually coined by the excellent Perry de Havilland on his libertarian blog Samizdata.

It caught on like wildfire on the British libertarian/rightist blogosphere and shortly afterwards, shot off across the Atlantic and is now in common parlance in the US, too.

But thanks for reminding us that we do have this wonderful, descriptive word to use against the rather bland and drippy "wingnut".

Conservative Cabbie

October 14th, 2008 4:06pm

Pot Head - Nice!

Nigerian Minicab Driver - Thankyou but is that it? Moonbat sounds quite nice in a hippy way, I was after something much more cutting and too the point. I can think of a few but I think Verity has already used them.


October 14th, 2008 4:10pm

Verity - I have no problem with Palin's gender. My problem with her is that she is an idiot. Plenty of men who are idiots too (Dubya for one) - and they shouldn't be in the running for VP either.


October 14th, 2008 4:11pm

Having only observed and not written on this thread I have to say I am shocked by the language of the right here .name calling ,insulting anyone who dares to disagree with them .is that what we can come to expect if sen Mccain wins ?

My first inclination at the start of all this was that if I had a vote it would be for him in spite of the rabble rousers that seem to be pushing his ticket here -My feelings changed as soon as he chose his VP -why?you may ask -because I am terrified of having that ladies finger on the button ! and so should you all be too -would you really entrust your families lives to her knowledge of the world ?

Can you really see her as the president of the most powerful nation on earth ?that is a realistic possibility whether you like it or not .Do I want sen Obama ?-I have my doubts too ,partly for his inconsistency but also I do read what you all have written and it does concern me as to how much of it ,if any, is true -My regard for what Melanie has to say also weighs heavily with me as I always respect her views even if sometimes I do not agree with them .What I do see is an extremely intelligent and articulate man up against an elderly out of depth one who has a running mate who scares the hell out of me .
One man lost it over the economic crisis,and as for SP, well need I say anything more? The other came through with leadership skills and confidence -that is what we will need in the coming months and years ,so for all the rhetoric from the fragrant one (begins with a V)and even the more reasoned arguments put forward by others my vote would have to go for sen Obama .That decision is not from the heart ,it is from pragmatism alone ,I hope the rest of you will use your undoubted brains rather than the raised emotions that I see here .

I await my share of insults without trepidation ,hopefully not from those that normally I agree with -we do still have a democracy here don't we ? The thoughts of Germaine,s greatest disciple will pass over my head along with the sarcasm that no doubt she will wish to send along .


October 14th, 2008 4:22pm

Comments from another thoughtful Conservative. At least this blog is one easy to way separate the right from the kooks...

"When Christopher Buckley, a novelist and former speechwriter for George H.W. Bush, announced last week that he would vote for Obama (his first vote ever for a Democrat), he referred to words once spoken to him by his late father. "You know," the conservative hero William F. Buckley Jr. said, "I've spent my entire lifetime separating the right from the kooks."


October 14th, 2008 4:28pm

'Moonbat' I like it. Woooof!

Conservative Cabbie

October 14th, 2008 4:33pm


You're absolutely right, I'd forgotten that one, we've heard them so many times, they're all blurring together now.

Of course, there is also stage 7. As a matter of last resort, get one of your surrogates or media friends to call someone a racist.

Sarah Palin's Wink

October 14th, 2008 4:50pm

I assure one and all that 'moonbat' was first used by Perry de Havilland on his own blog, Samizdata. It was a word waiting to happen, and was picked up at high velocity by the libertarian/right blogosphere in Britain and, shortly afterwards, the US.

You Cannot Be Serious - George W Bush actually had high scholastic scores. And you can't become a fighter jet pilot unless you can think very, very quickly.

You also cannot govern a state unless you have rather above average intelligence and motivation. Governor Palin scores an 85% approval rating by the voters, some of whom must, in the course of things, be Democrat moonbats. And Governor George W Bush was the first governor in Texas to be elected for two consecutive terms.


October 14th, 2008 5:12pm

Nigerian Cab man,

I think the definition below is more accurate:


"A term used to describe the political far left wing bordering communistic thinking or socialistic thinking. A term which describes an unthinking political left wing. A term used to describe dishonest and dumb people leaning to the political left wing.
Jimmy Carter is the King Moonbat dummy.
Cindy Sheehan is a moonbat donkey goddess.
Howard Dean borders on insanity and being a moonbat."

First time I heard it was in reference to Cindy Sheehan.

fellow traveller

October 14th, 2008 5:33pm

Wingnut is bland and drippy? Say it ain't so.

Not only are we undoubtedly about to bombard the Cleveland Leader to get it shut down (a sort of preemptive slur), not only is Obama so completely inept that he's only leading by 6 points, not only is our beloved BBC actually staffed by real live Marxists, but us liberals can't even think up a decent word to tease right-wingers.

It's a good job the election isn't decided by the weight of insults on the Spectator blog, where we're sadly overmatched - though on a quick scroll I think the liberals would just edge it on spelling and punctuation. But there's still three weeks to go - all it takes is a misplaced semicolon for that all to change too.


October 14th, 2008 6:06pm

Conservative Cabbie - There's always option 8. Let Shrieky Obama off her leash. On second thoughts, she's probably driving the bus.

Conservative Cabbie

October 14th, 2008 6:14pm

Fellow traveller

Ronnie would agrie with you on the speling, punktuasion thing, stile is so much more important than subbstance?


October 14th, 2008 6:30pm

Obama's economic competence? Just go check the size of Illinois' budget deficit - approximately 800 million and counting.

As the Senator Obama's hands are all over this. Now imagine what devastation this man would wreak across the whole American economic landscape. After all, his form is impeccable - having supported the Democrat-sponsored Fannie/Freddie subprime loaning debacle, aided and abetted by fellow-Democrat Barney Franks.

Conservative Cabbie

October 14th, 2008 6:40pm


I think the paragraph I'm about to quote from the WSJ sums up Obama perfectly.

"The Obama campaign is now distancing itself from Acorn, claiming Mr. Obama never organized with it and has nothing to do with illegal voter registration. Yet it's disingenuous to channel cash into an operation with a history of fraud and then claim you're shocked to discover reports of fraud. As with Rev. Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers, Mr. Obama was happy to associate with Acorn when it suited his purposes. But now that he's on the brink of the Presidency, he wants to disavow his ties."


October 14th, 2008 9:04pm



...had his children baptised by Wright but somehow never heard him spouting racist hate during 20 years attendance in his "church"

...hardly knew Ayers

...was on ACORN's ruling committee but has nothing to do with its illegal voter registrations.

Anyone else see a pattern here?


October 14th, 2008 9:38pm

"This is why they blow things like ACORN, Ayres, and the mad preacher out of proportion"

To deranged, brainwashed Obama groupies, hobnobbing with deranged racists and terrorists is a trivial matter ...

Conservative Cabbie

October 14th, 2008 9:46pm

John W

Certainly not the liberals. Trouble is you don't get to see very much when your head is buried up a Messiah's arse.

I've asked this question before but never got an answer. He's supposedly not aware that all these things are going on around him. Is he just dumb, naive or a liar? Whichever, not the man I'd want as President.


October 14th, 2008 9:48pm

Erm, don't Acorn (and others) HAVE to hand in any registrations they get by law? Otherwise they could just toss out the Republican ones!
I'm sure they flag up the "Mickey Mouses" but the law's the law!

Conservative Cabbie

October 14th, 2008 10:21pm


Yes they are required by law to hand all registration forms over. What is outrageous is that they are signing up duplicates in the first place. In Indiana, ACORN submitted 6000 registrations, The registrars stopped counting them after 2,100 when they realised that every single one was bogus. That's not a mistake, it's not a few bad eggs. That cannot be anything more than a deliberate attempt at electoral fraud. I'm not saying Obama is responsible although he should be answering questions about his relationship with ACORN. Somebody however is responsible and it needs to be determined who that person is.

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America’s first far-left radical President?

Freedom of speech and Holocaust denial

Sir Ian (finally) falls on his truncheon

Planet Equality and the eclipse of nation

The dehumanised landscape of Planet Warnock

The slow car crash of the Labour government

The double standards of American Jews

Look Here: Tragedy in Britain.

Palin by comparison

Taking the glove-puppet off

Melanie Phillips is a Daily Mail columnist. She also writes for the Jewish Chronicle and is a panellist on BBC Radio Four's Moral Maze. Her most recent book is 'Londonistan', published by Encounter and Gibson Square.

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