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Computer Kittehs Pounce on Art World

By Jenna Wortham Write to the Author   

LOLcats are invading the art scene. Thirty artists took inspiration from the syntactically challenged kitties (or is that kittehs?) to create sculptures, digital paintings and pen-and-ink sketches for a sold-out art show in San Francisco.

The artwork — including a tribute to Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey (pictured), a digitally rendered painting created from thousands of LOLcat images and an homage to the neon-suited Tron Guy — will be auctioned off Thursday during a one-night-only LOL Arts show in San Francisco, to benefit an adult-literacy program.

Here are some of's favorite LOLcat artworks from the show.


2001 — A LOLcats Odyssey by Brian K. MacDonough
Acrylic on canvas

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