Tagged News: qa

Tuesday, September 16th

Ben Boos is an artist who, in his time with Blizzard North and Flagship Studios, worked on (among other things) the legendary Diablo II. WarCry Editor John Funk chats with him about what exactly goes into creating the art for a game, his time in the industry, and his upcoming book Swords: An Artist's Devotion.

Monday, September 8th

There are times when you feel the need to mention a game, but there isn't really any other place in which to do it. These are the anomalies, the head-scratchers, or anything else that simply just defies categorization.


Suzie "Kalia" Ford participates in a press teleconference with the developers of Cartoon Network's for-kids MMOG, Fusion Fall, and reports on what she hears.

Thursday, August 28th

When Asheron's Call launched in November of 1999, the development team at Turbine had an ambitious plan in mind: every month, they would update the game, not just to add content but to further the game's story. With the game's ninth anniversary right around the corner, the AC team has hit another huge milestone: August's update is the game's 100th.

I sat down with Producer Dave Javier and Community Manager Andy Cataldo to chat about the evolving world of Dereth and both their favorite memories from the path as well as what they were looking forward to in the future of Asheron's Call.


Suzie "Kalia" Ford sits down with the dev team of Requiem: Bloodymare to grill them about their upcoming update.

Wednesday, August 27th

Suzie "Kalia" Ford talks Twin Skies (and Neopets) with Adam Powell, Creative Director and CEO of Meteor Games.

Thursday, August 21st

While my Deathknight is meandering her way through to 70 now, and my 70 Alliance characters are exploring Northrend (look for those reports in the near future!) I thought we should take a moment to make note of some of the delightful reading material you can encounter as you're swinging through the early levels of Deathknight-itude, well on your way to being the next best tanking class. After all, we love lore here at Warcry, and Blizzard provides us with some of the finest entertainment you just can't get from reading quest text. You just have to know where to look.

Tuesday, August 19th
Beta Journals

Adventures abound in Northrend as Jayne(z) (and Tieria the Druid) attempt to give the dungeon-crawling bloodbaths some context by questing in the Howling Fjord.


Suzie "Kalia" Ford chats with Charles 'kieron' Dane and Brian 'Xaen' Knox, two members of the Aion Development team about some of the features in their upcoming winged MMORPG.

Friday, August 15th

A new Q&A; has been posted at the Warhammer Online site. Some questions popped up over night about what exactly account registration is and what it means to the beta set to begin in the next several weeks. See if your questions are answered...