1. Zombie Survival Tips for Parents

    Zombie Combat Club has an article up that gives solid advice on how we parents can keep our offspring alive when the zombie hordes arrive. The first of a two part series tackles the ever important issue of transporting your...

    10.31.08 From Geekdad
  2. Provisional Ballots Could Decide Election This Year

    Provisional ballots, ballots that voters are given when their registration and eligibility to vote is questioned, could be this year's dangling chad, say election experts. And crucial battleground state Ohio, where voters cast more provisional ballots than almost any other state, could be the hot...

    10.31.08 From Threat Level
  3. Concept Specs Add 50º to Your Angle of View

    As a cyclist, peripheral vision is your friend. Honed by evolution to spot danger at the edge of vision, the rod sensors at the sides of the human eye are particularly adept at detecting movement. Try it: much like using...

    10.31.08 From Gadget Lab
  4. Five for Fighting 10/31/08

    * How's Al Qaeda weathering the financial crisis? * Air Force's mini-drone lab * Shuttle = space weapon? * Pak terrorists' drone counterstrike * Recon robots go to jail

    10.31.08 From Danger Room
  5. Nine Cell Netbook Batteries Showing Up in the Wild

    Netbook battery life sucks. An MSI Wind with the standard three-cell battery (and a non-standard OS X install) will give you a pathetic 2 hours of freedom from the wall-wart, and that's if you take things easy. The six cell,...

    10.31.08 From Gadget Lab
  6. Now Official: No One In Tech Can Defend McCain

    There is apparently not a single prominent person who supports John McCain’s technology policies and is confident enough to go out there and debate in favor of them. As readers of this blog know, after publishing the Wired Scorecard a...

    10.31.08 From Epicenter
  7. Top 5 Scary Movies You (Probably) Haven't Seen

    It's Halloween -- a time of year when "Scariest Movie" lists haunt the internet like so many kernels of uneaten Candy Corn. But, you've seen The Exorcist, The Shining, Halloween and Rosemary's Baby. So, Wired.com decided to offer up a...

    10.31.08 From The Underwire
  8. YouTuber Animates Wells' War of the Worlds

    An ambitious, meticulous YouTube user offers sci-fi fans a cool, homemade way to enjoy H.G. Wells' classic War of the Worlds. Following up on the Orson Welles piece by our own Jenna Wortham, an amateur animator and filmmaker ("aonl") uses...

    10.31.08 From The Underwire
  9. Cosmos explicitly fractal

    http://space.newscientist.com/article/dn14200-galaxy-map-hints-at-fractal-universe.html?feedId=online-news_rss20 (((Old news here, but that's an interesting universe. WHY is it "fractal"?))) Link: Galaxy map hints at fractal universe - space - 25 June 2008 - New Scientist Space. roup together to form galaxies, galaxies clump together to form...

    10.31.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  10. Missiles Away! An Interview With The Dears

    From Logan's Run to Star Trek and onward to dystopian videos from his own band The Dears, Murray Lightburn is a sci-fi freak with a neuromantic streak. And while his postmodern soul and blues may skew too confessional to dispassionate...

    10.30.08 From Listening Post
  1. Lost Skeleton Crew Returns for Cadavra Sequel

    The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra won over B-movie fans with its spot-on parody of '50s creature features. Now the 2001 indie comedy has spawned a sequel, The Lost Skeleton Returns Again, that once again turns an affectionate eye on early...

    10.30.08 From The Underwire
  2. Laptop Fires Prompt Sony Battery Recall — Again

    Some companies never change. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is recalling about 35,000 laptop batteries from Sony, after several reports of fires. Nineteen consumers have reported the batteries overheating; of that group, 17 reported flames, and two suffered minor...

    10.30.08 From Gadget Lab
  3. Voter in Eighth Texas County Reports Vote Flipping on ES&S; Machine

    Add Bexar County to the growing list of Texas counties where voters say they are having trouble with touch-screen machines flipping their votes. A computer security expert who works for the federal government said that his ES&S; iVotronic paperless touch-screen machine in San Antonio flipped...

    10.30.08 From Threat Level
  4. Video: Wingsuit Cliff-Jumpers Take Off

    This is either the stupidest or the coolest thing someone could ever do. Or possibly a combination of both.

    10.30.08 From Danger Room
  5. The VC Firm Death Pool

    It's not just entrepreneurs and startup employees who are panicked about the downturn -- the deep-pocketed money men are just as nervous. Venture capitalists may put on a happy face and claim that they're still investing in good businesses, but...

    10.30.08 From Epicenter
  6. Stock Ticker Jack o' Lantern Will Scare, Depress Grown-Ups

    The kids won't understand why Evil Mad Scientist's jack 'o lantern is terrifying until they grow older. The mini pumpkin contains a scrolling LED stock ticker to remind adults that while they sip booze and hit bongs this joyous holiday,...

    10.30.08 From Gadget Lab
  7. ICANN Targeting Notorious Domain Name Seller

    The net's authority over domain names is set to pull the plug on an Estonia-based seller of domain names that security researchers say has been a refuge for cyber-criminals for years. ICANN told the EstDomains on Tuesday that it was revoking its accreditation since it...

    10.30.08 From Threat Level
  8. Review: Zack and Miri Scores With Funny Porno Farce

    With a name like Zack and Miri Make a Porno, you've gotta figure Kevin Smith's latest movie is going to offend some members of the movie-going public. Undeniably raunchy, the R-rated film, which stirred controversy with its stick-figure advertisements before...

    10.30.08 From The Underwire
  9. Hubble Back to Taking Spectacular Images

    The Hubble Space Telescope sent this spectacular image back to Earth to celebrate coming back online after nearly a month of down time following a mechanical breakdown. After a rocky start, Hubble's on-board back-up camera got up and running last...

    10.30.08 From Wired Science
  10. Retrial Date Set in RIAA v. Thomas

    A federal judge tentatively has set (.pdf) a March 9 retrial date in the Jammie Thomas music file sharing case. Of about 30,000 cases the Recording Industry Association of America has lodged against peer-to-peer users, the Thomas case was the first and only one to...

    10.30.08 From Threat Level
  1. Colorado Agrees to Allow Purged Voters to Vote

    Colorado's secretary of state has reached an agreement to allow some 20,000 voters recently purged from the state's voter registration database to still cast ballots. Secretary of State Mike Coffman was sued by Common Cause of Colorado and two other groups who claimed the state...

    10.30.08 From Threat Level
  2. Does Embedding with the Taliban Make You a Traitor? (Updated)

    Two weeks ago, Rolling Stone published the most detailed Western account to date from within the Taliban insurgency. Now, a fighting has erupted in military circles over the story, "How We Lost the War We Won." Is journalist Nir Rosen...

    10.30.08 From Danger Room
  3. Marvel's Black Panther Is Headed for Sex Change

    Believe it or not, Marvel Comics' superhero Black Panther bears little relation to the militant political group with whom he shares a name. And here's another news flash for you comics nuts: Black Panther isn't a man either. At least...

    10.30.08 From The Underwire
  4. Black Sheep Revises 'Choice' for 2008 Election

    Black Sheep's "The Choice is Yours" was one of hip-hop's great party tunes, dropping in 1991 in the full swing of the genre's Golden Age. Better yet, the tune was a tongue-twisting boast designed to offer listeners a choice between...

    10.30.08 From Listening Post
  5. Report: Activision 'Blocking' Brutal Legend Release

    Wondering why we haven't heard of a publishing deal yet for Brutal Legend? According to one report, Activision Blizzard is to blame. Variety reporter Ben Fritz says that sources at Double Fine, the developer of Psychonauts and the awesome rock-flavored...

    10.30.08 From Game | Life
  6. Hot Topic's ShockHound Tears Into Online Music

    It may be a mallrat paradise of punk and pop culture, but Hot Topic can smell the future of music coming just fine, thanks. So it has decided to embrace it with an online music social called ShockHound.com, which offers...

    10.30.08 From Listening Post
  7. Electronic Arts Joins Layoff Club; Provides Sad Outlook

    Electronic Arts is cautious on its short-term business prospects and plans to let go of 6 percent of its workforce as a result of dismal economic and retail outlook --and despite a 40 percent increase in second-quarter sales. The company...

    10.30.08 From Epicenter
  8. Software Enables Cameras to Duplicate Keys

    A photograph of your apartment key is enough to enable someone to unlock your door, thanks to a new technology developed by computer scientists at UC San Diego. Led by computer science professor Stefan Savage, a group of students devised...

    10.30.08 From Gadget Lab
  9. Hands On: Xbox Community Games Are Way Better Than You Think

    SAN FRANCISCO -- It's time to start getting very excited about the upcoming launch of the Community Games section of Xbox Live. Microsoft's push to create the user-generated "YouTube of Games" has always been a great idea in theory --...

    10.30.08 From Game | Life
  10. Xbox Community Games, As Low As 60 Cents?

    Microsoft's launch next month of the "New Xbox Experience" is also bringing with it access to Community Games, and the home-brewed games could be even cheaper than originally expected. In Joystiq's video preview of the Community Games section of the...

    10.30.08 From Game | Life
  1. Mr. Rogers Has a Voting Machine Mishap

    Tired of electronic voting machines and all of the new problems they've created? Take a nostalgic trip back to 1974 as Mr. Rogers demonstrates how to cast a ballot on a 30-year-old mechanical lever voting machine and experiences a little glitch. Mr. Rogers, for all...

    10.30.08 From Threat Level
  2. LED Light Installation Evokes Circuit Board Design

    Inspired by printed circuit boards, the building block of all electronics, a Dutch designer has created an LED-based light installation that draws upon the familiar etching pattern inside most devices. Created by Lonneke Gordijn, co-founder of the Netherlands based design...

    10.30.08 From Gadget Lab
  3. Atari Announces Chronicles of Riddick Sequel

    Atari is slated to publish The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC in Spring 2009. Dark Athena is a follow-up to The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, a game...

    10.30.08 From Game | Life
  4. Hard Times? Not for iPhone Developers

    Job seekers struggling to land gigs during the economic downturn are going to wish they had iPhone programming skills. The demand for iPhone developers worldwide has grown 500 percent in the past six months, according to oDesk, an outsourcing firm...

    10.30.08 From Gadget Lab
  5. Joe The Plumber Ponders Major Label Deal

    Samuel Wurzelbacher, the unlicensed plumbing technician commonly referred to as "Joe The Plumber," has his eye on the recording studio. After being approached with several entertainment offers, Wurzelbacher joined forces with public relations company The Press Office and booking/management firm...

    10.30.08 From Listening Post
  6. Bethesda Wants Elder Scrolls 5 in 2010

    The next entry in the Elder Scrolls RPG series should come out in 2010, according to Bethesda's Paul Oughton. "At the moment we've got Fallout 3 for this year and potentially there's a new Elder Scrolls title in 2010," Oughton...

    10.30.08 From Game | Life
  7. Destiny Links: Another 4-Player, Co-Op DS RPG

    Namco Bandai is readying a new action RPG title for the Nintendo DS called Destiny Links, set to come out in Japan this winter. Destiny Links includes the new de facto standard of all portable RPG titles in Japan: four-player...

    10.30.08 From Game | Life
  8. Atlus Teases New Persona For DS

    Atlus is teasing a new Nintendo DS title in Famitsu, with a two-page ad that promises more details in next week's issue, out November 7. All we know for now is that the game is called Megami Ibunroku Devil Survivor,...

    10.30.08 From Game | Life
  9. Best Way to Sell a Movie: Pretend Like It's Dirty

    Kevin Smith must be the most genius marketer on earth. His new $25 million movie got a 700-word story in the Wall Street Journal on Thursday, the day before its release. It was probably the most effective advertising a guy...

    10.30.08 From Epicenter
  10. Girly Fashions on the DS Top Japan Sales

    TOKYO -- Never underestimate the power of fashion in Japan. The Nintendo-published Wagamama Fashion Girls Mode -- "wagamama" translates as "selfish" -- for the Nintendo DS tops this week's top 10 best-selling games. Girls Mode puts you in the role...

    10.30.08 From Game | Life
  1. Mirror's Edge Demo Jumps to Your Console

    Time to get your parkour on: a demo for first-person jumper Mirror's Edge shows up today on the PlayStation Network, and tomorrow on the Xbox Live Marketplace. The demo will include a story intro, a tutorial stage, and section of...

    10.30.08 From Game | Life
  2. Dead Space: Downfall Hits TV This Sunday

    Dead Space: Downfall, the animated film tie-in for Electronic Arts' new survival horror series is coming to television on Sunday, November 2. The film premieres on premium channel Starz Action at 10 PM Eastern and Pacific time. It also saw...

    10.30.08 From Game | Life
  3. DDoS Attack Strikes Campaigns Against Same-Sex Marriage Bans - Update

    Websites of political groups fighting anti-gay marriage amendments were hit by a flood of fake traffic Wednesday, in an apparent attempt to muzzle the sites and interfere with a fundraising effort, California's No on Prop 8 group said Thursday. The Secret Service is now investigating...

    10.30.08 From Threat Level
  4. R.I.P. @MarsPhoenix: The Twitter Epitaph Contest

    Mars Phoenix, NASA's immensely successful robotic lander, is on her its last legs. Two days ago, with winter already threatening to coat the lander in carbon dioxide, an ill-timed dust storm sent Mars Phoenix into hibernation as the solar energy...

    10.30.08 From Wired Science
  5. GTA IV PC Delayed, System Requirements Revealed

    The PC iteration of Grand Theft Auto IV has been delayed. The game will now see retail shelves on December 2, reports IGN. Alongside this sad news, Rockstar Games also revealed the minimum and recommended system requirements for the game....

    10.30.08 From Game | Life
  6. Reduced Charges for Guns N' Roses Uploader, Deal 'in the Offing'

    Federal authorities said Thursday they are reducing the criminal charges levied against Kevin Cogill, the Los Angeles man accused of uploading nine pre-released Guns N' Roses tracks from the aging band's upcoming Chinese Democracy album. Los Angeles federal prosecutor Craig Missakian declined to say why...

    10.30.08 From Threat Level
  7. Groups Warn Election Officials About Diebold Voting Machine Flaw

    Several election watch dog groups have sent an advisory to election officials warning them about a problem with Premier Election Solutions' vote tabulating software that could cause the system to lose votes. Premier (formerly called Diebold Election Systems) disclosed the problem in August after officials...

    10.30.08 From Threat Level
  8. Quit kissing James Bond, you Ukrainian traitress

    http://blog.foreignpolicy.com/node/10140 Link: New Bond girl: A traitor to the Soviet Union | FP Passport. "In the name of all communists we appeal to you, Olga Kurylenko, wanton daughter of unclean Ukraine and deserter of the Slavic world. The Soviet Union...

    10.30.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  9. Sam Mendes to Direct Graphic Preacher

    Director Sam Mendes has been hired by Columbia Pictures to make a movie based on Preacher, the hyperviolent comic book by writer Garth Ennis and artist Steve Dillon. Published by DC Comics' mature Vertigo imprint, Preacher lays out a rough-edged...

    10.30.08 From The Underwire
  10. Delta and Northwest Become One. What it Means for You.

    If bigger is better, then Delta Airlines is about as good as it gets. Yesterday the Department of Justice approved the airline's $2.6 billion merger with Northwest Airlines, creating an aviation giant with over 800 mainline planes, service to 375...

    10.30.08 From Autopia
  1. James Howard Kunstler's ever-lengthening moment in the sun

    (((I have to admire the sober dignity and restraint with which this longtime prophet of Everything Falling Apart is watching everything falling apart. There could be a lot of self-indulgent finger-wagging and told-ya-so here, but he's not wasting any energy...

    10.30.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  2. Hurricanes May Not Be Bigger and Badder in the Future After All

    The Atlantic and Gulf hurricane coasts may get a reprieve from the prognosis that climate change will spawn increasingly bigger, more powerful and more frequent hurricanes. Previous research has linked rising sea surface temperatures with the increase in hurricane activity...

    10.30.08 From Wired Science
  3. Beatles' Label 'Working Out the Details' for Online Music Sales

    Apple Corps and MTV/Harmonix announced on Thursday that a Beatles videogame modeled on the Rock Band franchise will go on sale late next year, but its music is still not available on iTunes and other stores. However, Apple Corps CEO...

    10.30.08 From Listening Post
  4. Oct. 30, 1938: 'War of the Worlds' Induces Panic

    Long before Ashton Kutcher began punking celebrities, a talented young actor with a wicked sense of humor pulled off one of the biggest pranks in American history. Thursday marks the 70th anniversary of Orson Welles' legendary radio broadcast of "The...

    10.30.08 From The Underwire
  5. Waterproof MP3 Players Won't Make You Swim Like Phelps

    Waterproof Mp3 players are niche gadgets, but for the genetic freaks that spend all their hours turning laps in the pool practicing, they may offer welcome relief from the monotony. Freestyle Audio's newest MP3 player, the Soundwave, is only the...

    10.30.08 From Gadget Lab
  6. Motorola: No Android Handset Before Christmas 2009

    It's going to get a lot worse for Motorola before it gets better. Slipping into a loss this quarter, the company said its first Android-based smartphone won't be on the market until the holiday season -- in 2009. The bet...

    10.30.08 From Gadget Lab
  7. Military Investigates Amnesia Beams

    A team of scientists from the United States and China announced last week that, for the first time, they had found a means of selectively and safely erasing memories in mice, using the signaling molecule αCaMKII. It's a big step...

    10.30.08 From Danger Room
  8. Video Podcast No. 9: The Agroterror Lab Just Off Long Island

    For 50 years, the Plum Island Animal Disease Center has researched dangerous pathogens like foot-and-mouth disease on a small island off the tip of Long Island. Founded by the Army in the 1950s and run by the U.S. Department of...

    10.30.08 From Wired Science
  9. Web Semantics: NameThis

    Link: NameThis :: projects. namethis makes the otherwise time-consuming process of finding a market-ready name quick and painless. Why spend time and money gambling on the ideas of a few, when you can have the market bounce ideas off of...

    10.30.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  10. Manufacture Via Google

    http://www.fabbaloo.com/2008/10/print-your-sketchup-objects.html Link: Fabbaloo: Print Your Sketchup Objects. Google Sketchup, by far the most popular 3D modeling tool in the known universe, now has a great way to send your Sketchup model to a 3D printer. Simply install the new plugin...

    10.30.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  1. iPhone Apps Are a Trojan Horse for Music Pricing

    Steve Jobs' dogmatic "one price fits all" for music sold at the iTunes store faces an unlikely challenge -- from Apple itself. Jobs has held firm to his 99-cents-per-song rate with one brief exception despite pressure from the major labels...

    10.30.08 From Listening Post
  2. Voters Who Registered But Received No Confirmation Should Still Vote

    With the unprecedented numbers of citizens registering to vote for the first time in this election, states and counties have fallen behind in processing registration applications. But even if you haven't received confirmation from your election office, or aren't on the registration list at the...

    10.30.08 From Threat Level
  3. Otzi, whacked in the face with a club

    (((Readers of my futurist tome TOMORROW NOW know that I am quite the Otzi devotee -- but whacked in the face with a mace? This is the first I ever heard of that misfortune.))) (((And we're not descendants of his....

    10.30.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  4. Activision Releases Guitar Hero World Tour Drum Tuning Kit

    A few days ago we told you about Guitar Hero World Tour's flawed drums, and Activision's plan to fix them. Only a day later, the publisher released the official Drum Tuning Kit for GHWT which they hope will fix any...

    10.30.08 From Game | Life
  5. Which Songs Do You Want to Play in the Beatles Game?

    MTV/Harmonix's upcoming Beatles version of the Rock Band interactive music game will let people play Beatles songs in a Rock Band-like game with "new dimensions" that haven't been seen in any previous music videogame. In June, Listening Post readers weighed...

    10.30.08 From Listening Post
  6. Freemium Services Coming to a Website Near You

    As ad dollars dry up in the shrinking economy, websites placing their hopes for profitability on advertising schemes have reason to be worried. One way out of the ad crunch? Charging users for premium content. Many popular online services —...

    10.30.08 From Epicenter
  7. John Carmack's Aerospace Firm Reveals 'Fishbowl'

    Between Richard Garriott's recent extraterrestrial flight and the work going on at Armadillo Aerospace (a firm founded by id Software master coder John Carmack, it seems that space tourism is the hyper-rich geek's version of rebuilding a '67 Impala in...

    10.30.08 From Game | Life
  8. GeekDad Pumpkin Contest - Deadline Extended!

    In the behind-the-scenes, highly-secretive inner workings of the GeekDad contributors, we have decided to extend our Pumpkin Contest. Why? Well, because we realized (epic facepalm) a lot of people wait until the last minute to carve, so their pumpkins don't...

    10.30.08 From Geekdad
  9. 8 Things to Expect in the Next iPhone Update

    One of the great things about the iPhone is the regular software updates. Free and automatic improvements are piped, hot and steaming, to your pocket computer. We don't know exactly when the next version of the iPhone operating system (v2.2)...

    10.30.08 From Gadget Lab
  10. Sizing Up the Finalists in Pentagon Truck Contest

    Watching the military's new Humvee-replacement contest is kinda like following a season of Top Chef: They start with a bunch of hopefuls, then narrow the competition to three lucky finalists. Yesterday, three teams made it to the finale: BAE Systems...

    10.30.08 From Danger Room
  1. Geekiest Way to Carve a Pumpkin: 3-D Scanning and a Robot

    Saw this over at Make and had to pass it on to all of you. Now I've used power tools on my pumpkins in the past, but this is taking it to the limit! He took a photograph, used special...

    10.30.08 From Geekdad
  2. Les Moonves: What, Me Worry About 2009?

    There are a lot of things that keep Les Moonves up at night, but worrying about ad revenue in 2009 isn't one of them, CBS' chief executive told investors today during the company's third quarter earnings call. "We do not...

    10.30.08 From Epicenter
  3. Cuban Calling B.S. on Bailout

    Mark Cuban's latest "work in progress" is BailoutSleuth, a site dedicated to closely monitoring the bailout process for signs of fraud or other nefariousness. Cuban and Chris Carey, the editor for the Cuban-backed ShareSleuth.com, a lackluster site that calls out...

    10.30.08 From Epicenter
  4. Beatles Version of Rock Band to Offer Unprecedented Gameplay

    A Beatles-branded interactive music game along the lines of Rock Band and Guitar Hero will give gamers and music lovers a chance to play songs from every stage of the Beatles' storied career, from the sweet simplicity of "Please, Please...

    10.30.08 From Listening Post
  5. Anything for Heavy Metal

    http://www.usatoday.com/life/music/2008-10-29-iraq-heavy-metal_N.htm Nothing else matters: Iraqi heavy metal returns By Charles Levinson, USA TODAY BAGHDAD — At a private dinner club on the banks of the Tigris River in Baghdad, Muthana Mani screamed threats at a wild-eyed crowd of young Iraqis....

    10.30.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  6. $6 Billion on Iraq Mercs is Just the Start

    An interesting tidbit is buried in the latest report by the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, released today: Since 2003, the U.S. has spent at least $6 billion for the services of over 300 private security firms. The audit,...

    10.30.08 From Danger Room
  7. Is There a Doctor in the House? David Tennant Quits Doctor Who

    This is truly a sad day for Who-heads the world over. It was just announced that David Tennant, the incredibly popular tenth Doctor, will leave the series after four special episodes to be broadcast next year. Upon receiving a National...

    10.30.08 From Geekdad
  8. Humane Mousetrap Imprisons Rodent in Pint Glass

    The intricate workings of Thorsten van Elten's non-lethal mousetrap are neatly summed up in its name: "Mouse in a Pint". It works thus: pop a breadstick (supplied) into the spring and use it to prop up the pint glass (the...

    10.30.08 From Gadget Lab
  9. Open Sourced Game Boy Has Hackers Drooling

    An unnamed Open Source hardware enthusiast has hacked together his own personal version of Nintendo's super-popular Game Boy handheld, complete with exposed silicon boards and a pretty solid looking analog stick. As per usual with these Do It Yourself projects,...

    10.30.08 From Game | Life
  10. "You Let Our Kids Watch What!?" Halloween Preview Edition

    Like any good GeekParent, I like to share my favorite TV and movies with my kids -- forgetting that a lot of what I watched as a teen was "edited for television" ... and that 12-year-old girls are "older" than...

    10.30.08 From Geekdad
  1. Digital Socket-Set Gives Nuts the Finger

    No, not that kind of digital. Here we're talking about fingers, and some plastic wraparound spanners to strap to them. The mini wrenches attach with (presumably removable) cable-tie style ratcheted strips. It seems like a good idea, especially for low-torque...

    10.30.08 From Gadget Lab
  2. Live Blog: Beatles, Rock Band Makers Team For New Game

    The makers of Rock Band are producing an all-new videogame based on the music of the Beatles, MTV and Apple Corps said today. A few key details about the game were revealed in a conference call Thursday morning: The game...

    10.30.08 From Game | Life
  3. Five for Fighting 10/30/08

    * Iran: We're making new fighter jets * Chalabi slithering back to power in Baghdad * Taliban talks in the works? * Ships' crews fight off pirate attacks * Mega-yacht, corvette, or both? (High five: PJB, BD, EM)

    10.30.08 From Danger Room
  4. Study: iPhone Users Not All High Earning Tech Geeks

    Only one percent of cellphone users have an iPhone, and while it may seem like most iPhone owners are just dropping disposable income on the latest tech gadget (present company excluded, of course), that is changing rapidly. The fastest growing...

    10.30.08 From Epicenter
  5. Apple Corp., MTV Announcing Beatles, Rock Band Deal

    The Beatles, notorious holdouts against selling music on iTunes and other online music stores, appear to have found a digital deal they like: licensing their songs to the Rock Band videogame. "Apple Corps Ltd. and MTV to announce an exclusive...

    10.30.08 From Listening Post
  6. Walled Garden No More, AOL Adds Social Networks to Homepage

    AOL has added access to several social networks and an RSS reader to its homepage as part of a major overhaul that kicked off last month to open up its site to outside services. Users can now log into Facebook,...

    10.30.08 From Epicenter
  7. Wal-Mart to Sell Cheap Googlephone, Outrage Ensues

    Retail giant Wal-Mart will sell the T-Mobile G1 for $150 -- $30 less than you will pay in a T-Mobile store. You'll still need to sign up for a two year contract, but thirty bucks is thirty bucks, right? Predictably,...

    10.30.08 From Gadget Lab
  8. Steam Powered, The California Steampunk Convention

    http://www.metroactive.com/metro/10.29.08/cover-steampunk-0844.html (((Steamy, steamy, California steampunk. I always enjoy these little insights into the everyday lives of secret masters of steampunk fandom.))) Link: Music & Nightlife in Sunnyvale, CA | Steam Powered, The California Steampunk Convention . "This is the first...

    10.30.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  9. CBS Posts $14 Billion Write-Down, Modest Digital Gains

    CBS' reported a third quarter loss of $12.5 billion today, due to a $14 billion write-down and declining ad revenue in its television, radio and outdoor divisions. Digital revenue is still a small portion of the company's overall income, but...

    10.30.08 From Epicenter
  10. No Money in Silicon Valley

    http://blog.wired.com/business/2008/10/vc-warns-some-s.html#more (((So, uhm, tech investors are too frightened to put money into tech companies? Where do they think they can keep it? I hope they didn't buy crude oil with it, because then they REALLY lose their shirts.))) (((Is there...

    10.30.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  1. 10 Geeky Movies That Should've Been Terrible, but Weren't

    Ever heard about a movie and thought it sounded terrible, but then when it came out it turned out to be pretty good, or even great? Back in August, fellow GeekDad Ken Denmead listed ten geeky movies that should've been...

    10.30.08 From Geekdad
  2. Griffin iTalk: Free Voice Recording for iPhone

    Griffin has added a free (ad supported) voice recording application to the iTunes App Store. The iTalk Recorder will run on any iPhone or the 2G iPod Touch (with the optional Apple Stereo Headset). ITalk joins many other recording apps...

    10.30.08 From Gadget Lab
  3. Lens Coat Hoodies: Take Your Camera Home in a BodyBag

    For an Englishman, the word "hoodie" causes a cold, foreboding shiver to course through his weak, sun-deprived body. The hooded sweatshirt is the officially recognised uniform of the dangerous gangs of youths who wander the faux-marble atriums of the nation's...

    10.30.08 From Gadget Lab
  4. Laundry Hamper + Creativity = R2-D2

    OK, I confess I was skeptical when the idea was first floated. But Halloween is one the geekmom's favorite holidays in our house and I held my tongue, because I knew deep down she would pull it off. And she's...

    10.30.08 From Geekdad
  5. an industry entrenched in a ditch carved into paper.

    http://www.everythingismiscellaneous.com/2008/10/28/big-book-news-from-google/ Link: Big book news from Google | Everything is Miscellaneous. "Google has reached a settlement agreement in the lawsuit brought by publishers who were afraid that awareness of the existence of the publishers’ books might leak out onto the...

    10.30.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  6. Screenism

    Sarasota Design Summit, Sarasota, Florida Originally uploaded by moleitau "These people are screenist."

    10.30.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  7. Bat Senses Could Help Mini-Drones in Urban Combat

    As if fake cat brains and robotic pack mules weren't enough. Military-funded researchers are getting to show off detectors that could let tiny drones that sense their surroundings like bats. The Pentagon's brains would like to see swarms of tiny...

    10.30.08 From Danger Room
  8. Cybercrime wave sweeping Britain

    (((Who's next, I wonder.))) http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7697704.stm Link: BBC NEWS | Technology | Cybercrime wave sweeping Britain. Cybercrime in the UK rose by more than 9% in 2007, according to a new report. Online identity firm Garlik's cybercrime report claims that more...

    10.30.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  9. Jonathan Keats: Conceptual Artist, Fabulist, and Critic

    For Immediate Release Contact: jonathon_keats@yahoo.com ARTIST CREATES NEW UNIVERSE FROM URANIUM AND CHEWING GUM Novel Technique Puts Quantum Theory to Practical Use. . . Automated Universe Factories Planned for Government and Industry. . . San Francisco Gallery to Begin Selling...

    10.30.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  10. Tivo Set to Stream Netflix Movies by Christmas

    Four years in the making, the Tivo/Netflix streaming partnership is finally ready for prime time. Tivo began testing software Thursday and expects to have the entire Netflix streaming collection available to subscribers of both services by early December. The companies...

    10.30.08 From Epicenter
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