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Produced by Anson Schloat and John G. Young
5.45 Minutes
John Lewis, U.S. Congressman, speaks about the importance of being a good citizen.

Valentina Mindoljevic

Valentina Mindoljevic is a physics teacher in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina who challenges and inspires her students.
OKC Abrasevic

"OKC Abrasevic" is about a restored community center and it's people in what use to be the front-line during the war in the divided city of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Awadi: Messenger of Truth

"Awadi: Messenger of Truth" is about the Senegalese rapper, Awadi, and how he merges his music with his activism and his commitment to social issues

Make waves and tell Stories with digital media tools and internet technology. MY HERO is a not for profit on-line media journal that celebrates the best of humanity. This project inspires people of all ages with hero stories from around the world promoting literacy and cross cultural communication, peace, human rights and environmental awareness. MY HERO invites YOU to create and submit short films about those who have inspired and touched your life. Awards will be given to selected filmmakers who share their vision of heroism effectively with digital media.