Rudolf Spielmann vs Geza Maroczy
"Geza Pawn This" (game of the day Jul-07-06)
Bled 1931  ·  Queen's Gambit Declined: Orthodox Defense. Rubinstein Variation Flohr Line (D62)  ·  0-1

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Kibitzer's Corner
Premium Chessgames Member
  RandomVisitor: Black misses a beautiful mate:
1: R Spielmann - G Maroczy, 10 Bled 1931

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Analysis by Rybka 2.0 Beta 8 mp:

41...Nf2+ 42.Kg1 Nh3+ 43.Kh1 Qe1+ 44.Kh2 Qg1+ 45.Kxh3 Qh1+ 46.Kg4 Qxg2# (-#6)

(, 07.07.2006)

Jul-07-06   notsodeepthought: When this game was played Maroczy was in his sixties but he still beat a much younger Spielmann. Not bad for an old Geza.
Jul-07-06   offramp: I don't think I get the pun.
Jul-07-06   belgradegambit: <offramp> Gaze upon this!
Jul-07-06   offramp: Oh yeah! Good one!
Jul-07-06   Runemaster: <RandomVisitor: Black misses a beautiful mate>

So the pun could have been <Eyeless in Geza> (with apologies to Aldous Huxley and Milton).

Jul-07-06   Runemaster: Or, for the same reason, and keeping the Middle eastern reference, <Geza's Trip>.
Jul-07-06   Runemaster: Or if Maroczy was nostalgic about this game while taking a holiday in Japan, <Memoirs of a Geza>.
Jul-07-06   xKinGKooLx: The pun is meant to sound like the phrase "Gaze upon this".
Jul-07-06   xKinGKooLx: Oops, sorry, belgradegambit, your post wasn't on the screen when I posted my message!

<RandomVisitor> Nice mate, by the way!

Premium Chessgames Member
  kevin86: Too bad Maroczy missed the mate above-he did however play an excellent game!

The queen sac and recovery was a nice way to simplify the position and force the passed pawn home.

Jul-07-06   Bobwhoosta: The best part of the pun is that Maroczy actually won by one pawn, and he danced a bit to get it too!!
Jul-07-06   beatles fan: great game, white was clearly better for the majority of the game, but i guess he just missed the queen-swap tactic
Premium Chessgames Member
  dakgootje: Maybe white could have had some more fun with his knight as it didnt have worlds most contributing part of the game lol
Jul-07-06   Mendrys: I'm sure Morczy could have found the mate if he looked harder but he probably already calculated the knight fork on g3 and knew he had a win. Thanks for pointing it out RV
Jul-07-06   CapablancaFan: 42...Qh1+! is a solid move I personally like because it isn't so much it leads to instant mate or significant material gain, but to a better (superior) endgame. BTW I didn't know the great Salomon Flohr had an opening named after him!
Jan-02-07   aazqua: Interesting game. I'd say white should have won this won earlier but then gives up a pawn and gives black the strong attack. Strange.
Dec-07-08   paladin at large: A wonderful game by Maroczy. He saw that he could parry all those white major piece visits to the 8th rank, each one of which wound up losing time for Spielmann. The game calls to mind Capablanca's high praise for Maroczy's play and depth of insight. Capa liked the guy, too.

Secrets of Opening Surprises
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