Milan Vidmar vs Geza Maroczy
"Opposites Detract" (game of the day Jul-25-08)
Slovakia 1932  ·  Tarrasch Defense: Classical Variation. Classical Tarrasch Gambit (D34)  ·  1/2-1/2

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Kibitzer's Corner
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Jun-09-06   FENfiend: nice game, but they could have called draws sooner.
Sep-14-06   posoo: Why not 1119. h7?
Sep-14-06   dbquintillion: <posoo> I think probably because the 50 move rule was reached sometime between 129 and 1118.
Oct-07-06   Plato: <posoo> Because after 119.h7, Black can just play 119...Kg7, and it's a draw. All Black needs to do is keep his king in the corner and make sure that his bishop is ready to sacrifice for the d-pawn when it moves to d6, and there will be no way for White to make progress (since he has the wrong color bishop).
Aug-21-07   sanyas: A bit slow on the uptake, that Vidmar.
Jul-25-08   vikinx: This opposite coloured bishop endgame was a draw even though White was three pawns up.
Jul-25-08   tomfoolery: Surely it wasn't a draw when the endgame started. There are only a very few collection of three pawns up positions that are drawn. Surely White can push his d-pawn somewhere.
Jul-25-08   Lutwidge: I think my favorite move in this game is 126. Bc7! establishing a bishops of SAME color endgame for a brief but wondrous moment. It's almost as if they were anticipating that someone with a computer 70+ years later would scroll through the bishops of opposite color endgame and, near the end, be very surprised to discover White's light squared bishop having somehow turned to the dark side. :)
Premium Chessgames Member
  RedStarRising: <Whitehat1963: What's the follow-up to 32. Nxf5?? I'm sure it's instant death somehow, but I can't see it> and < tpstar: 32. Nxf5!? Rxg2+! 33. Kxg2 Qe4+ 34. Kg1 Qxf5 winning two pieces for a Rook, plus wide open lines toward White's King.>

32. Nxf5? is a critical blunder indeed, (and hence thus not deserve the notification "!?")...Rxg2+! 33. Kxg2. <tpstar> has wrongly listed the continuation... Obviously, it has to be 33...Qd5+, and NOT Qe4+ (as given above), followed by loss of Nf5.

Jul-25-08   Whitehat1963: With all the bishop moves, you'd think it took place in the Boston or Dublin archdioceses and that little boys were involved somehow!
Jul-25-08   randzo: it was play in SLovakia!!!
Jul-25-08   Nikita Smirnov: Dosen't 57.d4 work?
Premium Chessgames Member
  Once: I wonder - at what point in this game do both players realise that it is a draw and then play for laughs?

As far as I can see, the underpromotions don't serve a serious purpose. White has no way of winning.

So we have two successive underpomotions, followed by white refusing the offer a bishop (126. Bc7 instead of 126. Bxd8), followed by two king moves which leave the c7 bishop en prise.

And all the time it is nothing but a draw!

Premium Chessgames Member
  kevin86: What a dog! White cannot win despite being three pawns ahead. Yes,he promotes twice to a bishop.

In the end,black is a bishop ahead-so what!

Premium Chessgames Member
  patzer2: Black's 35...Qe5! seems to me to be a significant defensive move in transitioning this game into a drawish opposite color Bishop ending.

It can be difficult to win these, even with a sifniicant pawn majority.

Jul-25-08   whiteshark: Opposites Intact.
Premium Chessgames Member
  wanabe2000: Opposites subtract.
Premium Chessgames Member <Opposites Subtract.> <Opposites Intact.> We considered both of those, as well as <Opposites Distract> but in the end we went with <Opposites Detract> because it was the most concise way to express the concept. Our puns are so bad, it takes a lot of effort to achieve this level of badness.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Calli: The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth. - Neils Bohr
Dec-03-08   WhiteRook48: h8B! d8B!!
Dec-18-08   WhiteRook48: 3 dark-squared Bishops in the same game!!!! Weird.
1. The Bc1
2. The bishop who promoted on h8
3. The bishop who promoted on d8
Dec-22-08   WhiteRook48: I mean 4:
The fourth dark-squared bishop was the Bf8!!!
Dec-23-08   WhiteRook48: These bishop promotions are hilarious. Speaking of which, I wonder when <bishop> is going to kibitz here.
Dec-24-08   WhiteRook48: All these bishop moves... it's crazy! With all the bishops, you'd think it's bishop haven!! Hilarious endgame, what were these players doing?
Dec-29-08   WhiteRook48: 128...Bxc7 is a draw. Why 129. Kg4 when it's already a draw??
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