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Member since Oct-18-04 · Last seen Jan-09-09
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   FHBradley has kibitzed 639 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Jan-07-09 A Becker vs Nimzowitsch, 1925 (replies)
FHBradley: Yes he did.
   Dec-25-08 Aron Nimzowitsch (replies)
FHBradley: Nimzowitsch encourages a surprising amount of negative commentary from our kibitzers. Could it be that when you feel you don't really understand something, or even when you feel you don't understand something or someone at all, the fault may be with you, rather than with that ...
   Dec-22-08 Santa Claus (replies)
FHBradley: Dear Santa, Merry Christmas to you, Santa. We'll meet on Wednesday, won't we? Yours, etc. FHBradley
   Dec-09-08 Lasker vs Bogoljubov, 1924 (replies)
FHBradley: Perhaps he took a submarine, though a doubt if there were that many German submarines left in 1921. Another, more intriguing, scenario would be that Lasker in fact flew over the Atlantic Ocean no less than six years before Lindbergh.
   Dec-04-08 Kaarle-Sakari Ojanen (replies)
FHBradley: Known as "Charles XIII" for winning the Finnish Championship for thirteen times, Ojanen's most influential game was a win against Paul Keres, May 1960, a game whose ideas Jonathan Penrose made use of when he defeated Tal in a famous game at the Chess Olympiad, Leipzig 1960. ...
   Nov-28-08 Vladimir Kramnik (replies)
FHBradley: <mrbasso:> A hint. Somewhere on your keyboard there's a "delete" key. If, after having composed a comment, you realize that what you've produced is rubbish, act as follows: <Take your mouse, and place your cursor at the beginning of the text, then click and hold the left ...
   Nov-20-08 Olympiad (2008) (replies)
FHBradley: <I personally felt immense pride when the glorious team USA crushed Hongkong.> Stealing candies from kids?
   Nov-20-08 Morozevich vs G Jones, 2008 (replies)
FHBradley: Perhaps Mr. Jones is playing in Dresden not so much to gather experience as to collect points for his country or, more precisely, for a part of his country.
   Nov-20-08 Hikaru Nakamura (replies)
FHBradley: Mr. Keller was good alright, but I doubt if he was one of the best, and certainly not for years.
   Nov-20-08 Nigel Short (replies)
FHBradley: The great Morozevich says that Black has difficulties obtaining counterplay without 5... Bxf3.
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