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shintaro go
Member since Aug-09-06
I am a fanatic of chess. Been playing it since I was 10. Currently, my idol is my countryman WESLEY SO. I believe he has the makings of a future World Champion, if only given the same opportunities and training as that of his European, Indian and Chinese counterparts.

"Chess is a sport and has objectively measurable results. When you win you are the winner. When you don't win you may be an excellent player, but you just haven't won."


Topalov is a CRAPWEASEL then as he is a CRAPWEASEL now.

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   shintaro go has kibitzed 875 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Dec-18-08 Pearl Spring Chess Tournament (2008) (replies)
shintaro go: Svidler has avenged his loss to Movsesian in their first encounter.
   Dec-17-08 Wesley So (replies)
shintaro go: <SugarDom> According to, the proposition to create a new title, coined "Elite GM" was turned down in the recently concluded FIDE Congress in Dresden. Also, rating lists will be published every 2 months. There are other interesting decisions made by FIDE and ...
   Dec-17-08 Eugenio Torre (replies)
shintaro go: <shintaro, wouldnt it be nice if our top 10 are all over 2500 for starters. If not yet in Jan then Im almost sure its doable by April '09 considering the consistent exposures being given to our players, inspite of the global crisis.> It would be nice if they manage to ...
   Dec-17-08 2008-2009 Bundesliga (2008) (replies)
shintaro go: Well so far Svidler has 4 points out of 5 games.
   Dec-17-08 Elista Grand Prix (2008) (replies)
shintaro go: At least Leko only has one draw so far, although 2 of the 3 decided games were losses. Drawko didn't show up in Elista.
   Dec-17-08 Radjabov vs Mamedyarov, 2008
shintaro go: Was there ever a doubt that these two would draw? This is a friendly (countryman) draw for sure.
   Dec-17-08 I Cheparinov vs D Jakovenko, 2008
shintaro go: Catalan wannabe
   Dec-17-08 Bacrot vs Leko, 2008 (replies)
shintaro go: The "safe" Caro-Kann loses yet another game.
   Dec-17-08 Bu Xiangzhi vs Movsesian, 2008 (replies)
shintaro go: <euripides> Yes, the exchange sac was needed to sustain the kingside attack. It would be interesting to know the other possible moves to 33.Rxf6 but any other move could be countered by 33...Nd7, for example.
   Dec-17-08 Topalov vs Aronian, 2008 (replies)
shintaro go: If Topalov keeps playing like this, Kamsky doesn't stand a chance.
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