The Twin Towers

Twin Towers with battlement top
Twin Towers with battlement top
This page describes a pair of matching miniature building made for wargaming, skirmish, or roleplaying games. They are built with miniature plaster blocks using Hirst Arts silicone Turret mold #61. The towers are 3" (7.6 cm) in diameter with two types of tops: a flat roof with battlements or a curved green oxidized copper dome. Each tower has a ground floor with a single door entry and a middle floor with 8 curved Roman-arched windows. Using the battlement tops gives an extra floor to place figures. The battlement tops were made with the 4" diameter Round Tower mold #52. The towers come apart in three sections to give access to place figures inside.

Twin Towers with round tops
Twin Towers with round tops
The towers are painted with latex and acrylic paint. The stone is given a dark gray base color with a lighter gray drybrush highlighting finish. The copper domes are painted with turqoise mixed with gray to reduce the color saturation. They are drybrushed with a shade lighter. The completed paint job is finished with Krylon matte varnish to make it more durable for gaming.

Not magnificent buildings, but the two towers are useful when you need an objective, or a defended position in a town. With the two tops, the tower serve well as military of peaceful towers.

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Last modified: Saturday, 04-Dec-2004 16:05:35 CST.