Dan Becker's Mountain Bike Site

Who would have thunk it? After owning a mountain bike since 1984, I am finally using one regularly to train and explore the hills of Austin and the surrounding area. Long before 1984, I was riding my bikes through the woods and trails of my neighborhood in New Jersey. My fondest riding memories are of riding through the winter ice and snow with my Columbia Sting-Ray, the bike with the banana seat, stick shift on the seat tube, sissy bar with padded back rest. I also lost the use of my Raleigh Avenger in third grade when we built a jump ramp on the trail at the bottom of a hill. The rear wheel pretzeled after successfully soaring over four garbage cans.

Want to ride? Check today's Austin weather.

The Endo Page

Stop all this nonsense you say! Who cares about trails and gears and the environment? We want to see what mountain biking is all about - the endo!

Well, you asked for it. Here it is, nothing but a lot of thrills and chills and spills. See our best footage of people leaving the surly bonds of earth, but ultimately becoming reaquainted with Terra Firma.

The Endo Page!

Frequent Rides/Trail Guide

This section contains information on rides in the Austin area. The information is of a firsthand nature and not based on hearsay or other riders' guides. If you are unfamiliar with Austin, jump to the trail guide page.

Click on a map to zoom into the trail of your choice.

(Note: This section is under construction. If clicking brings you to a larger version of the map, you've hit an incomplete section.)

Riding Friend and Buddies

This page contains the names and addresses of people I ride with. If I am not available for riding, contact these people and hook up with them.

Environmental Concerns

Help ensure the longevity and life of our fragile trails. Pay heed to common sense and follow these reminders:

Related Sites

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Last modified: Thursday, 27-Jan-2000 14:52:15 CST. Page hits: 12700.