Eugenio Torre playing the Pirc as Black

Player: Eugenio Torre
Opening: Pirc (B07-B09)

 page 1 of 4; games 1-25 of 77  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. E Paoli vs E Torre 0-176 1972 Reggio Emilia 7273B07 Pirc
2. Kavalek vs E Torre  1-055 1973 ManilaB08 Pirc, Classical
3. Romanishin vs E Torre  ½-½23 1973 Amsterdam IBM IIB07 Pirc
4. Quinteros vs E Torre  1-096 1973 Bauang itB07 Pirc
5. Ljubojevic vs E Torre  ½-½38 1974 Manila (Philippines)B09 Pirc, Austrian Attack
6. Hartston vs E Torre 0-163 1974 OlympiadB07 Pirc
7. V Liberzon vs E Torre  ½-½37 1974 OlympiadB07 Pirc
8. H Pfleger vs E Torre 0-143 1974 Manila (Philippines)B09 Pirc, Austrian Attack
9. Yanofsky vs E Torre  ½-½19 1975 Lone PineB08 Pirc, Classical
10. Soltis vs E Torre 0-150 1975 Cleveland (USA)B07 Pirc
11. Ljubojevic vs E Torre 1-070 1975 Manila (Philippines)B09 Pirc, Austrian Attack
12. Pilnik vs E Torre 0-142 1975 Lone PineB07 Pirc
13. Kavalek vs E Torre 0-175 1976 Manila (Philippines)B09 Pirc, Austrian Attack
14. V Liberzon vs E Torre  1-045 1977 Geneva (Switzerland)B08 Pirc, Classical
15. M Hermann vs E Torre  ½-½33 1977 Bad LauterbergB08 Pirc, Classical
16. Nunn vs E Torre 1-038 1977 Lord John CupB09 Pirc, Austrian Attack
17. G Kuzmin vs E Torre  ½-½19 1977 Polanica Zdroj (Poland)B08 Pirc, Classical
18. K Harandi vs E Torre  ½-½21 1977 Marlboro Chess ClassicB08 Pirc, Classical
19. Hort vs E Torre  1-036 1977 Polanica Zdroj (Poland)B09 Pirc, Austrian Attack
20. R Jamieson vs E Torre  0-147 1977 New ZealandB08 Pirc, Classical
21. P Jamieson vs E Torre  0-143 1978 OlympiadB08 Pirc, Classical
22. V Small vs E Torre 1-025 1978 1st Burroughs Computers GrandmasterB09 Pirc, Austrian Attack
23. J Szmetan vs E Torre 1-041 1978 Buenos Aires (Argentina)B09 Pirc, Austrian Attack
24. L Chiong vs E Torre  ½-½39 1978 JakartaB08 Pirc, Classical
25. O Sarapu vs E Torre ½-½40 1978 Buenos Aires OlympiadB07 Pirc
 page 1 of 4; games 1-25 of 77  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Torre wins | Torre loses  

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