Eugenio Torre playing the Queen's Indian as White

Player: Eugenio Torre
Opening: Queen's Indian (E12-E19)

 page 1 of 2; games 1-25 of 36  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. E Torre vs Sosonko  ½-½12 1979 Amsterdam (Netherlands)E17 Queen's Indian
2. E Torre vs Gheorghiu  0-186 1981 Wijk aan Zee (Netherlands)E14 Queen's Indian
3. E Torre vs Miles ½-½8 1981 Wijk aan Zee (Netherlands)E15 Queen's Indian
4. E Torre vs Alburt  ½-½38 1981 Hastings (England)E15 Queen's Indian
5. E Torre vs Geller  ½-½36 1981 It (cat.15)E14 Queen's Indian
6. E Torre vs Portisch  ½-½18 1982 It (cat.14)E15 Queen's Indian
7. E Torre vs R C Balinas  ½-½17 1982 It ( cat. 5 )E12 Queen's Indian
8. E Torre vs Portisch ½-½100 1982 Izt (cat.12)E15 Queen's Indian
9. E Torre vs Goh Cheng Hong  1-026 1982 It ( cat. 5 )E12 Queen's Indian
10. E Torre vs Seirawan 1-046 1982 Toluca (Mexico)E15 Queen's Indian
11. E Torre vs S Sitanggang  1-067 1982 It ( cat. 5 )E16 Queen's Indian
12. E Torre vs Karpov 0-157 1982 It (cat.14)E15 Queen's Indian
13. E Torre vs Spassky 0-147 1982 HamburgE13 Queen's Indian, 4.Nc3, Main line
14. E Torre vs G Hartmann  1-040 1983 It (cat.9)E17 Queen's Indian
15. E Torre vs Ljubojevic  1-049 1983 IndonesienE15 Queen's Indian
16. E Torre vs Balashov  ½-½23 1983 HannoverE15 Queen's Indian
17. E Torre vs Ribli  ½-½13 1983 Ch World (match) (cand.) (1/4)E17 Queen's Indian
18. E Torre vs K Forooghi  1-024 1983 5th Asian Team ChE16 Queen's Indian
19. E Torre vs Adorjan  ½-½12 1983 IndonesiaE15 Queen's Indian
20. E Torre vs Miles  ½-½23 1984 It (cat.13)E15 Queen's Indian
21. E Torre vs A Sokolov  ½-½28 1984 OlympiadE15 Queen's Indian
22. E Torre vs P Popovic  ½-½44 1984 10. ItE15 Queen's Indian
23. E Torre vs A Sokolov  1-039 1984 USSR vs. Rest of the WorldE15 Queen's Indian
24. E Torre vs Miles  ½-½67 1984 Thessaloniki olm ;BIGE15 Queen's Indian
25. E Torre vs Adorjan  ½-½21 1984 It ( cat. 13 )E15 Queen's Indian
 page 1 of 2; games 1-25 of 36  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Torre wins | Torre loses  

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