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Member since Aug-20-06
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   Current net-worth: 5,739 chessbucks
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   slomarko has kibitzed 8419 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Dec-18-08 NakoSonorense chessforum
slomarko: <angslo> and please don't forget to answer in your forum. hehehe lol hahahaha
   Dec-18-08 Magnus Carlsen (replies)
slomarko: well i don't know <meta>. but if i'd be a chess prodigy like Magnus my plan would be like this: i'd try to grab as much money from the organisers as possible (you know entrace fees and stuff). then when i'd have a couple of millions in the bag i'd move to Hawaii with a couple
   Dec-18-08 Elista Grand Prix (2008) (replies)
slomarko: gggrrrr if this stupid Wang losses now i'm gonna kick his ass. i have 2000 chessbucks on this game!!!
   Dec-18-08 Santa Claus (replies)
slomarko: there is no Santa and this silly page should close.
   Dec-16-08 Hikaru Nakamura (replies)
slomarko: <i better observe slomarko at playchess> +1 all chess beginners should observe my games because they are highly educational. in fact it is very possible that some future world champion will say: "i improved my chess by observing slomarko play on playchess"
   Dec-16-08 Ljubojevic vs Kasparov, 1987
slomarko: when will CG insert an option to filter out blitz games?
   Dec-16-08 Hans Arild Runde (replies)
slomarko: the gain/loss is the same in A but its not the same in C
   Dec-16-08 Deep Blue vs Kasparov, 1997 (replies)
slomarko: <No, IBM didn't cheat. No, the computer didn't cheat. No, humans weren't intervening in the games, etc.> how the hell would <you> know?
   Dec-16-08 Milan Vidmar Jr (replies)
slomarko: ooops wrong Milan Vidmar. thanks.
   Dec-15-08 Carlsen vs B Socko, 2008 (replies)
slomarko: king's indian is ok.
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