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Member since Jan-16-05 · Last seen Dec-25-08
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   yalie has kibitzed 2563 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Dec-25-08 Viswanathan Anand
yalie: Linares field announced! Feb 19 - March 4 Anand, Carlsen, Ivanchuk, Aronian, Radyabov, Wang, Leinier Dominguez, Grischuk. Per live rating list, this should be a 2754+ field even if Topalov and, surprisingly, Kramnik is missing. The reason for ...
   Dec-22-08 Leko vs D Jakovenko, 2008
yalie: Ha! Back in the day when I used to hate playing against the Marshall with Nxe5, I usually played a4 and had pretty good results. Great to see a4 at this level and kinda sad that Leko didnt bring home the bacon despite getting such a huge advantage after playing a4.
   Dec-22-08 S Maus vs Tal, 1991 (replies)
yalie: took me an inordinately long time to see it. I was too focused on the f2 square.
   Dec-22-08 Vladimir Kramnik (replies)
yalie: Reasons for split: Hypothesis 1: Kramnik has been miffed for a while that he was forced to play in Mexico City so soon after playing Topalov in Elista. Ideally, he would have liked his manager to have arranged things so he could have rested as champion for a few years, organized a ...
   Dec-20-08 Veselin Topalov (replies)
yalie: Topalov and Anand have played arguably the most exciting games the past three-four years. The only problem I see with Topalov is that he might crash and burn against Kamsky before he even gets a shot at Anand. He is spending too many novelties in these tournaments (and playing too ...
   Nov-21-08 Women's Olympiad (2008) (replies)
yalie: maybe the mistake is on the olympiad site.
   Nov-20-08 Levon Aronian (replies)
yalie: expect him o open 1.c4 against Kramnik today in round 7.
   Nov-20-08 Kramnik vs Short, 2008 (replies)
yalie: 29..c6 was a holdable option for Nige.
   Nov-20-08 Olympiad (2008) (replies)
yalie: <SetNoEscapeOn: <ARMENIA> Nothing wrong with being enthusiastic and if Armenia repeats, that would be amazing. However, even if your scenario plays out there are still several rounds and dangerous teams left. Armenia cannot just "coast" to the title after Russia and Germany. ...
   Nov-19-08 Magnus Carlsen (replies)
yalie: At Carlsen's age, Kasparov did not play even 20% of the number of games Carlsen plays every year. Also, he rarely played the topmost players in the world at 16 & 17. So losing more games may not mean that much <amadeus> if you are trying to argue that Kasparov was stronger than ...
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