
Sudoku is a logic based number puzzle which is growing rapidly in popularity. It does not require any specialist knowledge and is easy to understand.

The classic 9-by-9 Sudoku grid must be completed in such a way that

• in every row,
• every column and
• in every 3-by-3 block (block of nine),

the numbers 1 to 9 each occur only once.

Using the numbers which are given, each displayed Sudoku grid can be solved by finding the one correct solution.

The Sudoku grid that is now displayed is of an intermediate difficulty level and should not pose any problems to players that are already familiar with Sudoku. However, even experienced players will need 10 minutes or longer to find the solution.

• Refresh browser to start a new game.

Tips on solving the puzzle

First of all, check to see which numbers are already contained in two of three blocks in a row or column.

In the example shown, the number 9 can be found in row 1 and row 3. Consequently, the third 9 has to appear in the 2nd row of the 3rd block.

As the number 9 already appears in the 9th column in row 9, this only leaves column 8 in which the number 9 now needs to be entered.

Using this method, you can systematically work out the other missing numbers.