Boris Alterman vs Deep Fritz (Computer)
"The Alterman Wall" (game of the day Mar-28-08)
KC Human-Machine 2000  ·  Bird Opening: Dutch Variation (A03)  ·  1-0

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Kibitzer's Corner
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Mar-01-07   SirBruce: The Fritz of today is much better and doesn't make the same mistakes it did in this game. First of all, the opening book no longer plays 4...Be2, preferring b4, b3, d4, or d3 in the book, or even c4 by evaluation. Secondly, 7...e6, which Alterman said was the first sign of Fritz struggling with the position, won't get played at all; Alterman's comments say black should play c5, and that's the move Fritz will try to play in one of the following lines:

7...Qd8-d6 8.0-0 Nb8-d7 9.Nf3-h4 Bf5-e4 10.Nh4-f3 c7-c5 7...c7-c5 8.0-0 Nb8-d7 9.Nf3-e5 Nf6-e4
7...Nb8-d7 8.0-0 c7-c5 9.Nf3-e5 Nf6-e4

May-24-07   Ranjan: For the first time I saw eight pawns of a side in the 4th row in a first class game after white's 26th Move!!!
Premium Chessgames Member
  Waitaka: What surprise me is a computer to resign.
Oct-13-07   Floyd5642: This is the longest game I have seen. Is there one that is longer?
Premium Chessgames Member
  Strongest Force: <floyd5642> How can a game that lasted only 87 moves be the longest you have ever seen? How long have you been playing chess? Even i have personally played blitz-games against comps that have gone over 200 moves.
Premium Chessgames Member
  TheaN: Who doesn't know the Alterman Wall?


Actually, I think that the Alterman Wall is not that famous, so it might not be that common. I knew it already, though. It still is a great game by Alterman.

Mar-28-08   tommy boy: Nice wall
Mar-28-08   jovack: haha cool position
Mar-28-08   Samagonka: Deep Fritz even forgot to shake Alterman's hand after turning red with rage when he was defeated.
Mar-28-08   TiTi: Oh gosh, how beautiful the position after 26. e4 :D. Never seen this before.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: 11. Kxe2! is clever - helps trap the B thus winning a pawn. Fascinating game

What is the pun about? - I don't get it...completely...

I mean I see the wall of pawns but is there another wall?

Premium Chessgames Member
  Phony Benoni: The later middlegame reminds me quite a bit of Capablanca vs K Treybal, 1929, with Fritz willing to sacrifice a piece to escape Treybal's fate. It's ironic that computers seem to be a lot like 19th century masters in that respect--willing to go to any lengths to stay alive in a seemingly hopeless position.
Mar-28-08   Scott1: I think the wall was uncalled for
Mar-28-08   moodini: White's 26th move was described as "aesthetically forced".
Mar-28-08   GibGezr: <Vischer: was 26.e4 played just to get the cool looking pawn wall, or did it have a real purpose? >

"A picturesque and unprecedented position where all the pawns are on the fourth rank! This illustrates White's complete domination. Interestingly, I didn't notice this curiosity during the game!"

Mar-28-08   Bobsterman3000: I saw a long article on this game a few years ago. Boris Alterman has some really keen insight into computer chess.
Premium Chessgames Member
  kevin86: Other than the obvious elephant in the room,the EIGHT pawns on the fourth rank after move 26 (btw,black has four on his third and three on the second at that time),the game does have merits.(btw,I have seen a position where both players have all 8 pawns on the same rank--it's the opening position-lol)

The main theme is the way that white was able to slowly nudge the black king aside and capture his pawns even with a "bad" bishop.

Mar-28-08   xrt999: I play this position on line all the time, but usually I just move every pawn 2 moves on my first eight a goof.

<then> I try to win the game.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Marmot PFL: GOTD, but was played in 2000. If any GM beats today's programs on even terms it should probably be Game of the Year.
Mar-28-08   pawnofdoom: <xrt999> By the 8th move I expect half of your pawns to be gone if you truly play like that :)

Boris Alterman is a very smart player playing into positions like that against a computer. He gives a lot of simuls online but he never seems to use the Bird against huma players.

Premium Chessgames Member
  karnak64: Neat.
Jun-05-08   offtherook: This game is beautiful. I sometimes get large walls like that in online blitz, but never do so quite so elegantly.
Jun-06-08   Aspirador: I had larger walls than that in online blitz!
Sep-13-08   Xenon Oxide: Was this a live OTB game, or was it correspondence?
Dec-13-08   eightbyeight: <Aspirador: I had larger walls than that in online blitz!> Um, an eight pawn wall is the largest possible, duh! Just post the PGN if you want to prove yourself.
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