Benko Gambit (A57)
1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 b5

Number of games in database: 2102
Years covered: 1922 to 2009
Overall record:
   White wins 41.9%
   Black wins 30.2%
   Draws 27.9%

Popularity graph, by decade

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With the White Pieces With the Black Pieces
Gennadi Timoshchenko  19 games
Loek Van Wely  16 games
Viktor Korchnoi  15 games
Lev Alburt  42 games
Jan Plachetka  39 games
Gerald Hertneck  37 games
NOTABLE GAMES [what is this?]
White Wins Black Wins
Shirov vs A Hauchard, 1990
Karpov vs Topalov, 2002
Rubinstein vs Spielmann, 1922
A Greenfeld vs Judit Polgar, 1989
Mamedyarov vs Carlsen, 2007
Kiril Georgiev vs I Rogers, 1993
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 page 1 of 85; games 1-25 of 2,102  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. Rubinstein vs Spielmann 1-047 1922 ViennaA57 Benko Gambit
2. E Jacobsen vs Spielmann  ½-½76 1923 CopenhagenA57 Benko Gambit
3. Julio Bolbochan vs Keres 0-162 1937 Stockholm ol (10.08.37)A57 Benko Gambit
4. M Stolberg vs A Konstantinov  1-032 1937 ch SK SpartakA57 Benko Gambit
5. M Stolberg vs Bondarevsky  1-055 1940 URS-sfA57 Benko Gambit
6. G Karring vs Keres  0-131 1942 Tallinn ,Est ch (17.05.42)A57 Benko Gambit
7. G Ilivitsky vs Boleslavsky  ½-½30 1942 SverdlovskA57 Benko Gambit
8. K Prucha vs Keres ½-½64 1943 Prague (Czech Republic)A57 Benko Gambit
9. Alatortsev vs B Ratner  1-042 1945 URS-ch14A57 Benko Gambit
10. G Kluger vs E R Lundin  1-080 1954 Amsterdam ol (Men)A57 Benko Gambit
11. Guimard vs Keres 0-132 1955 Goteborg ct (09.09.55)A57 Benko Gambit
12. Kan vs Keres 0-169 1955 Moskva ch-SU (01.03.55)A57 Benko Gambit
13. Lilienthal vs A Mokatsian  1-028 1955 1/2A57 Benko Gambit
14. B J Moore vs A Thomas  0-145 1956 PaigntonA57 Benko Gambit
15. H Courtney vs F Kitto  0-141 1956 PaigntonA57 Benko Gambit
16. K Klaman vs Keres  ½-½28 1957 Moskva ch-SU (31.01.57)A57 Benko Gambit
17. H Enevoldsen vs R Beyen  1-016 1958 13th olm final BA57 Benko Gambit
18. B H Wood vs A Thomas 0-120 1959 BCF-chA57 Benko Gambit
19. Bisguier vs S Bernstein  1-041 1959 USA ChampionshipA57 Benko Gambit
20. Simagin vs Gurgenidze  1-041 1960 URS-ch27A57 Benko Gambit
21. Petrosian vs Matulovic  ½-½32 1961 ZuerichA57 Benko Gambit
22. D Marovic vs Bobotsov  0-133 1961 Belgrade opA57 Benko Gambit
23. Y Pavlenko vs I Nei  ½-½19 1961 URS-ch sfA57 Benko Gambit
24. A M Giustolisi vs Contedini  1-027 1961 S.Benedetto del TronA57 Benko Gambit
25. Krogius vs A Kuznetsov 1-032 1962 USSRA57 Benko Gambit
 page 1 of 85; games 1-25 of 2,102  PGN Download
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Kibitzer's Corner
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Apr-13-06   Shajmaty: <Mate Hunter>: "Why does black plays 3...b5 (Benko Gambit) when black wins 29.8% vs white wins 42.8% (27.4% draws)?" Why do U as White play 1. e4, then, which is a more-likely-to-loose opening than 1. d4, 1. c4 or 1. Nf3? Statistics have to be used wisely...
Apr-17-06   Bobak Zahmat: Statistics can be great help for developing your skills as a player, but you have to trust your own judgement about a certain opening or position. To discover your own weak points is the best way to learn how to play chess.
Jun-09-06   Akavall: I think I'll try this against Volga/Benko.
Jun-26-06   Kings Indian: I am now playing the Benko against 1.d4. Though the statistics are bad for black i think the Benko is very fun to play and full of tactics. Even in games with super long time controls i imagine it would be hard to play this as white.
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  midknightblue: <Kings Indian> I agree, but does this mean you will need to change your handle?
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  midknightblue: <Sneaky> thx for the interesting game. I found this game in the database which seems to be pertinent for how black should approach things after white plays Nc3 instead of bxa6. A Labarthe vs Jean Claude Moingt, 2002
Aug-29-06   yanez: I prefer 5...g6 after 5.Nc3 but as white I like 5. f3 for a solid centre
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  whatthefat: In the last 2 rounds of the last tournament I went in, I had the rather strange experience of playing the f3 Benko as each colour, both times reaching the position after 1.d4 c5 2.d5 Nf6 3.c4 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.f3 e6 6.e4 exd5 7.e5 Qe7 8.Qe2 Ng8 9.Nc3 Bb7.

In the game I played as white, we followed theory to the 16th move! It later turned out we'd studied the same opening text. Unfortunately for me, I hadn't looked at it within the weeks before the tournament...

The game continued:
10.Nh3 c4 11.Be3 Qb4 (11...axb5 12.0-0-0 Qb4 is more usual) 12.0-0-0 axb5 13.Nf4 Ne7 14.Qf2!?

<<This avoids the deeply discussed queen sacrifice line: 14.Bb6 h5 15.Rxd5 Qxc3+!! 16.bxc3 Nxd5 with a very unclear game. White is probably objectively better, but it's easy for black to generate a dangerous attack on the black king. The classic example is B Lalic vs Khalifman, 1997;>

14...Qa5 15.Bb6 Qa6 16.Rxd5 (the rook can't be taken, otherwise a white knight will make it to c7) 16...Bc6

and to here we have been following Lim Chuin Hoong, Ronnie vs Wong Zi Jing, 2000 which continued 17.a3. I certainly considered the move, but I had to admit to myself that I couldn't remember any further, so I tried to look at the position completely afresh. This led to me playing the rather bizarre novelty 17.Rxb5?!?

click for larger view

The main idea being to free the d5 square for the knights. White gets some okay compensation, but not enough. Play continued 17...Bxb5 18.Nfd5 (Perhaps stronger would have been 18.Ne4) 18...Nxd5 19.Nxd5 Qxa2! (now I realised I was in some real trouble) 20.Nc7+ Kd8 21.Nxb5+ Kc8 22.Na7+ Kb7 23.Qd4 reaching this bizarre position:

click for larger view

Both sides are well behind in kingside development and have exposed kings, but it turns out white's is in more danger, and I should have been beaten fairly quickly from here. In the end I was lucky to struggle into an ending down a piece, but with an extra pawn and an initiative, and the game was eventually drawn.

Moral: A rook sacrifice as a novelty should usually be avoided!

May-03-07   FICSwoodpusher: Does anyone here play the blumenfeld countergambit. I think there are some good ideas behind this opening in theory but often I don't get the best reults with it in practice.
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  Marmot PFL: White will have a statistical edge in any respectable opening. These stats are not bad for black but this is not an opening to play for a draw. Probably too risky for matches or strong round robins but fine for swisses.
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  WarmasterKron: <Sneaky> Re, bringing Benko players out of their comfort zone by playing away from the main line. I sometimes play the Benko, and I get around this potential problem by having little to no working knowledge of the main line. I prefer to be flexible in my ignorance. ;)
Aug-20-07   Edwin Meyer: Statistics aren't that bad for Black when you take a look at them in ChessBase's MegaBase 2007;

1-0 9373 =39% total:52%
1/2-1/2 6450 =27%
0-1 8281 =34% total:48%

So by all means, play the Benko if that's what you like ;-)

Premium Chessgames Member


Mr. Ortner asks:

I usually don’t care to update the openings I play. That’s why my reference book for the Benko gambit is from 1991 (by Suetin).

Recently, I came across a review of Neil McDonald’s new book THE BENKO GAMBIT REVEALED, where I read the following:

“...he explains why you have to play g6 before taking on a6 with the bishop.”

I don’t know McDonald’s book and wondered what’s wrong with taking on a6 with the bishop immediately. Moreover, my book doesn’t see anything wrong with the line 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.bxa6 Bxa6 either.

Is there really something like a refutation of this line? Should I think about buying a new opening book for the Benko?

Silman replies:

A lot of things change in theory in a very short time, but the need to get new books and keep up with those changes depends on the level of competition you face. If you’re a serious tournament competitor, you really should upgrade. If you just play for fun on-line or with friends, then there’s no reason to do so.

The view that an immediate 5…Bxa6 is inaccurate has been generally accepted for a couple decades. However, this is based on the assessment of the following line: 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.bxa6 Bxa6 6.g3 d6 7.Bg2 g6 8.b3! Bg7 9.Bb2 0-0 10.Nh3 Nbd7 11.0-0 and though Black has tried just about every possible move and idea, White seems to come out on top.

Because of this, 5…g6 became Black’s main choice. Now Black can meet 6.b3 Bg7 7.Bb2 0-0 8.g3 with 8…Nxa6 9.Bg2 Bb7 when Black is doing well due to the possibilities of …Nb4 and/or …e6.

In a nutshell, you lose nothing by choosing 5…g6, since you can always hack off the pawn later by …Bxa6. Since there’s no downside, why not use this move, which keeps your options open and guards against the double fianachetto line mentioned above?>

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  GeauxCool: <notyetagm> Thanks for this. It's strange how black had to struggle before finding g6 as an answer to a single sharp line.

As white I never accept that a6 pawn, then you're almost always stuck with hand castling, and what seems to be a lost endgame.

At the interactive is a rybka engine, on the hardest level it will allow the benko gambit, and sometimes play the handcastles version as white. It's fast, and good practice if you can't afford the real rybka/fritz set-up, or can't get to anything else otherwise.

Dec-13-07   Shams: I just started playing the Benko, and I notice a lot of blitz players meet 3...b5 with 4.b3. My book doesn't even mention this move (or it might and I haven't seen it.) What do you guys play against this as black?
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  WannaBe: Dear <Shams>:

If you still have your prem. membership, you'd know the answer. =)

4...e6 2 games, all 0-1

4...bxc4 Christian Manley vs J Rosenberg, 2001 0-1

4...g6 C Aarnes vs J Lunnan Hjort, 2001 0-1

4...b4 Aldo Muradore vs L Nedimovic, 2002 0-1

Dec-13-07   Shams: thanks <WannaBe>. I probably should re-up. :)
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  whatthefat: <Shams>

4.b3 was discussed on page 3 of this thread. After 4...bxc4 White is pretty much struggling for equality.

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  bachwei: any comments on how to play, after ...a6 by black, against white's: b6 or a4 instead of white's traditional ba
Jun-18-08   mmmsplay10: random question
do any of you know the white response to
1.d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6 5. bxa6 Bxa6 6.Nc3 d6 7. e4 Bxf1 8. Kxf1 <H4!?> This move stops the typical g4 and Kg2 plan for white? WHAT TO DO?????
Jun-19-08   mmmsplay10: <backwei> a good line to consider against b6 is d6, followed by a later Nd7-b6. if he plays a4 after playing b6, you can either play a5, to stop him from play a5, so you can still take the b6 pawn with your knight, or you can play Qb6, and after a5, play either Qb8 or Qb4, and then just continue with normal benko strategy, fianchetto, castle kingside, and tear apart his queenside as fast as you can.
Jun-19-08   mmmsplay10: 1.d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6 5. bxa6 Bxa6 6.Nc3 d6

click for larger view

. e4 Bxf1 8. Kxf1 <H4!?> This move stops the typical g4 and Kg2 plan for white? WHAT TO DO?????

Premium Chessgames Member
  AgentRgent: <Shams: I just started playing the Benko, and I notice a lot of blitz players meet 3...b5 with 4.b3. What do you guys play against this as black?> I play 4...bxc4 5. bxc4 Qb6!? and have an pretty convincing score in this line.
Oct-28-08   Toastman: Can companies buy their own chess variation name these days?

Benko Gambit: Zaitsev Variation. Nescafe Frappe Attack

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  whiteshark: e.g. a BAT Variation. Lucky Strike Attack
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