Barbados Chess Federation Inc.
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The Barbados Chess Federation Inc

7th, 14th and 21st March 2009

Chief Arbiter: IA Trevor Griffith


 Under 13

(Born on or after 1 Jan 1996)

Final Standings 
Place Name                  Feder Rtg Loc Score Progr.  Minor  M-Buch. Buch.

  1   The Lodge School A,                 63     222.0 6.0-0.0   137.0 204.0
  2   Queens College,                     46     148.0 5.0-1.0   138.0 217.0
  3   Harrison College A,                 45     131.0 4.0-2.0   124.0 191.0
  4   The Lodge School B,                 40     129.0 4.0-2.0   119.0 186.0
  5   The Lodge School C,                 32      95.0 4.0-2.0   104.0 154.0
  6   The St. Michael's A,                30     110.0 2.0-4.0   128.0 195.0
  7   Colridge & Parry A,                 22      99.0 2.0-4.0   118.0 185.0
  8   Garrison School A,                  21      91.0 2.0-4.0   148.0 227.0
  9   Deighton Griffith A,                16      64.0 1.0-5.0   120.0 170.0
 10   Colridge & Parry B,                 4       14.0 0.0-6.0   124.0 185.0

Team Results Round 6

No Name                       Result   Name                     

 1 The St. Michael's A,  (8)  0.0:11.0 The Lodge School A,  (5) 
 2 Queens College,  (10)      9.0:2.0  Deighton Griffith A,  (3)
 3 Colridge & Parry B,  (2)   0.0:11.0 Harrison College A,  (9) 
 4 Colridge & Parry A,  (1)   0.0:11.0 The Lodge School B,  (6) 
 5 The Lodge School C,  (7)   8.0:3.0  Garrison School A,  (4)  

Team Results Round 5

No Name                      Result   Name                     

 1 Garrison School A,  (4)   0.0:11.0 The Lodge School A,  (5) 
 2 The Lodge School B,  (6)  1.0:11.0 Queens College,  (10)    
 3 Harrison College A,  (9) 11.0:0.0  Deighton Griffith A,  (3)
 4 Colridge & Parry A,  (1)  2.0:8.0  The Lodge School C,  (7) 
 5 Colridge & Parry B,  (2)  1.0:10.0 The St. Michael's A,  (8)
Team Results Round 4
No Name                       Result   Name                    

 1 The Lodge School A,  (5)   8.0:4.0  Harrison College A,  (9)
 2 The St. Michael's A,  (8)  3.0:9.0  The Lodge School B,  (6)
 3 Garrison School A,  (4)    2.0:9.0  Queens College,  (10)   
 4 Deighton Griffith A,  (3)  4.0:6.0  Colridge & Parry A,  (1)
 5 The Lodge School C,  (7)   8.0:2.0  Colridge & Parry B,  (2)
Team Results Round 3
No Name                       Result   Name                     

 1 Queens College,  (10)      1.0:11.0 The Lodge School A,  (5) 
 2 The Lodge School B,  (6)   7.0:4.0  Garrison School A,  (4)  
 3 Colridge & Parry A,  (1)   3.0:8.0  The St. Michael's A,  (8)
 4 Harrison College A,  (9)  11.0:0.0  The Lodge School C,  (7) 
 5 Deighton Griffith A,  (3)  4.0:0.0  Colridge & Parry B,  (2) 
Team Results Round 2
No Name                      Result   Name                     

 1 The Lodge School A,  (5) 11.0:1.0  Colridge & Parry A,  (1) 
 2 The Lodge School C,  (7)  1.0:10.0 Queens College,  (10)    
 3 Garrison School A,  (4)   6.0:2.0  Deighton Griffith A,  (3)
 4 Harrison College A,  (9)  6.0:5.0  The St. Michael's A,  (8)
 5 Colridge & Parry B,  (2)  0.0:11.0 The Lodge School B,  (6) 
Team Results Round 1
No Name                       Result   Name                    

 1 Colridge & Parry A,  (1)  10.0:1.0  Colridge & Parry B,  (2)
 2 The Lodge School B,  (6)   1.0:11.0 The Lodge School A,  (5)
 3 Deighton Griffith A,  (3)  4.0:7.0  The Lodge School C,  (7)
 4 The St. Michael's A,  (8)  4.0:6.0  Garrison School A,  (4) 
 5 Queens College,  (10)      6.0:2.0  Harrison College A,  (9)

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