Alexander Alekhine vs Alan Linnell Fletcher
"Gone with the Windmill" (game of the day Jun-30-09)
London 1928  ·  English Opening: Symmetrical. Anti-Benoni Variation (A31)  ·  1-0

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Kibitzer's Corner
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Jun-30-09   gofer: I have had a quick play of this on Fritz and really black could have played on with... 26 ... Ne7 protecting the weak f4 pawn and solidifying his position.

Now all is not completely lost, as white still has to be careful not to make his king vunerable and stop the b pawn, but one such line is as follows;

27 Qb1 Bxf1
28 Kxf1 (not Bxf1) b3
29 a3 c4
30 Bf2 c3
31 Nxc3 Bxc3
32 bxc3 Qxc3
33 Rc1 Qa5

34 Nxf4 exploits the pin on the b1-h7 diagonal again!

34 ... Rxf5
35 Be4 Kg6
36 Ke2 Qb5+
37 Kf3 Rbf8
38 Rg1+ Kh7 (forced)
39 Bd4 Qc4
40 Ke3

and now black is in real trouble, but can try to come out fighting,

40 ... Nxd5+
41 Bxd5 Qxd5
42 Rg7+ Kh8
43 Rxa7

and is now black is well and truly losing


Jun-30-09   WhiteRook48: pun was hilarious. Windmill = e4-bishop and g6-knight Pun= book
Jun-30-09   openingspecialist: <MAJ> I think it should be about wednesday level in sight of Bxf1. then again the monday queen sack....
Jun-30-09   Ragh: The Queen sac is amazing!! <26.Qxe4!!>

Alekhine must have seen at least 7-8 moves ahead before playing out this move.

Jun-30-09   heklex: 3...Nc6? I don't understand. I'd play 3...cxd4 automatically.

Surely, it turns into a weird kind of King's Indian. White rolls on Kingside, Black on Q-side, which is quite reversed approach. No surprise, that CG calls it 'English Anti-Benoni'.

All in all, Black Knights are so lousy all the time. It is painful to watch.

And the final combination... Well Mr Fletcher, this is Alekhine. You had to be aware about sacrifical threats. Especially about this one; rather obvious one, i think.

Premium Chessgames Member
  JG27Pyth: Wow. One of the great finishes of all time.

sfm: <He probably saw it all before playing 25.Nh4!!> Yes, how extraordinary. What wonderful imagination to look for that!

Premium Chessgames Member
  kevin86: The knight does a nice imitation of Fred Astaire-btw,a great actor as well as a great song and dance man.
Premium Chessgames Member
  karnak64: Nice pun. The game is something of a walkover, but with a fun finish.
Premium Chessgames Member
  RandomVisitor: The Windmills of Your Mind...
Premium Chessgames Member
  Chessmensch: Black used two tempi putting knights back to their starting positions (although in one case it was the QN going the the KN home). Not that avoiding that would have enabled him to beat Alekhine.
Jun-30-09   tivrfoa: as other said, black was very naive to take the queen
Jun-30-09   drpoundsign: Alekhine was one smart Nazi!
Premium Chessgames Member K IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT K

As many of you know, the puns from June 21st to June 30th have been the "close but no cigar" pun submissions to our 2009 Pun Contest. These earned the respect of an 'honorable mention' but no 4 month trial memberships were to be awarded.

Well, we've had a change of heart. We've decided to award prizes for puns 21-30 as well. That means that "The Way to Win a Queen is to b1" by chessbug, "Ashes Tarrasch's" by sleepyirv, several by severus6, etc. will all receive 4 month trial memberships (or membership extensions if they are already premium). Well done and congratulations!

But wait, that's not all... a large number of the winning puns were claimed by tpstar, who is a lifetime member. That means that adding 4 months to his membership is effectively meaningless. To remedy this, all of tpstar's winning membership packages will be consolidated into 1-year packages and given away as extra prizes during our normal "Santa Claus" drawing we hold on Christmas Day. This was tpstar's suggestion and we all should thank him for his generosity.

Congratulations to all of the winners of the 2009 Pun Contest, and also many thanks to those who didn't win but supplied us with great ideas for upcoming puns. Starting tomorrow (July 1st) we'll go back to using our own GOTD selections, but from now on we're also going to throw in a generous mixture of pun ideas that came from the contest. We will no longer give credit to the pun inventor on the homepage (sorry) but they know who they are, and are welcome to make posts taking credit for their creations, if they want to.

Thanks again to everybody who participated in the 2009 Pun Contest; collectively you've permanently raised the bar on the quality of puns and games we use for the Game of the Day.

Jun-30-09   YetAnotherAmateur: <gofer> About option 2 there: 22 ... Qd8
23 Nxf5 Rxf5
24 Qxf5+ Kh8
25. Be4 Nf6

How do you finish after that? I think you need
26. Bb1 (else Nxe4) Rb7
Then you'd need to bring another piece into play, with something like: 27. Nf2 Bf8

In short, you need several moves in order to capitalize on the mating threat you've set up, and in that time it looks like black can bring his b8 rook to bear on h7 and thus save the day.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: I knew Alan Fletcher - I played him in a correspondence game, it was draw, and he was a friend of my father. He was well known in NZ Chess.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: < zooter: Doesn't 26.Bxe4 also lead to the same result? or Am i missing something here?>

Your missing imagination - only a dull player would not sac his or her Queen.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: Dear

I didn't enter the pun comp: but if I had I would have undoubtedly have found the most brilliant pun ever thought of in human history. For this reason, can I have free membership?

Yours chessfully, Richard

Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: << zooter: Doesn't 26.Bxe4 also lead to the same result? or Am i missing something here?> Your missing imagination - only a dull player would not sac his or her Queen.>>

My apologies - it is also a Q sac!!

Premium Chessgames Member
  SirChrislov: Nice finish. I don't think I've ever seen a windmill w/ bishpo and knight that ends in mate. It sure would be sweet to crush an opponent w/ a windmill in otb one day, but I can proudly say I once solved a puzzle with a windmill sequence of moves that began w/ a Q sac.

here's a Q sac with a bishop and rook windmill. very instructive. it does'nt end in mate but wht eventually wins. some people call it the 'windmill immortal' or the 'Mexican immortal':

Carlos Torre vs Lasker, 1925

It's nice that CG is going to continue using people's puns but not fair that they won't give credit to the pun inventor. that sucks. It's like reading the Quote of the day and not knowing who it came from because they decided not to post the name. but whatever.

Premium Chessgames Member
  SirChrislov: I submitted several puns, my best one was
Appetite for Deepstruction
Kasparov vs Deep Blue, 1997 1-0

how would you rate it?

Premium Chessgames Member
  HeMateMe: They must have put a SLASH mark through it.
Premium Chessgames Member
  tpstar: High time we made a stand (1. Nf3 Nf6) and shook up the views of the common man (2. c4 c5)/And the love train rides from coast to coast (3. d4 Nc6), DJ's the man we love the most [last book move]/Could you be could you be squeaky clean (4. d5 Nb8) and smash any hope of Democracy (5. Nc3 d6)/As the headline says you're free to choose (6. g3), there's egg on your face and mud on your shoes [6. Qa4+ Nbd7 ]/One of these days they're gonna call it the Blues (6 ... g6), yeah yeah (7. Bg2 Bg7)/Anything is possible (8. 0-0 0-0) when you're sowing the seeds of love (9. Bf4 h6)/Anything is possible (10. Qd2 Kh7), sowing the seeds of love (11. e4 Nh5)/I spy tears in their eyes (12. Be3 Nd7), they look to the skies for some kind of divine intervention (13. Rae1)/Food goes to waste [13. Rfe1 Nhf6 ], so nice to eat (13 ... Rb8), so nice to taste [13 ... a6 14. Rb1 =]/Politician grannie with your high ideals (14. Nh4), have you no idea how the majority feels [14. Qc2 a6=]/So without love and a promised land (14 ... Ndf6), we're fools to the rules of a government plan [14 ... Qa5 15. Qe2 =]/Kick out the style (15. h3 Ng8), bring back the jam (16. g4 Nhf6)/Sowing the seeds (17. f4 e6), the birds and the bees (18. Nf3 exd5)/My girlfriend and me (19. cxd5 b5), in love (20. e5 b4)/Feel the pain (21. Nd1 Ne4), talk about it (22. Qd3 f5)/If you're a worried man (23. e6), then shout about it [23. Kh2 b3 24. a3 Ne7 =]/Open hearts (23 ... Qa5), feel about it (24. gxf5 gxf5)/Open minds (25. Nh4 Ba6??), think about it [25 ... Ng3 26. Bf2 Nxf1 27. Nxf5 Ba6 =]/Everyone (26. Qxe4! fxe4??), read about it [but even a better move would not have saved the game 26 ... Ne7 27. Qb1 b3 ]/Everyone (27. Bxe4+ Kh8), scream about it (28. Ng6+ Kh7)/Everyone (29. Nxf8+ Kh8), read about it (30. Ng6+ Kh7), read about it (31. Ne5+ Kh8)/Read it in the books in the crannies and the nooks there are books to read (32. Nf7# 1-0) - Tears For Fears + Fritz 7, "Sowing the Seeds of Love"

Time to eat all your words, swallow your pride, open your eyes ...

<> Thank you very much for running the 2009 Pun Contest, which was even better with all of those bonus prizes. I think over 90% of the entries were sincere, even if us amateurs are clearly not as clever as y'all in the pun department. ;>D I agree that it would be a very nice gesture to formally credit the inventor for any further submissions used as GOTD (at least for the rest of 2009), and since not everyone visits every day, it would be better for the site to identify the source instead of us clamoring over it. Personally I am curious about #31-50 (which is still only 2% of the 2500+ entries), so please consider publishing the top 50 or even the top 100 for posterity sometime.

Any future Pun Contests would be more enjoyable all around with a preset list of overused ideas ("Tal" for "tall" & "Short" for "short" ...) to keep everything fresh. =)

<Appetite for Deepstruction> I love it! 4 & 4! ;>D

Premium Chessgames Member
  agb2002: <MAJ>, <Once> Thank you!
Premium Chessgames Member
  SirChrislov: Yes!! Tony Palmer(<tpstar>) loves my pun! that means a lot coming from the man who won the contest and who got like 10 puns in top 30. it's even better than winning. Thank you, Sir. ;>D smiles indeed, Mr. Palmer. smiles indeed.

Another one by me:
El Nino's Disaster
Karjakin vs T L Petrosian, 2005 0-1

<please consider publishing the top 50 or even the top 100 for posterity sometime.>, do as this man says! no seriously, I'm in support of this idea so please consider it. grazie.

Premium Chessgames Member
  OhioChessFan: I guess a lot of Alekhine's combinations stun me, but this one is pretty obvious. It's a lot of moves, but 26. Qxe4 should rate out at maybe a Wednesday or Thursday POTD.
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