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Home Fire In My Bones Challenging Oprah in the Gay Debate

Challenging Oprah in the Gay Debate

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Last week Ted Haggard's wife, Gayle, dared to defy the high priestess of America's new morality.

Last week former Colorado pastor Ted Haggard hit the talk show circuit to promote the new HBO documentary about his fall from grace, The Trials of Ted Haggard. I'll admit I wasn't too excited about Haggard going public with the story of his relationship with a male prostitute, but there was a bright spot amid the awkward interviews. When Ted and his wife, Gayle, appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show Jan. 28, Gayle dared to defy Oprah and her audience.

Oprah tried her best to pin Ted down and get him to admit he is a homosexual. Ted balked, saying that his sexuality is complicated. He explained that he had sexual experiences in the seventh grade that confused him. He spoke of sexual impulses that he struggled with but didn't act on until he hit 50.

"Oprah is the closest thing we have to a high priestess of America's new morality, and she seems obligated to push the politically correct idea that it's OK to be gay.”

Oprah told Ted, who is now 52, that he should just accept his "identity" rather than hiding it or running from it. Then Gayle, who has raised five kids and knows a lot about discipline, struck a nerve. She told Oprah that just because a person has certain inclinations doesn't mean he has to act on them.

Oprah got upset at that point. She even got out of her chair and said to Gayle: "That's where I disagree with you"-and her audience cheered. (I couldn't help but wonder if they had been cued.)

I was cheering for Gayle-not just because she has modeled Christian forgiveness during this embarrassing scandal but also because she clearly articulated the gospel during the interview. She stuck her neck out and defied the false religion of our times.

Oprah is the closest thing we have to a high priestess of America's new morality, and she seems obligated to push the politically correct idea that it's OK to be gay. She is paid a lot of money to promote this agenda, and she's good at it. She is articulate in her arguments and velvety smooth in her affirmation. Just come to Oprah, all you who are weary and burdened, and she will console you.

Oprah's feel-good doctrine is the same one adopted in the last 30 years by mainstream psychologists, Hollywood producers, gay rights organizations and some mainline churches. It basically says that if a person struggles with any level of same-sex attraction, they shouldn't fight the urges or label this a sin or a sexual disorder. They should simply accept their gayness, celebrate their new sexual identity and then hop in bed with whomever they please (unless of course they want to settle down into a same-sex marriage, which all state governments should legalize).

This "just accept who you are" argument certainly doesn't make sense for other categories of sinful behavior or emotional dysfunction. Consider these examples:

* I've prayed with countless people who struggle with addictions to alcohol, marijuana or prescription drugs. In most cases they were using the substances to numb their emotional pain and they hated their condition. When they received prayer ministry and counseling they found the grace to break free from these addictions. Can you imagine a counselor telling these people: "Why fight it? God gave you an addictive personality! Embrace it!"

* I know several single straight guys who struggle to stay sexually pure. They want to honor God and save sex for marriage, but sometimes they give in to the temptations of pornography or they cross barriers they shouldn't when they're dating. If I embrace Oprah's philosophy, I should just tell my friends to accept these temptations as their "identity"-as in, "Go ahead, God created you to be a fornicator! Let your hormones control you!"

* This week I met a man who spent more than 10 years in prison and is officially classified as a sex offender in police records. He found Christ during his first year of incarceration, and today he is a strong Christian. He has been out of prison for 10 years, and has had no further criminal incidents, yet he occasionally struggles with lustful thoughts. Should I tell him to stop trying so hard and just accept perversion as a way of life?

It would be absurd to discourage these people from seeking change. The very essence of the gospel is that Christ gives us the power to live a holy life. We are helpless to overcome sinful urges on our own, but when we have the presence of Jesus in our lives we discover the truth of Romans 6:14: "Sin shall not be master over you (NASB)."

God does not want us to stay the way we are! The apostle Paul told the Corinthians: "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come" (2 Cor. 5:17). That is the hallmark of genuine Christianity.

The issue on the table in this debate is whether homosexuality is (1) a sinful condition that can be overcome by the grace of God; or (2) an inborn genetic quality that should be accepted like skin color or a personality trait. Oprah and the majority of the mainstream media today are obviously pushing the second viewpoint. "Sin" is not in their vocabulary.

We cannot be silent while this debate rages. Let's tell our culture that Jesus Christ's amazing grace has the power to transform people whether they are gay or straight or anything in between.


J. Lee Grady is editor of Charisma.


Comments (23)add comment

mas752 said:

Oprah is the closest thing we have to a high priestess of America's new morality....whew what a statement ! if that statement is true and that seems highly probable, then it is a serious indictment of the Church in where have the appealing christian leaders and laity gone? where are the christian role models? ironic considering that we hold with us the Word of God which brings transformation to an individual and which in turns brings forth a positive change in their communities....maybe we have failed as christians to be ' Christ - like"...we are guilty of being the eternal judge of people...we have become drunk in our holiness that we cease to understand the pain and shortcomings of others...instead we judge them and pass a sentence...
February 23, 2009
Votes: -3

arlene said:

A heterosexual with issues?
Can someone please explain what TH means? Aren't we all heterosexuals with issues? It seems to me that one of his greatest issues is denial. If it quacks like a know the rest. If he is ever going to be delivered, he must first admit or acknowledge his issue and then repent and receive restoration. He's not ready to do that and I feel so bad for his wife. Watching that interview was extremely painful. His next interview will be the one where he confesses that he lied throughout this one. No more to say...just shaking my head.
February 21, 2009
Votes: -1

Pastor Steve Ingram said:

RE:Open our mouths and speak in Love!
"Oprah is the closest thing we have to a high priestess of America's new morality, and she seems obligated to push the politically correct idea that it's OK to be gay.”

Thank you and very true, Lee Grady! While I was unable to see the interview (Oprah isn't on my HAVE to watch list) I certainly have been amazed that so MANY of America have taken sides and endorsed Oprah as the new spokesperson for morality. She certainly has a relentless stance for gay “equality”. But as Glenn Beck often says "Are we nuts, America?" She has absolutely NO moral ground on which to teach or lead the World. People’s opinion is just that, their opinion. That is what most of the PC elitist do well daily. Believers need to open their mouths with the love of God and not judgment. But obviously not all spiritual terms mean the same across the spectrum of religions. We should open our mouths in love without compromise of biblical meaning, sin is still sin and needs a Savior. It takes focus on the real issues of confronting lifestyles that are just ungodly. My wife, Cheryl Ingram, has written an awesome book that does suggest biblical timely answers especially written to give to non-believers! “The Oprahfication of our Culture” the secret is not a secret anymore. Pastor Steve Ingram, Word of Faith Family Church, Daytona Beach FL
February 18, 2009
Votes: +4

lunatoonsx2 said:

The Public make her popular
It amazes me how blind the people are to what Oprah stands for, they applaud her no matter if they agree or disagree. She is too new age for me. Whatever feels good to you is fine. I pray the Lord bring her to an understanding of Who He Is!!. Or get off the air waves. She pollutes the public. She thinks that her giving and good deeds will bring her to heave. I am in true prayer for this woman.
February 14, 2009
Votes: +7

skmr00 said:

Measuring Sin by God's standard
Praise God for your courage to challenge Oprah on this subject. Too many are blindly taking the false doctrine she preaches as gospel and being led away from the one true God and His word. By holding up what she preaches to to the Word of God - Scripture - (Acts 17:11) we can see the falseness of these beliefs. James 2:10-11 states that all sin is sin, none is any less than the other in its severity. It is man who gives "rank" to sin, not God. God's word mentions homosexuality as sin in several places, in both the old and the new testement, (Romans 1:26-27, 1 Timothy 1:10, Leviticus 18:22), and since "all scripture is God breathed", (2 Timothy 3:16), we can believe what we read and how the Holy Spirit reveals it to us. If we choose to truly accept the gift of salvation that God, through Christ, has given us, we must also accept what His word clearly states. We must also measure everything against ALL scripture, not just the words in red, because again, if we accept Christ as our savior, we must accept that He was with God when the foundations of the world were laid. (John 1:1-5).
February 14, 2009
Votes: +4

ElizabethI said:

"Oprah tried her best to pin Ted down and get him to admit he is a homosexual. Ted balked, saying that his sexuality is complicated. He explained that he had sexual experiences in the seventh grade that confused him. He spoke of sexual impulses that he struggled with but didn't act on until he hit 50."

Ted admitted he's a "heterosexual with issues." Ha, ha, ha! Oprah seemed a bit skeptical, but willing to accept that. The issues are of course that he's attracted to men.

He has since seen that the seventh grade incidents were typical of many 12 year olds as there sexual feelings emerge. His restoration team played them up as being somehow significant, They're always trying to find some "cause" for homosexuality later, rather than accept the biological one. Ted doesn't consider these to be of any consequence now that real therapy has begun.

Impulses he didn't act on till he was 50? Others have come forward indicating this activity occurred much sooner than that.

February 13, 2009
Votes: -1

Morenike said:

Thank God for Gayle
I also watched the show and I give God the praise for Gayle who took her stand. Having certain inclinations does not mean we have to obey them. If any one be in Christ, He is a new creature. The old life is nailed to the cross. I think people should read their bible more and know what the will of God is in every situation.
February 11, 2009
Votes: +10

the truth said:

Pray for God's Will
Bachman said:
Not sure why Ted doesn't simply admit he's gay and everyone can move forward. To say that his sexuality is "complex" is really a cop out. A straight man will have an affair with a woman--a gay man who is married will seek out sex with a man. It's really simple, and not at all complex.

And Oprah never claimed to be a fundamentalist Christian, so I don't understand why all the fundies get so mad at her. She's simply stating what she believes and it's a free country. If you don't like her, don't watch her.

The church/Church has enough of their own mess to clean up without going after her. I wish Charisma/the Church would start hounding and condeming divorce! So MANY christians are getting divorced and they are the ones who should be judged and expelled from churches. Instead, gay bashing and hatred is what the church focuses on.

I take comfort that Jesus says ZERO about gays but TONS about divorce, unforgiveness, neglecting the poor, injustice, etc. On judgment day, I'm sure He's going to ask, "Why did you focus on the things I never spoke about---and ignored what I told you was important?"

Amen! This exactly what I see as one of the main problems of "the church" today. It is NOT the Church, as meant in the Bible. It's just a group of people who pick and chose what they want of the scriptures and ignore what they don't want to see. The Bible is very clear concerning divorce. Lately, I have almost quit reading Charisma because it seems to be mostly concerned with criticizing others, Todd Bentley, Ted Haggard, Barrack Obama, etc. and very little about the love of Christ. God puts people in positions of power for a reason and it's ludicrous to think God needed our "vote" to put the one he wanted in the White House. The Bible tells us to pray for those in power and in need and we should "quit casting the first stone", and get back to what Christ intended for his "Church" to be. Let's pray for others for God's will to be done, not what we want to be done. God knows best, we don't.
February 08, 2009
Votes: -17

Bro Paul said:

Hello again,

I really don't feel that Oprah feels "obligated" to push the homosexual agenda.....I believe she and others like her, such as Pres. Obama, do it because they are liberal socialists. That is what they believe. Oprah is not just a liberal socialist either - what she's really pushing is New Age mysticism. In other words, Oprah is on her way to hell and leading many others with her.

The Lord Jesus said that of all the men born of women, none were greater than the man John the baptist. Think of that....the Son of God proclaiming who the greatest man on the earth was!! Save for the least. And what was John's message and preaching?? "REPENT."

No kingdom dominion false doctrine there. Just my .02. Thanks.
February 08, 2009
Votes: +10

Handmaiden of the Lord said:

The Truth is Good!
"Oprah is the closest thing we have to a high priestess of America's new morality, and she seems obligated to push the politically correct idea that it's OK to be gay.”

Very true, J. Lee Grady. The fact that there are so many who follow her way of thinking shows that there is very little recognition of the truth out there. Many are blinded by the world's way of looking at things. Only God can awaken us to Him, His truth, and His Word is Truth! Not man's way of looking at things. God's ways are higher than our ways. We may be in the dark, but we don't have to be of it. We can still honor God and His Word as higher and more important than our ways of looking at things.

February 05, 2009
Votes: +9

markdeckard said:

God's grace for gays
Let Oprah prophesy! God is going to silence her foolishness with a mighty wave of anointing wherein the church is being equipped to minister deliverance to homosexuals. Let us pray for mighty ministries to arise all over the world that are anointed with compassion and understanding and deliverance for gays. The spirit of God will use us to heal the masculine and feminine identity of gays who have been damaged and sabotaged by Satan's abuses and neglect.
February 05, 2009
Votes: +20

lunatoonsx2 said:

Bro Paul, you may have just hit the nail on the head. We have taken the Lord out of America, and alot of people think this president will fix it, he maybe will, but at the expense of what. I pray for him to seek Godly advice and send this wonderful country God gave us humbly to be restored.
February 04, 2009
Votes: +12
..., Lowly rated comment [Show]

JENEA said:

I saw the interview w/Ted and Gayle, and like many of you I was glad Gayle stood up for her beliefs. We ALL at some point or another have been "inclined" to do many things that are not right, but if we're in Christ we must know WHOSE we are. If more "christians" would stand up for our beliefs as Gayle has and if the body of Christ would do more of what we're supposed to be doing, I believe people of the world won't be so inclined to listen to all this New Age garbage. If so called christians LIVED more like Christ, stop gossiping, lying, back-biting, fighting over political affiliations, being racially divided, but show REAL unconditional love to one another, pray more, read the Word more & earnestly seek the Lord MORE we could have much more affect on this world. Stop blaming the government and media for our problems for the word says " the government shall be upon HIS shoulders (Isaiah 9:6-7)." How can Oprah lead people astray when she's blind to the truth herself? People don't want to accept the Gospel as truth, so if given other options then of course they'll take it. However, again I say if we as christians do our job then we can expect to have a greater impact on society, see more miracles and more people coming to Christ, although some people will just never come to Christ. I am not suggesting that a lot of us are not doing what GOD has called us to do, but as a collective body of believers we're just not doing enough. Lastly, homosexuality is not the only sin, treating people wrong, impure thoughts, idolatry EVERYTHING that goes against GOD'S word is sin, we ALL need to make sure that we're searching our hearts and living in a constant state of repentance. We just have to keep praying for Ted, Gayle, Oprah the entire body of Christ and our leaders (church and government). GOD didn't send Jesus into the world to condemn the world, but that the world thru Him might be saved (JOHN 3:17)
February 04, 2009
Votes: +27

kgoldenk said:

I agree Barbara, but it may not happen in this life. Judgment day comes for all of us, and our works with either bring us reward, or loss or punishment. I have to say that I appreciate Oprah's heart and attitude for bettering those around us, and the humanitarian efforts, but I DON'T confuse it with what the PURE and TRUE gospel of Christ is... and was... and always will be. Didn't Jesus say "Why do you call me Lord, but don't do the things I say."? I love that Grady has taken a strong stand, and pray for him not to compromise or water down the truth of the Gospel. I watched Ted and Gayle on Oprah, and HURRAY for Gayle, but 'what's up with Ted? 'Herotrosexual with issues, complications'????? Excuse me, being delivered from the very same 'lusts of the flesh' myself, I know that Christ has the power not only to save us, but to deliver us from the oppressions and attacks in our minds.. after the deliverance. Temptation is NOT SIN, acting on the temptation results in sin, and leads us away from our Lord. Ted needs to go back to Christianity 101... and pray God will show him what the new birth, being a new creature in Christ, old things are passed away, behold all things become new... means. I won't be surprise if Ted starts a 'sympathetic gay church' or something like Carlton Pearson, an INCLUSIVE church that won't point out anyone's sin, but pacifies the flesh of man, accepts all religions, as Oprah and leads millions astray. I don't think this is anywhere over yet, considering that Ted still allows the thoughts, but doesn't act on them... Hummmmm. My prayers for him is for deliverance, light and truth in the inward parts. And for Gayle, that the grace of God will sustain her, in what she has yet to face. "AMAZING GRACE HOW SWEET THE SOUND, THAT SAVED A RETCH LIKE ME... I ONCE WAS LOST BUT NOW AM FOUND... WAS BLIND BUT NOW I SEE... This is the true gospel, no matter what famous person or personality says, and the ONLY true way. Sounds hard, eh? We must stand firm on the foundation of God's Word, especially when the darkness around us gets even darker. "If the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do? YE ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD... YE ARE THE SALT OF THE EARTH... Christ truly wants our light (HIS LIGHT INSIDE US) to shine! May God strengthen, uphold, lead, and sustain any true Christian who would DARE to stand against the sins of our day. Bless you all!
February 04, 2009
Votes: +18

Barbara said:

How the mighty will fall
God has a way of bringing down the high and haughty like Oprah. She openly denies Jesus is the only way to God. It's only a matter of time that she will be brought low. I have no doubts. Wait and see.
February 04, 2009
Votes: +22

Saved by Grace said:

Oprah is being used!
In Oprah's quest for truth, she has encountered and embraced the New Age Movement, which is very dangerous because it mentions God and Jesus, but not the one true God or Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. She does not accept the Bible as God's authoritative Word of Truth. I do believe Oprah started out right, and recall vividly how, during her trial in Amarillo, Texas, she proclaimed JESUS as the one who brought her through and gave her the victory. Oprah is being used by the antichrist via the New Age Movement, and we MUST pray for her deliverance. I do believe she is a woman of great conviction, but her convictions have gone down a divergent path. I'm sure if you asked her if she believed in the antichrist, she would emphatically deny it, but she has been deceived and blinded. God placed her in a position of influence, but I feel she is truly on a path towards destruction. I pray she will have an eye-opening Road to Damascus experience with the one true God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
February 04, 2009
Votes: +35

slezama said:

Oprah and The Gay Debate
I also saw Ted and his wife on Oprah.When the confrontation arose I was so proud of his wife for standing her ground.She was correct, just because we have desires or cravings and we know they are not good for us or is against the word of God-does that mean that we can go ahead and indulge.Being true to one's self also calls for good judgement. I don'nt think Oprah has really had an experience with the ONE true God, because once you have you cant say some of the things that she says. Let's stay in prayer for her and the world.
February 04, 2009
Votes: +31

righteousness71 said:

Oprah Needs An Encounter the REAL Jesus Christ
Thanks J for speaking the truth once again. Oprah claims to know Jesus but she doesn't know the real Jesus. She knows the false Jesus that Paul references in 2 Cor. 11:4.

MPalmer77: great point and I agree about Oprah needing much prayer. My prayer is that she will cross paths with Believers who are uncompromising in their walk with Christ and who will tell Oprah the truth about herself and minister truh and deliverance to her.

Bro Paul: no disrespect but Christians who think like you make it very hard for those of us who are praying and working to establish the Kingdom of God on earth. You make it sound as if darkness is winning when the Word of God clearly states that where sin abounds GRACE DOES MUCH MORE ABOUND. If the Body of Christ was fighting a losing battle on earth, then, Jesus would have never instructed that we prayer, "...thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth AS IT IS IN HEAVEN."
Please remember that darkness is simply the absence of LIGHT. When the Body of Christ decides to stop behaving like church-folk and start embracing their role as saints, joint heirs with Christ or Kingdom citizens, only then will the LIGHT OF CHRIST begin to infiltrate the dark places of every sector of our society.
If it appears that the spirits of sin, death and hell are winning that is because the Body of Christ is ALLOWING THEM TO-----even though they were defeated at Calvary approximately 2000 years ago.
February 04, 2009
Votes: +22

mpalmer77 said:

Challenging Oprah in the Gay Debate
Thank you for this awesome article - as a former professional singer/actress God used me to lead many folks to Him out of homosexuality. One thing that I found to be very important once they realized that it was a sin - as any sex outside of the male/female marriage bed is - and received God's forgiveness was this - deliverance was needed. If we read the Gospels we see that Jesus was constantly forgiving, healing and casting out demons! Homosexuals have these nasty demons who want to stay and live out their perverted lives thru them. I think one reason we have so many folks struggling in so many areas today is that so many Christians see 'deliverance' as a dirty word...or a 'tabu' something secretive to be done quietly secretly. Jesus just cast out that sucker and healed them!! We need to do the same. If one struggles with something over and over again and can't find freedom it's time to look at deliverance!

Lee thank you for standing up to Oprah...we pray for her constantly!!
February 04, 2009
Votes: +37

Nebulous said:

We must act on our inclinations?
"(Gayle Haggard) told Oprah that just because a person has certain inclinations doesn't mean he has to act on them.

Oprah got upset at that point. She even got out of her chair and said to Gayle: 'That's where I disagree with you'-and her audience cheered. "

I didn't see the show (I would rather get a tooth pulled than watch an Oparah episode).

But by Oprah's same line of reasoning, if she has inclinations to overeat then she should just accept the fact that she's fat.

I don't say this to be mean. Oprah's struggle with her weight is well publicized. There is simply no difference.

~ Nebulous
February 04, 2009
Votes: +41

Bro Paul said:

Hello again,

Nice article, Mr. Grady. 2 Cor. 5:17 is the answer.

However, I don't think our culture is going to get better in these last days, it's going to get worse. The homosexual agenda will increase, especially since we have a new president who is the champion of abortionists and the homosexual movement. His first week in office saw him promote the slaughter of babies as a priority of his administration, Sort of reminds you of Herod. The homosexual agenda is next.

Don't be surprised at what is happening morally in America. The Lord allowed the Ceasars and Herod to rule, and that resulted in the slaughter of the jews, the destruction of the temple, and killing of babies. Pres. Obama just may be God's judgement on America.

And unfortunately, alot of pastors and christians supported his liberal socialist candidacy.

Just my .02.
February 03, 2009
Votes: +14

ConnieSee said:

Sexual attraction v Behavior
Same sex attractions are natural feelings for some like opposite sex attractions are natural feelings for most. Feelings are not a sin, behavior is. Hunger is not a sin, gluttony is.

Trying to deny or change these feelings leads to mental health problems like Ted had and may, as it did in his case, lead to the very behavior he was trying to resist. If you accept that you are gay (have same sex attractions) as Ted eventually did, then they are as easy to control as opposite sex attractions are for straights.
February 03, 2009
Votes: -18

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