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Home Fire In My Bones Staying Pure in a Fornication Nation

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Staying Pure in a Fornication Nation

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You don't have to compromise with our sex-saturated culture. By God's grace you can stay in the sexual safety zone.

There were some raised eyebrows last week on the campus of Southeastern University in Lakeland, Fla., when I hosted a special meeting—the day before Valentine's Day—on the subject of fornication. That's not a word you normally associate with a lecture topic, but hey, I had to get attention. And since the hormones on most college campuses are as dense as Florida humidity, I figured the kids would be all ears when I attacked the subject.

I was right. At times you could hear a pin drop in the auditorium, especially when I talked about how most American young people aren't even sure how to define sexual activity anymore. (Today's college seniors were nine years old when President Clinton tried to redefine sex during the Lewinsky scandal.) At other times the students burst into nervous laughter, especially when I told how I gave my son-in-law a lecture about sexual boundaries in front of 700 of his classmates when he was dating my oldest daughter.

"Losing one's virginity used to be a serious issue, but today fornication is just a standard sitcom plot device."

I thought it might be helpful to share these key points with a wider audience, since many of the readers of this column are single. And even if you are married, it would be good to take a quick refresher course in self-control—since we live in a nation that is losing all moral restraint. Here's what I told the group at Southeastern:

1. Don't redefine your morality. I've seen Christian young people roll their eyes when I say the word "fornication" because it sounds so much like King James English—sort of like "sodomy," another word we avoid in our PC culture. But we need to be careful how we bend the meaning of words. Terms that are in the Bible should not vanish from our modern vocabulary just because they offend some of the hosts of The View.

When "fornication" is used in 1 Thessalonians 4:3 ("For this is the will of God ... that ye should abstain from fornication" KJV), the Greek word is porneia. It's the root word for pornography, but it means a lot more than sexually explicit material. It includes sex between unmarried people, homosexuality, bestiality, prostitution, incest and adultery.

According to the apostle Paul, sex as God intended is limited to marriage between one man and one woman. Period. The Episcopal Church has no right to broaden the definition. Neither do Bill Clinton, Newsweek, Oprah or HBO. Don't let moral relativism infect your brain.

2. Don't sell your birthright. Losing one's virginity used to be a serious issue, but today fornication is just a standard sitcom plot device. It's considered normal. People are considered weird if they didn't have sex by age 14; and if anybody dares to teach abstinence in a public school he is labeled a Neanderthal.

In TV shows like Desperate Housewives, Nip/Tuck or Grey's Anatomy, life revolves around who's in bed with whom. There's even a TV series on Showtime called Californication that follows the life of a sex addict. What TV producers don't usually explore are the consequences of immorality. Audiences probably wouldn't laugh if the couples hooking up on these shows had to deal with genital warts, gonorrhea, AIDS, abortions, post-abortion trauma or clinical depression—all real fallout from illicit sexual behavior.

If you are a single person today—whether you have lost your virginity or not—it's time to reclaim your purity and save sex for marriage. We've forgotten the story of Esau, who forfeited his birthright through one stupid act. He traded his inheritance for a bowl of stew. You really can throw your life away through one act of fornication.

3. Get ruthless with your weaknesses. Jesus sounded stricter than a Catholic school principal when He talked to His disciples about self-discipline. He told them: "If your right eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell" (Matt. 5:29, NASB).

Jesus was not advocating self-mutilation. He was using sarcasm to emphasize how serious sin is—and He urged His followers to take radical steps to avoid the snares of temptation. In our sex-soaked society, it is more imperative than ever that we draw boundaries.

Got a problem with pornography? If you can't discipline yourself to avoid offending Web sites, get rid of your computer. Do you end up engaging in heavy petting or intercourse with your girlfriend or boyfriend after a few minutes of kissing? Draw lines and stick to them. And if you can't stick to the rules, ask for intervention. If you don't you are headed for spiritual shipwreck.

4. Live a transparent life. The Bible never advocates that we battle sin alone. We need each other. James 5:16 says: "Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed." In some cases you will never get victory over temptation until you share your struggle with another Christian and seek counsel and prayer.

So many believers today are living with secrets. Many women (and men too) were molested as children by a relative or friend—yet they have never shared their pain. Many young guys are trapped in a dark world of pornography and masturbation but are too ashamed to admit it. Many Christians struggle with same-sex attraction yet they fear that if they confess their thoughts they will be rejected.

You will never discover the abundant life Christ promised until you clean out your spiritual closets and deal with all your dirty laundry. Total forgiveness and cleansing is available, but confession and repentance must come first.

5. Develop the fear of God. Paul had sober words for the Thessalonians who ignored his admonitions about sexual sin. He told them: "He who rejects this is not rejecting man but the God who gives His Holy Spirit to you" (1 Thess. 4:8). It couldn't be clearer: If you disregard sexual boundaries, you are on thin ice.

What we desperately need in the church today is a conscience awakening. Too many Christians have warped judgment—and they don't even feel godly remorse when they break God's law. If you have any form of sexual sin in your life, flee it immediately and make a 180-degree turn. He will grant you the grace to live a life of purity.


J. Lee Grady is editor of Charisma.


Comments (21)add comment

Globalgospel said:

Do all Christians go in the rapture?
Not if their living in sexual sin and remain unrepentent when He splits the sky for that bride He is coming for who is WITHOUT spot or wrinkle!!!
March 12, 2009
Votes: +0

bmissionary said:

masturabation again
Let's look at this another way. If you can imagine that Jesus did it, and the Holy Spirit gives you peace in that imagining, after you pray to the Father. Then...
March 04, 2009
Votes: -3

mas752 said:

well said rpt....the pseudo holy will prefer relativism when it comes to values...
February 24, 2009
Votes: +3

rpt said:

The Palin Position
How does this reconcile with the position of Gov Palin and her daughter that abstinence is "unrealistic", and that marriage is optional? Charisma has promoted Gpv. Palin as a spiritual leader and role model for its readers.
February 19, 2009
Votes: -3

Hollow said:

I have read, and taken classes. So, where did you get those names? (Succubus, Incubus) The only place I've ever heard them is in cheesy vampire novels. Btw, I totally have jokes :D

In all seriousness though, where did you come across these titles?

And, I never stated masturbation was good, or healthy, or righteous. Personally, I believe it lowers ones response time. But that's not the point. The point is I was simply stating I don't want people thinking they are sinning, or are condemned for an act the Bible never specifically addresses.

I'd rather people to feel condemned for the hundreds of people they meet every day that are going to burn in the pits of hell for all of eternity. Or the abortions they aren't standing up about. Or countless other things, for that matter.

February 19, 2009
Votes: -11

Marshmellow Lady said:

I'm no psycologist but I do listen/learn from those who are. What we are talking about is bad fruit. And its imperative to get to the root of it in order to start producing good fruit. Nine times out of ten, someone involved in sexual sin has an underlying wound that needs healing. So the bad fruit is just the outward, visible symptom. The Lord can show people that are gifted with insight/healing what the REAL issue is in a person's life. Many times healing and deliverance go hand in hand. The Lord is the Great Physician !!!!
February 19, 2009
Votes: +8

IBLieveNJesus said:

Finally! Thank you, Lee for speaking up!
Thank you so much for writing and speaking about this topic. When I was a teen, I asked our minister about fornication because I did not know what it was. He just sort of stumbled and brushed it off. Teens and EVERYONE needs this message. If no one will really talk about these types of sin, we will be constantly committing them out of ignorance.

The consequences of sexual immorality are devastating. We need to get past wanting to do everything our way, or doing everything "just because everyone else is doing it" and really listen to the Lord. He is the only one who truly knows what is best for us. He does not deny us pleasure just because he wants to deny us of something; He already knows the consequences of sin and the rewards or purity.

Our culture is saturated with messages from all around us telling us that we are free to do whatever we want sexually. THOSE MESSAGES ARE WRONG! If we are Christians, we have made Jesus both LORD and Savior. We have CHOSEN to obey Him. We should not think that we can pick and choose which areas we want to abide by. The problem is, everyone wants a Savior but few REALLY want to be lorded over.

When we really mature, we realize that having Jesus as our Lord and humbling ourselves to obey Him is yielding to nothing but pure LOVE! It is exciting, it is rewarding and it is such a blessing!

I pray that anyone reading these posts who has been deceived by Satan and his messages will repent and yield to the One who has your best interests at heart.

THANK YOU, LEE! Keep up the good work, and God bless you always.
February 19, 2009
Votes: +17

righteousness71 said:

You've Got Jokes!!!
Hollow said:
Why would I be kidding?
And why would I be kidding?
Jesus never says "don't touch yourself." I'm not trying to be crass, but lets be honest.

It's not impossible to do. I mean it isn't that difficult to do so with being lustful. I love that you use the word "have" as in you have to do something. You would be amazed what the human mind can do. I hope you're happy believing whatever it is that floats your Christian boat.

Oh yeah, I wasn't aware demons had names. Do you speak with them often?

1. To answer your question, I do speak to demons often----when I am casting them out of people during deliverance minstry at church---and please don't tell me it's of the devil----"if Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand?"

2. Yeah, demons do have names. In fact ,the world recognizes them more so than the Church----"for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light." There is even a popular alternative rock group by the name of Incubus.

3. RIF---Reading Is Fundamental!!!! Do a little studying and you will learn that Incubus is a demon in male form who preys on women and the female version is Succubus. These particular demons are also involved in the act of masturbation. In fact, when I've called those out of people (in relation to masturbation), there is strong manifestation.

4. Bottom line---as I stated in the title of my posting----YOU'VE GOT JOKES!!! If masturbation was so "okay", then, why don't we see more Christians standing up and testifying about how good it makes them feel and giving glory to God for it???!!! Because of shame that's why---and where there is shame, there is darkness. Based on your posting, you felt the need to question my Christianity; therefore, (based on your posting), I feel the need to question your SALVATION.

Sorry if this is too harsh for some of you reading this, but, people are hurting, needing answers to life's many questions and dying and going to Hell everyday. The enemy is stopping at nothing to bring death and destruction to people's lives----YET, Christians, are debating over whether or not it's okay to masturbate----if the enemy thinks that Body of Christ is a joke----I can't really blame him!!!!!
February 19, 2009
Votes: +8

Hollow said:

Why would I be kidding?
And why would I be kidding?
Jesus never says "don't touch yourself." I'm not trying to be crass, but lets be honest.

It's not impossible to do. I mean it isn't that difficult to do so with being lustful. I love that you use the word "have" as in you have to do something. You would be amazed what the human mind can do. I hope you're happy believing whatever it is that floats your Christian boat.

Oh yeah, I wasn't aware demons had names. Do you speak with them often?

February 18, 2009
Votes: -15

prdiva said:

Thanks for speaking truth!
We're doing our best to train up our 13 year old on the principles you outlined. We pray more Christians will realize the damage being done to our youth through the internet and tv as society distorts and confuses what sex really was designed to be. Keep up the excellent work!
February 18, 2009
Votes: +14

bmissionary said:

Slippery slope
Masturbation, and birth control are addressed in the book of Genesis in the Chapter's preceding Tamar. Two of Judah's sons are killed by God for spilling their seed on the ground in order to prevent conception in accordance with the law of Levirate marriage. I am a purist, I suppose, but God did command us to increase and multiply, and he did institute marriage for that purpose. Marriage is a wonderful thing. and sex within marriage is incomparable to sex outside it, provided marriage is entered into in purity. Today many couples enter marriage after defiling each other, to make it right. We are unable to make it right. God has a way though. There must be a period of abstinence between the two that demonstrates deliverance and true repentence. For without repentance comes no forgiveness, and without confession there is no forgiveness. There must be godly sorrow. God can reverse the curse of fornication, but only if we ask in humility. He did it for me, and he is willing to do it for whosoever may ask. But it must be done on His terms, not ours. When we are under a curse, we are on a very slippery slope, and we need his word to guide us.
February 18, 2009
Votes: +11

czmalpha said:

What is sodomy?
   /ˈsɒdəmi/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [sod-uh-mee] Show IPA Pronunciation
1. anal or oral copulation with a member of the opposite sex.

I was shocked to learn this!!! Our culture has accepted another thing God hates!!!
February 18, 2009
Votes: +10

Marshmellow Lady said:

I was just pondering this subject in light of Valentine's Day and all the discussions taking place on the Christian radio. Even for couples who are married, there will be struggles with purity. But what I find offensive is the myth under the guise of I Corinthians 7, being perpetuated in the Church that if a man is immoral, the wife is ultimately responsible. I say HOGWASH !!! Each person must develop self-control and how does that happen unless you find yourself in situations where you have to use it? They claim there is no valid reason except prayer to "deprive" one another. Really? What about the husband who is deployed for a year? What about the wife who has Drs. orders because she is carrying multiples? And what about the spouse who is suffering/fighting a life-threatening illness?
February 18, 2009
Votes: +4

righteousness71 said:

You've Got To Be Kidding Me!!!!
Jason Patterson said:
@righteousness71 I'm not trying to troll or anything, but I am curious. Where do you get off stating that masturbation is a sin? Because umm, my bible never states that. Neither does any other Bible I've ever read. So, would you mind enlightening me on the subject?
In other words, you are saying that since there is no scripture that SPECIFICALLY outlines masturbation as a sin, then, it must be okay to do?????!!!

Ummeraahhh let's see here.

In Matthew 5:28 Jesus said, "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

Let's be honest. When a man (or woman) engages in masturbation, they have to conjure up some image(s) in their mind in order to reach a certain level of stimulation and/or release (to put it mildly). In other words, they have to entertain lustful thoughts. Therefore, one can conclude that if a person is entertaining these thoughts in order to 'self-pleasure', they are committing a sin according to the aforementioned scripture.

Don't get me wrong. I am not trying to make light of this OR make anyone feel condemned. We have a Savior who understands our weaknesses and who wants to make us pure and whole. In most cases, masturbation is a symptom of a root problem (more than just lust).

Bottom line: when a person masturbates, they are not having single sex----THERE ARE DEMONS INVOLVED---Lust and Perversion being the main ones, and, the last time I checked MY Bible, 1 Cor. 6:12-20 CLEARLY talks about how Christians must flee sexual immorality and honor God with our bodies.

I choose to believe that God does not feel very honored when His children engage in masturbation.

February 18, 2009
Votes: +15

Jason Patterson said:

Say what?
@righteousness71 I'm not trying to troll or anything, but I am curious. Where do you get off stating that masturbation is a sin? Because umm, my bible never states that. Neither does any other Bible I've ever read. So, would you mind enlightening me on the subject?
February 18, 2009
Votes: -2

peter christian said:

we need to obey God's every Word and not man's. Every Word God has spoken is only for our benifit and editifying
February 18, 2009
Votes: +8

markie13 said:

J. Lee,

Thank you for this great article. As a father raising two daughters, it good to see the clear way you have articulated this material.

I'll be linking to you from my blog :).

February 18, 2009
Votes: +6

markdeckard said:

A different strtegy for fighting fornication
Amen brother Grady.

There is something that has been stirring in my heart for some time now regarding the role of shame in keeping people in bondage to sexual immorality. The church has always created an atmosphere of shame in order to create an electric fence of sorts. But it seems that very shame has become a tool of the enemy to rob us of an atmosphere where people can seek accountability and support. What if we could hold in place the the high fence, but turn off the shock factor so people will draw near to find help coming back to holiness? Is it possible for the church to speak openly and un-blushed about sex so that the world and fallen christians can respond to the light of conviction without having to press through what may be a man made fog of shame and condemnation? What if the church treated the subject with a more clinical objectivity and compassion being careful to never compromise the aspects of spiritual and moral dangers that lay at the heart of the problems?
February 18, 2009
Votes: +8

righteousness71 said:

As always, thanks for stating the truth J.

In response to Hobbit's posting: I think that the point that you make is valid. There are some individuals who will never marry because that is not in the plan of God for their lives. However, people who fall in this category (generally speaking) seem to have a grace for singleness (and abstinence while being single)---that's not to say that they are not capable of being tempted. Nevertheless, whether we are called to be single or not, if we consider ourselves to be Kingdom citizens, then we are REQUIRED to follow the decree of the King---the Basic Instuctions Before Leaving Earth. Plus, if we have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of us, we ARE capable of living a life of abstinence IN PEACE.

Bottom line: sex outside the confines of marriage IS A SIN---including masturbation. PERVERTED sex INSIDE the confines of marriage IS A SIN---sodomy, spouses watching porn together, spouses filming themselves having sex, threesomes, etc. The last time I checked, 1 Corithians 6 said, "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."

Is a few moments of physical pleasure really worth the risk of NOT inheriting the Kingdom of God?
February 18, 2009
Votes: +10

Johan said:

no marriage to wait for?
"no marriage to wait for?" Why so sure about that? My own experience is that God can bring people together; even from different countries. Just a matter of bringing the point to God and dare to trust Him. Even in Holland its possible to stay pure before marriage.
February 17, 2009
Votes: +5

Hobbit said:

If you are a single person today—whether you have lost your virginity or not—it's time to reclaim your purity and save sex for marriage

Because this question won't, for some of us, ever go away: what 's the point of 'waiting for marriage' if you are in a world in which there is no marriage to wait for?

No, I'm NOT advocating that we indulge ourselves in a what-the-hell-what's-the-point? approach to things, but I would like to see acknowledged the situations of those who for whatever reason are never going to marry, especially when the issue of fornication is being discussed.
February 17, 2009
Votes: -2

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