The Gospel According to Lost


lostBy Chris Seay | Thomas Nelson | softcover | 224 pages | $14.99

Fans of ABC's Lost now have a chance to ponder the mysteries of the island with a fellow fanatic. Bouncing around "smoke monster" theories and speculations about who Jacob is has created a sense of camaraderie among faithful Lost viewers. An admitted fan, Chris Seay readily joins in these conversations and takes them a step further revealing spiritual lessons gleaned from the hit show.

"I do get some odd looks and spirited resistance from the religious establishment at times when I tell them that I hear God speak to me through the popular culture," Seay writes. "But I am not sure that this kind of book is vastly different from the ways that Jesus taught His disciples; they simply walked through life together."

The Gospel According to Lost will take fans on a satisfying journey through the first five seasons of the television series with insightful spiritual lessons aficionados may be surprised they didn't see before. Dissecting the lives of the characters with his sharp wit, Seay turns the castaways' struggles into biblical parallels. Hurley's superstitious belief that he has been cursed becomes a lesson about the power of words. The transformation of Sawyer, the "Patron Saint of Kindhearted Con Men," becomes a lesson in redemption.

Good versus evil. Love versus hate. Peace versus fear. The Gospel According to Lost will make readers think about the deeper issues of life. The book will prove to be a conversation-starter as the popular television series heads toward its final season.

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