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Flint-Chaffee Cemetery--Town of Brasher--BR020


The Flint-Chaffee Cemetery is located on the Leary-Flint Road which is 0.6 miles from the intersection of 11C and County Road 55 in North Lawrence heading towards Helena.

Turn left onto the Leary-Flint road, and the cemetery is 0.2 miles from this corner on the left hand side of the road.


There appear to be eleven rows of lots with approximately twelve lots per row.


This cemetery is listed in the geographical Name Information System (GNIS) on the USGS webpage with the coordinates of 44 48 54N and 074 41 03W. It is also located on the North Lawrence 7.5 minute topograpical map.


Digital photographs were taken in March 2000 on which the following stone census is based. 1831-1964.


Flint-Chaffee Photographs


Stone Census For Flint-Chaffee Cemetery


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