Columns - A Capital View
Written by Harry R. Jackson  
Monday, 10 August 2009 09:34 AM EDT


Last week I shared a very personal story of my struggle with both cancer and the insurance companies. My doctors informed me that I had two near-death experiences along with a mini-stroke that temporarily caused the right side of my body including my face, arm and leg to be paralyzed. Although I am fine now, that was a scary season in my life.

During my health challenges I met scores of foreigners at Johns Hopkins, hoping the American doctors could save them. Middle Easterners, South Americans and Europeans were among those that frequented various Hopkins departments. Surprisingly the day I met with my surgeon to lay out the plan for my 7.5-hour surgery, an aging man all the way from Hong Kong sat with several family members waiting to see my internationally known doctor.

Whether we want to admit it or not, the flawed American healthcare system has developed the best doctors in the world. Had my hospital not been on its game, I would not be here today. Many Americans could say the same. Our most obvious challenge is how we give access to everyone who needs help, while maintaining the best treatment in the world.

It seems to me that the healthcare reforms currently offered by the administration may have deadly consequences for the average person. Delay and denial of services will literally spell death for thousands. What is most disappointing about the healthcare debate today is that it has deteriorated to partisan wrangling in which the common good is often forgotten.

Healthcare continues to bounce from corner to corner of the political spectrum as opinions fly instead of real answers. The Democrats are continuing town hall meetings to rally support for the president's health care legislation. They have been met with jeers, taunts and in one case effigy. Despite Democratic public relations efforts, citizens have lots of questions. In fact people have so many questions that the chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Maryland Rep. Chris Van Hollen, stated that vulnerable Democrats have scheduled more than 1,000 meetings this month.

Every week I hear a new complaint about the ramifications of President Barack Obama's plan. Last week thousands spoke out against the idea of government-sponsored insurance that includes abortion. This week Sarah Palin attacked the administration's plan because she believes her Down syndrome baby's care would be based on his "level of productivity." She called the policy "down right evil." Palin stated that there would be a "death panel" which would determine the fate of children like hers.

One can only wonder what nuance of the plan will be criticized next week. Although the administration has attempted to cast these concerns as part of a partisan anti-Obama campaign, I think the healthcare problems are part of a big systemic problem that occurs when one party controls most of the votes in Congress.

Ideologically based solutions that are not properly vetted out sometimes are pushed forward because of legislators' party allegiance instead of rigorous bipartisan analysis. When this happens, half-baked ideas are passed off as solutions. Opponents are demonized, and the people are short changed.

Several recent polls, however, indicate that many Americans are not comfortable with the healthcare plan as it stands. The most vigorous debate is whether one of the options would be a government-run insurance company. At this time, a government-run insurance option will not pass in Congress.

From where I sit several things are obvious -- our healthcare system is expensive and inefficient. Because of the inherent inefficiencies that a government-run system will incur, the administration's plan will ultimately increase costs, producing staggering deficits, give less healthcare options and thus lower the quality of our care. As a grassroots leader who has started many new programs, innovation works best when it is built with proven building blocks. In other words, we should test, explore, examine and then implement best practices. The rate and the pace of these changes reflect the problems of having a genius-prone president who lacks proven field generals to implement his plans. Proven plans with a twist would be better than reinventing the wheel.

We as citizens must demand that Congress take things step by step. Let's first strip away the inefficiencies in our current system before attempting to dramatically improve what we have. Next let's encourage the best doctors in the world to remain the best. For example, the threat of malpractice alone pressures doctors into ordering unnecessary procedures. One doctor friend of mine stated, "Even the families of 80-year-old patients may sue you because of unrealistic expectations. When things go bad, they always think you could have done more." Because they are trying to cover themselves, some estimate that 25 percent of the total prescribed procedures may be unnecessary.

Finally patient choice must be preserved. The system has to be adjusted so that a person receives compensation in order to choose their own healthcare provider. In my case, had I chosen the wrong hospital, I would be singing in the heavenly choir. For many people, the healthcare choice may insure life, while healthcare denial or delay may spell death.

Let's let our representatives know! Call or write your congressman and senator today!

Harry R. Jackson Jr. is senior pastor of 3,000-member Hope Christian Church in the nation's capital. Jackson, who earned an MBA from Harvard, is a best-selling author and popular conference speaker. He leads the High-Impact Leadership Coalition.




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#8 Guest 2010-03-24 05:07
Born in England, live in Australia, two Christian (mostly) countries that have initiated 'free' health care for all.
There is always a cost, but it is worth it.
#7 Guest 2009-08-13 13:18
"I think the healthcare problems are part of a big systemic problem that occurs when one party controls most of the votes in Congress."

I think purposely misrepresenting facts by so-called Christians is the greatest sin in this entire lack of true discussion. Earlier today I visited "" and like minded sites, I heard lies on FOX News, Limbaugh, from Palin etc. to determine if they represent the truth on this issue. They do NOT!

As a follower of Jesus Christ and an Independent voter I am thoroughly turned off by them and the greater Republican Party.

I thank God for President Obama, I pray for his safety, divine wisdom, heart, family and leading of this country.

I support healthcare reform.

Anyone who thinks government involvement in healthcare is socialism should demand their representatives repeal the socialist programs of Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and V.A. medical care.
#6 Guest 2009-08-11 03:23
I agree with Mr. Jackson , he is right on . The democrats or demagogues are taking advantage of the political situation to destroy our society . Jesus loves life , the bill ( which no one really understands) promotes health boards for those over 65 , abortion , denial of care and death as the bureaucrats see fit . I trust Jesus and the power of prayer , then my doctor . This president and his loud mouthed party ( Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi) are not worth trusting with your health . No one is denied care, the emergency rooms are filled with people with colds , citizens or illegals . Make appropriate changes possibly to the existing system but to turn it over to the caring government people is plain nuts . Sorry if I offend anyone but this is not what the government should be involved with , life and death decisions .
#5 Guest 2009-08-10 13:36
I Disagree - If you understand the power of prayer, why are you so concerned about medical insurance? Please read the whole bill thoughtfully, and insist that your representative read it. Also, please read the Constitution. Where is medical insurance the responsibility of the Federal government rather that the responsibility of the individual states, or the people themselves? Massachusetts already has mandatory medical insurance, but no control over law suits, and therefore the cost of malpractice insurance. Another thing - why do you insist on name calling? Ministers are also "honest working people", and not all of them have medical insurance, while many other "honest working people" do. Name calling is what children do - and adults who don't know how to rationally discuss issues.
#4 Guest 2009-08-10 13:22
Hobbit - First of all, the people who have "battles" with insurance companies are by far in the minority. Most of us have no problem with our insurance. Second,, a very small percentage of Americans don't have medical insurance, and of that number many CHOOSE not to have any. With the current bill in the House, they would no longer have that choice. Third, no one in this country is denied care at any hospital emergency room, and there are many charities that help with other medical care, including people from countries with government run health care who cannot get the treatments they need in their own country. As for costs, getting control over the out of control lawyers and therefore the cost of malpractice insurance would help tremendously! I could go on, but am apparently running out of symbols, and time.
-1 #3 Guest 2009-08-10 13:14
I support President Obama's plan because of the changes that have come about just by the mere threat of a national healthcare plan. The insurance industry is finally lowering premiums and starting to offer affordable healthcare, but it took the threat of the President's plan to make this happen.

While, your experience was horrific, Mr. Jackson. There are scores of people who fail to have even basic healthcare coverage. While it's each person's decision to make the best of their lives, Jesus said the poor you will have with you always. Although I have not read the entire healthcare bill, I can tell you that Mr. Jackson has not either.

So you are right, I am writing to my representative to tell them to support the bill. It's easy for people like Mr. Jackson who pimp others for money every Sunday to pay their healthcare premiuns while an honest working person cannot afford it.

Mr. Jackson is another Charisma pimp who does not understand the power of prayer.
+1 #2 Guest 2009-08-10 13:09
God Bless you and keep you in His ever loving care. Amen!

In Jesus, Trudy
+1 #1 Hobbit 2009-08-10 08:31
Hi, hearing about your battles with insurance adds to the appeal of living in a country with publicly-funded health care (with insurance to cover the 'elective' procedues the public system doesn't have the resources to handle). In terms of outcomes - how long people live - the UK's system works about as well as the American one does .... and, however measured, at about half the cost. If, "Delay and denial of services will literally spell death for thousands", then the current lack of insurance cover, for a large share of the population, will as well. A number of European countries do use a health insurance model, but they still do it at much less cost than the USA.

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