CNN CNN Opinion

Don't forget Haiti's children

Shaquille O'Neal went to Haiti after the earthquake and says he believes the most important thing to "rebuild" are the children. FULL STORY

Assisted suicide and 'free choice'

Sheena Iyengar says HBO's new movie "You Don't Know Jack," about Jack Kevorkian, at right, raises the issue of assisted suicide. Americans embrace "free choice," but not choosing to die FULL STORY

Pakistan is 'epicenter of Islamic terrorism'

The suspect in the Times Square bombing attempt was caught as he was seeking to flee to Pakistan, a nation that analyst Fareed Zakaria calls the "epicenter of Islamic terrorism." FULL STORY

Does anti-poverty aid really work?

Governments and charities have spent billions to try to wipe out poverty, but award-winning economist Esther Duflo says we really don't know if that money has been well spent. FULL STORY

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