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Ohio child dies in school bus wreck

By the CNN Wire Staff

(CNN) -- A child in eastern Ohio died Wednesday in a school bus wreck that injured the driver and several other children, a school official said.

The bus was on its way to an elementary school when it went off the right side of the road into a relatively deep ravine and turned over, said Mark Neal, superintendent of the Tri-Valley Local School District in Dresden, Ohio.

The bus carried seven children and a driver, he said. One child was killed and several others were hospitalized, as was the driver, he added.

A notice on the school district's website said a Nashport school bus was involved in an accident. Nashport Elementary School in Nashport, Ohio is part of the Tri-Valley Local School District.

"All parents of involved students have been notified," the notice said.

The children were "just on their way to elementary school," Neal said. "It was just a normal day."

Dresden is roughly 55 miles east of Columbus, Ohio.

-- CNN's Julie Cannold contributed to this report.

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