CNN CNN Opinion

Raid shines light on Israel's failed policy

Robert Malley says Israel's restrictions on Gaza, abetted by the West, have backfired and the U.S. must press to end the siege there. FULL STORY

We got the president we elected

Gloria Borger says people are yearning for a president to express passion and emotion about the oil spill, but we elected a cool, calm one. FULL STORY

Anti-gays hide their bias behind the Bible

LZ Granderson says the Scriptures list many sins, one no greater than the other, so why is it conservatives always quote Leviticus 18:22? FULL STORY

Jindal's passion on spill is presidential

Ruben Navarrette Jr. says Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is showing appropriate passion and leadership on the oil spill. FULL STORY

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