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Charisma Magazine


maxThere are many things today that can cause us to be fearful: recession, health, war, terrorism, family, finances, the future. But what would life be like if we eliminated fear? Seem impossible? In his new book, Fearless, author Max Lucado reminds us that faith, not fear, can be our first reaction to situations. In this excerpt, the writing and preaching pastor at Oak Hills Church in San Antonio invites us to take hold of the courage Jesus offers in one of the Bible's most common phrases: Don't be afraid. Yes, it's true that fear will always be there; we just don't have to give in to it. (Click here to purchase Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear.)

You would have liked my brother. Everyone did. Dee made friends like bakers make bread: daily, easily, warmly. Handshake—big and eager; laughter—contagious and volcanic. He permitted no stranger to remain one for long. I, the shy younger brother, relied on him to make introductions for us both. When a new kid moved onto the street or walked onto the playground, Dee was the ambassador.

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L to r: Randy Phillips, Dan Dean, Shawn Craig.

A crumbling economy, wars without end, new health risks, security threats and more. The media give us a constant stream of reasons to be afraid. But what if God's people shined a light of eternal hope right into the face of this world's temporary circumstances?

That's the compelling idea behind Fearless, the 10th studio album from one of today's most respected Christian vocal groups, Phillips, Craig & Dean. Uniquely gifted and positioned in their dual roles as musicians and full-time senior pastors in three separate U.S. cities, Randy Phillips, Shawn Craig and Dan Dean know well the current struggles people face and with their new CD are boldly taking the opportunity to respond to them in life and song.

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