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Tag:ray comfort

Athesists Need the God They Don't Believe ExistsIn his new book, You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence but You Can't Make Him Think, Ray Comfort writes: "Some atheists are nasty. Some are nice. One thing I do know: all atheists are lost, and they desperately need a Savior." He also explains that the issue of atheism isn't the existence of God but that "the real gamble is that there's no hell."

Says Comfort: "If it were just a matter of God's existence and the evolutionists and atheists die and say : ‘Oh, God, You are here. Sorry about that.' No big deal. They just say, ‘I was wrong.' But if it's the God of the Bible they have to face, the God who is perfect in holiness, who says every idle word a man speaks he will give an account thereof on the day of judgment. The God who says hatred is the same as murder, lust is the same as adultery, the God who says all liars will have their part in the lake of fire, then they have to face a holy God, they're morally responsible, and they will end up in hell without the Savior.

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