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Home Blogs Barbara Wentroble Focus on Your Strengths

Focus on Your Strengths

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Keep your eyes on your strengths. Allow the talents you have to direct your path into the future. Your weaknesses do not determine who you are. They are merely reminders of who you are not.

Thomas Edison was an American inventor, scientist and businessman. He was almost deaf from early childhood. Yet, he did not spend his time trying to learn to hear. Edison chose to focus on his strengths rather than his weaknesses.

Edison used his ability to think, organize and create. He sold candy and newspapers on trains. He also supplemented his income by selling vegetables. These small endeavors began his course on a long list of entrepreneurial ventures. He started 14 companies. One of which is General Electric, which is still in operation today. Edison changed the world by focusing on his strengths.

Focus on your strengths. Practice those strengths until they become excellent. The path to your future will open as you develop who you really are.

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