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The Manhattan Declaration

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Last Friday I was privileged to stand with Chuck Colson, Jim Daly, Robert George, Archbishop Wuerl, Tony Perkins, Alan Sears, Cardinal Rigali and over 20 others to represent the first 150 signers of a document called The Manhattan Declaration.

Why the name? The group met a few weeks ago in Manhattan where we read a draft of the document. It was there we concluded that we had to bridge the huge historic chasms separating the major branches of the Christian faith. The famed Chuck Colson along with co-initiators issued a call to all Christians that we must remain true to our core convictions, based upon the scriptures. The group also came together to let the secular community know that increasingly Christians from Catholic, evangelical and orthodox traditions will work together and speak with one voice.


Objectives Versus Obstacles

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Focus on your objectives and not your obstacles. Most people look at situations from a negative vantage point. ·   

  • What if something bad happens?
  • Will I have enough money to do this?
  • How will I get this done?

Looking at the difficulties causes people to be problem oriented rather than goal oriented.  It is easy to get hung up on the obstacles along the way and lose the joy of accomplishing the goal. Some of the obstacles may only be the imagination of problems and not the reality of the situation. 

President John F. Kennedy was a man who overcame many obstacles in life. While he was on active duty in the Pacific, the Japanese destroyed the boat under his command. Despite a back injury, he showed great heroism in rescuing his crew. Kennedy once said "A man does what he must - in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures - and that is the basis of all human morality."

Do what you must do. Do it in spite of the obstacles on your path.

  • What if something good happens?
  • What if you locate enough money to finish the task?
  • What if you find yourself accomplishing something you never thought you could do?

Keep a positive viewpoint and you'll achieve your goals despite the obstacles designed to hinder you.


Can Jesus Be Blackmailed?

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Two weeks ago, just after Maine's successful reversal of the state legislature's decision to sanction same-sex marriage, MSNBC's Contessa Brewer asked me a profound question: "Would Jesus have spent $550,000 to oppose same-sex marriage?"

The question was exactly what many secular parties had been asking in Portland, Maine, where she was speaking to me by satellite. My answer was that Jesus would have given the money to oppose same-sex marriage. My reasoning was simple: Jesus would have upheld his own teaching; refusing to be a loving, permanent enabler of a misguided local government. I mentioned in the interview that Washington, D.C. was struggling with the same question.


Social Issues Still Count

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harry-jacksonLast week was a milestone in modern American political history. The election results (New Jersey and Virginia gubernatorial races) and the battle over healthcare show that the nation’s interest in social issues has not waned. New coalitions are forming around the pivotal legislative concerns of our day. From my vantage point, I am noticing a passion among individual citizens to engage in the political process - whether the topic is the economy, healthcare or gay marriage. The average citizen not only wants to express their opinion, but also has become savvy in engaging the powers that be. The insight of these new activists is shown in their ability to organize and get results. Over 20,000 people came to D.C. last week to voice their concerns about healthcare.


Get Comfortably Uncomfortable

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The desire for comfort has created much of life as we know it. Air conditioners were invented to keep us cool during hot seasons. Roofs were installed to shelter us from rain, snow and insects. Electricity is used for many purposes including the provision of light in the midst of darkness. Commercials for new automobiles tout the latest amenities that you supposedly cannot live without. Although the desire for comfort may be one of life's priorities, comfort can also be a hindrance to achieving your goals.

T. Harv Eker, president of Peak Potentials Training went from zero to a millionaire in only two and a half years. He says: "the only time you are actually growing is when you are uncomfortable." Being comfortable may give you warm fuzzy feelings. Yet, these feelings do not usually cause you to grow. Successful people have learned how to live by becoming comfortable in the uncomfortable zone. The desire for comfort causes you to shrink back from your fears. The need for comfort keeps you from developing new relationships. You can see from these statements that comfort can be your enemy.

The next time you are uncomfortable, congratulate yourself. Say to yourself, I must really be growing. Now embrace those uncomfortable feelings. You have just entered your new season of being comfortable in being uncomfortable.

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