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Your Source

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And thou say in thine heart, My power and the might of mine hand hath gotten me this wealth. —Deuteronomy 8:17

When things are going well, it could be easy to take credit for your prosperity. You may think it is your job or your college education that has given you the ability to get wealth. Your intelligence and cunning are not the source of your supply: God is.

During times of great need, you can't depend on anything of this world, including your job or your education. People who hold several degrees and have worked for corporations for decades have been fired from their jobs, thrown into the workforce, and are finding that their age and experience are not a help, but a hindrance.

The woman sick with an issue of blood spent her

living—everything she had—on physicians, relying on their intelligence and education, but only grew worse (Matthew 9:20). We are warned not to forget God in our abundance, or we will eventually lose everything (v. 19).

Realize exactly how dependent you really are on God, for He alone is your true source.

Jesus, You are my source and my supply.
You are my resource and my resupply. I
need You over and over again to renew
and revive my life. Without You my life
loses its charge and vitality. Amen.

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