Take a Neighborhood Missions Trip


You don't always have to fly across the world to spread the love of Christ. We've listed inventive ways people like you are being effective missionaries in thier cities. Our list might spark some evangelism ideas for you.

1. Use a good ol' fashion tract.
Even in this high-tech age, the lowly gospel tract still delivers a powerful message.  Read more

2. Brush up on your off-beat talent.
Christian ILLUSIONISTS use sleight of hand to share their faith, but the results are genuine. Read more

3. Try pretending to be someone else.
There are thousands of Elvis Presley impersonators worldwide. Some of these rhinestone-studded performers are Christians who use the musician's legendary appeal to preach the gospel. Read more

4 Learn martial arts or to play a sport.
Though some Christians denounce all forms of martial arts because of ties to Eastern religion, others use karate, taekwondo, tai chi and jujitsu to reach seekers with the message of Christ. Read more

5. Find the party.
Thousands of college students engage in a celebration of booze and sex during spring break. But these days, Christian students are reaching their partying peers with the gospel. Read more



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