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Home Blogs Barbara Wentroble

Healing Words

Assessing Your Value

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WentrobleYour values guide your life. The life you lead today is the product of the standards you used to make your decisions in the past. If your values were good you probably made some good choices. On the other hand, any past wrong values may have resulted in bad decisions.

Let's do an assessment of your current value system.

Ask yourself about the value that you place on ...
· family
· honesty
· integrity
· finances
· faith.

Too many people forget about their values in their pursuit of success. Albert Einstein once said, "Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value." Einstein became an extremely successful man. His success is recorded in history for future generations to read. Yet his pursuit was to become a man of value. Success followed his values.

Decisions based on wrong principles may have brought you to where you are today. But you must remember that your future is not determined by your past. Now that you have assessed your values from the past, you are ready to move forward with a new value system for your future. Get ready for a great future filled with great decisions!



Stop Surviving!

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You were created to overcome. You were not created to merely survive.

Do you know people who spend their entire lives just trying to survive?

·        They don't do or say anything that may cause waves or conflict.
·        Their goal is to have enough money to only pay their bills.
·        Their vision consists of them making it through another day.
·        They coast through life waiting for retirement.

Thousands of people will simply live in survival mode, refusing to do something that may make them uncomfortable. They want to live and stay in a comfortable place and usually won't get out of that box.

To overcome, you may need to do something you haven't ever done before. You may need to say what you have been hesitant to say. You may need to change the way you think. You may need to enlarge your vision. You may need to do something that makes you uncomfortable.

Go ahead. Do something you have never done before! Be the overcomer you were created to be!


Change Your Future

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Decisions create your future! Good decisions can create a positive future. Bad decisions can create a miserable future. The decision to eat ice cream each night may give you a good feeling on those nights. You may enjoy the taste. You can receive a sense of satisfaction.

Following a number of those nights with the decision to eat ice cream can also have negative results. Your weight increases. The bad cholesterol levels increase. The doctor warns you of impending health issues. Somehow those decisions that gave you such pleasure in the past don't seem to be good decisions today.

You can change your future by changing your decisions. Your future is not limited by decisions of the past. Tell the ice cream that you are making a change. You have decided not to eat the forbidden dessert each night. Set a course for your future as a winner. Make a decision that will create a better tomorrow than what you are experiencing today. Your new decision will create a positive future for you!








Discover Your Value

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Other people do not always appreciate what is inside you. They don't always recognize the potential that is waiting to be unlocked. More over some people may never discover your value.

While growing up, your parents may have seen you as someone who didn't always obey them. Your teachers may have viewed you as just another student who didn't get their homework in on time. People who work with you or live in your neighborhood may only see you as another person that they pass during the course of a day.

Although these people may never discover your true value, it is important that you do. Pay attention to the valuable attributes in your life. Congratulate yourself when you win a victory or accomplish some difficult task. Learn to like yourself. After all, you are a unique creation. There is only one you. Recognize your value and watch others begin to value you also!

How Not to Quit

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wentrobleSome people go through life quitting whenever an adverse wind blows. Winners see strong winds as a challenge to overcome. They understand that life is made up of difficult situations that merely strengthen a person for their next challenge.

Winners throughout history didn't quit in their pursuit of success. Albert Einstein never quit in his understanding of the theory of relativity--specifically mass-energy equivalence. Thomas Edison never quit on his experiments with the light bulb.

Winners never make stopping along the way a valid option. They have a goal, vision and mandate, which propel them to move forward. This mandate gives them their blueprint for success.

Your success is not limited by your abilities, intelligence or education. Limitations are conceived in the mind. Remove your limited thinking, and you'll gain a new perspective to help fulfill your vision.

History may record what appears to be merely a goal, vision or mandate at this time in your life, but if you persevere and keep your dreams on your horizon, you'll see your dreams realized. You are a winner. Don't quit in your pursuit of success.

When Doing Right is Wrong

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BWIf I do the right thing I will receive positive results! Has that been your thinking in the past? Have you noticed that right actions do not always bring immediate positive results? Too many times we think that if our actions are ethical the results will produce the approval of others. I know friends who have made noble choices and have paid a great price for their integrity. On more than one occasion, my friend Diane has chosen not to "cook the books" for some well-known corporations. As a result, Diane has lost jobs.

Years later a man expressed his gratefulness to Diane. He had turned his life around because he watched her walk through those work situations with integrity. You are affecting more people than you realize. People may make negative remarks about you. They may even try to intimidate you because you will not play their games. Yet there are also people looking for someone who will not be swayed by compromise. They are looking for someone who lives what they talk.

Your actions today may not bring the immediate results you were hoping for. Give yourself some time. Today is not the end of your life. Tomorrow someone may acknowledge you as a person of integrity. Make a decision today not to give in to compromise. The right company, group or individual is looking for an ethical person like you. Don't be impatient. Do the right thing and watch as the right results follow!

Be a Forerunner

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Barabra WentrobleForerunners are willing to go where they have never been before! They understand that to be successful in their calling or in their business they need to leave their comfort zones.

Forerunners step out of the familiar and are the first to do what has not been done before. Sir Edmund Hillary, along with his guide Tenzing Norgay, was one of the first men to reach the top of Mount Everest. After Hillary achieved the seemingly impossible conquest in 1953, hundreds of people have been able to ascend the summit of Mount Everest. Yet until Hillary attempted what had not been done before, Mount Everest stood as a mountain of the impossible.

There may be hundreds of people waiting for you to step out of your comfort zone, and do what has never been done before. These people need a forerunner to open the way for them. They need you to go before them, and do what you may be uncomfortable doing. Also remember to help others climb their seemingly impossible mountain. Be the forerunner you were created to be!

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